Tekla Tedds 2021 release notes
First Steps
Start your learning journey using our interactive elearning courses which consist of tutorials that you can take in any order. Alternatively you can read the Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides.
What’s new?
Some features documented below were included in previous updates to Tedds 2020.
Tedds includes a comprehensive help system and documentation that are accessible from the application Help menu.
Tekla User Assistance
The Tekla User Assistance services are 24/7 online support channels for fast self-service, where you can find all the product guides, additional knowledge-base articles and instructional videos.
Tekla Discussion Forum
The Tekla Discussion Forum is the place to meet other users and discuss topics related to Tekla products. You can ask questions, contribute to the community by sharing your knowledge or get answers from support personnel.
The Tekla Helpdesks support your daily operations so that our systems function as expected and any problems are solved as quickly as possible.