Files and file types for Tekla Warehouse content

Tekla Structures
Modificado: 6 Dez 2022
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Files and file types for Tekla Warehouse content

You can upload Tekla Structures model content and applications to Tekla Warehouse, and create 3D product catalogs in Tekla Warehouse.

File types for applications in Tekla Warehouse


The same version can contain only one 64-bit, one 32-bit, and one platform independent application (three files in total). For security reasons, .exe files must be compressed into .zip files.


File types

Internal itemtype / platform

Button to download

64-bit applications

.msi, .tsep, .zip

run / WIN_X64

Download 64-bit

32-bit applications

.msi, .zip

run / WIN_X86

Download 32-bit

Platform-independent applications or other content

.msi, .zip

run / ANY


File types for 3D product catalogs in Tekla Warehouse

3D product catalog


File types

Internal itemtype

Download result

Object geometry

You can use most 3D modeling software to create formats that can be used in Tekla Structures.

No action

.dgn, .tsc, .skp, .dxf, .dwg, .ifc, .ifcZIP, .ifcXML, .igs, .iges, .stp, .step


The object geometry is converted into a shape and a custom part.


See also Create a thumbnail for a collection or content item in Tekla Warehouse.

No action



The thumbnail is used in the Applications & components catalog for the custom part.

Properties and custom attributes

This file is created by Tekla Warehouse depending on your input. The properties are combined with the object when it is imported into Tekla Structures.




Object properties are combined with object geometry.

File types for Tekla Structures model content in Tekla Warehouse

Tekla Structures model content


File types

Internal itemtype

"Insert into model" result

Model properties, part properties, drawing properties, filters, report templates, drawing layouts and templates

Model attribute files are available to use after they have been copied into the model folder. You might have to close the model and open it again to update the options in the dialog box.

General - to Model folder

For example, .rpt, .lay, .tpl, .inp, .cbm, .ccl, .cha, .clm, .cpf, .cpl, .cpn, .crs, .csf, .csl, .dia, .grd, .grp, .gvi, .mvi, .opt, .prt, .num, .lm*, .rbg, .rbm, .rbr, .rbs, .rci, .rcu, .rep, .srf, .wld, .ad*, .cud*, .gd*, .md*, .wd*, .j*, .m*


Files are copied into the model folder. All files can be moved to the project or firm (or environment) folders if they are needed in multiple models.

You might have to restart Tekla Structures to see new drawing saved settings in the master drawing catalog.

Organizer category and object browser property templates

Model organizer template files must be exported manually from the organizer.

General - to Model folder



Model organizer template files must be imported manually into the organizer.

Environment level files such as macros and bitmaps

A separate installer must be created for files that require a specific folder location to work. The installer would install the files into the applicable locations.

Run tool

For example, .tsep, .msi, .exe


Starts the installer automatically at the end of the import process.

Bolts and bolt assemblies

The bolt assembly catalog export file contains all needed bolt types. Use Select content from Tekla Structures or export files manually.

Bolt assembly



Imported into the bolt assembly catalog and bolt catalog.

Custom components

Use Select content from Tekla Structures or export files manually from the catalog.




Imported into the Applications & components catalog.

Profiles (fixed, parametric, sketched), profile catalog tree structure

Use Select content from Tekla Structures or export files manually from the catalog.


.lis, .clb, .uel, .rules.lis, profiles.lis, profiles.clb


Imported into the profile catalog. You might have to close the model and open it again to refresh the profile catalog and view the results.

Drawing setup

Select content from Tekla Structures collects all needed property files into one compressed folder.

To inspect the contents of the .tsds file, rename the file name extension to .zip and extract.

The export does not include drawing layout (.lay) or template (.tpl) files. They must be included manually using the type General - to Model folder.

Drawing setup



Files are extracted into the model folder.

You might have to restart Tekla Structures to see new drawing saved settings in the master drawing catalog.

If you download the files and copy them into the model manually, you must rename the file name extension .tsds to .zip to view the Tekla Structures drawing setup files that can then be copied into the model folder.


Use Select content from Tekla Structures or export files manually from the catalog.




Imported into the material catalog.

Reinforcement meshes

Use Select content from Tekla Structures.

You cannot create export files manually.

Reinforcement mesh



Merged into the reinforcement mesh database file (mesh_database.inp), which is copied into the model folder.

Reinforcing bars

Use Select content from Tekla Structures or export files manually from the catalog.

Reinforcement bar

.inp, .lis, .rexp


Merged into the rebar database file (rebar_database.inp), which is copied into the model folder.


Use Select content from Tekla Structures or export files manually from the catalog.

You cannot use shape files with Create 3D product catalog because they are already converted into Tekla objects with properties.




Imported into the shape catalog.

Model templates

The model template folder must be compressed into a .zip file before upload.

Model template



The compressed folder is extracted and inserted into the user's model template directory. The import fails if a model template folder with the same name already exists, or if no model template directory definition exists.

Cloning templates

The cloning template folder must be compressed into a .zip file before upload.

Cloning template



The compressed folder is extracted and inserted into the user's cloning template directory. The import fails if a cloning template folder with the same name already exists, or if no cloning template directory definition exists.

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