Show a single reinforcing bar in a group

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Show a single reinforcing bar in a group

You can show one reinforcing bar in a group or in a mesh and hide the rest.

  1. In an open drawing, select the reinforcing bar group or mesh.
  2. Go to Quick Launch, enter Adjust Reinforcing Bars, and click the Adjust reinforcing bars command on the displayed list.
  3. Click the bar you want to remain visible.
  4. If needed, change the number of visible bars again by double-clicking the bar and changing the setting.
  5. If you want to adjust the location of a single reinforcing bar, right-click the reinforcing bar group, and click Adjust location.

    Only one bar is displayed, and the others are hidden.

  6. Click the location where you want to place the bar.

When you use the Adjust reinforcing bars command to select the visible reinforcing bar, also the customized setting becomes available for the Visibility of reinforcing bars in group option in drawing reinforcement properties. You can use this setting only after you have used the Adjust reinforcing bars command and not, for example, when you create the drawing.


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