Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog (old printing)

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Set up printer instances in Printer Catalog (old printing)

You need to set up printer instances in Printer Catalog for different purposes: for printing to .pdf, to print file, or to different printers, and to print in different sizes.

You can only set up Tekla Structures printer instances in Printer Catalog if you have set the advanced option XS_USE_OLD_PLOT_DIALOG to TRUE in File menu > Settings > Advanced options > Printing. If this advanced option is set to FALSE, you are using the newer printing functionality, and the Printer Catalog is not available.

Tekla Structures uses Microsoft Windows printer drivers to write the printed data directly to a printer, print file or .pdf.

There are two steps in setting up printer instances in Tekla Structures:

  • First, you need to add a printer instance in the Printer Catalog. By default, several printer instances are already defined.

  • Next, you need connect the printer instances to printer drivers and adjust the printer instance settings such as paper size and print area. You can also connect one printer driver to several printer instances, for example, to print in different sizes on the same printer.

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