- Início
- Tekla Structures
- Analyze models
- Work with analysis and design models
- Export a model from Tekla Structures to an analysis application
Export a model from Tekla Structures to an analysis application
Export a model from Tekla Structures to an analysis application
To run structural analysis on a Tekla Structures model, you need to export an analysis model or the physical model to an analysis application. For example, you can use Tekla Structural Designer as the analysis application.
Export an analysis model to Tekla Structural Designer
You can export a Tekla Structures analysis model to Tekla Structural Designer along with the physical model. The exported .cxl file can be imported to Tekla Structural Designer to update an existing model, or to create a new Tekla Structural Designer model on the basis of the Tekla Structures analysis model.
- Walls that consist of several segments are not exported. Only walls with a single analysis area are exported.
- Walls with chamfered corners are exported without chamfers.
- Openings in concrete walls are only exported when the walls and openings are rectangular.
- The physical position of the exported polybeams in Tekla Structural Designer may not match the physical position in Tekla Structures. However, the analysis position is correct.
Before you start:
- Open the Tekla Structures model from which you want to export.
- If you want to manually define which member type will be used for a Tekla Structures part in Tekla Structural Designer, use the TSD Member Type , TSD Slab Type , or TSD Wall Type user-defined attribute of the physical part. These attributes are available on the Tekla Structural Designer tab in the part's user-defined attributes dialog box.
For example, you can set TSD Slab Type to STEEL_DECK_1WAY , or TSD Wall Type to MID_PIER.
For more information about the member types, see the 'Specifying objects within Tekla Structures' section in the Tekla Structural Designer documentation.
- Create an analysis model that includes the parts you want to analyze. Set Tekla Structural Designer as the analysis application in the analysis model properties.
- Ensure that the analysis parts of the columns are aligned in the analysis model.
- On the Analysis & design tab, click A&D models.
Alternatively, you can go to the File menu and click Export > Tekla Structural Designer with analysis model.
- In the Analysis & Design Models dialog box:
- Select the analysis model to export.
- Click Export.
- In the Export To Tekla Structural Designer dialog box:
- Click the ... button next to Export file to set the folder location and name for the export file.
We recommend that you use a file name that indicates the analysis model name, the phase of the analysis and design workflow, and the file transfer direction. For example, AnalysisModel1 - A - Initial export from TS to TSD or AnalysisModel1 - C - Further changes from TS to TSD.
- In the Grids list, specify which of the Tekla Structures grids you want to export:
- Export all
- Export selected
- Export none
- To check the proposed profile and material grade conversions, click the Preview Conversions button.
The export uses an internal conversion list containing the standard profiles and material grades. In Quick report , any part with a profile or material grade that cannot be converted using the internal conversion list will be flagged in red, and the Tekla Structures name will be replaced with the text:
--- NO MATCH ---
- If the text --- NO MATCH --- is displayed, or if you want override the standard conversion, you can convert the profiles and materials in the following way:
- Create a profile and/or material grade conversion file in a text editor using the file name extension .cnv.
- In the text file, enter the Tekla Structural Designer profile or material grade name, the equal sign (=) and then the corresponding Tekla Structures name, for example:
STB 229x305x70=TEE229*305*70 for profile
S275JR=S275 for material grade
- In the Profile conversion file and Material conversion file boxes, specify the conversion files that you want to use for mapping profiles and material grades.
If the conversion files are not used, the parts with profiles or material grades that cannot be converted will still be created but they will use the export file profile or material grade that may be invalid.
- Click Export. The result of the export is shown in Quick report , for example, the number of parts that have been exported, and any warnings or errors related to the export.
Tekla Structures creates a .cxl file in the folder you specified using the file name you specified.
- Click the ... button next to Export file to set the folder location and name for the export file.
- To import the .cxl file to Tekla Structural Designer, follow the instructions in the Tekla Structural Designer documentation.
Export a physical model to Tekla Structural Designer
If you do not want to create a Tekla Structures analysis model and export it to Tekla Structural Designer, you can export a Tekla Structures physical model instead, and use it for analysis in Tekla Structural Designer.
We recommend that you export to Tekla Structural Designer using the analysis model. It produces a more accurate model in Tekla Structural Designer than the physical model.
For more information about the physical model export, see Export to Tekla Structural Designer and Example workflow of integration between Tekla Structures and Tekla Structural Designer.
Export an analysis model to an analysis application
To run structural analysis on a Tekla Structures analysis model using an analysis application, you need to export the analysis model into a folder. By default, the export folder is the current model folder. If you have a direct link to an analysis application, and you export an analysis model from Tekla Structures using that particular analysis application, the analysis model is opened in the application.
- On the Analysis & design tab, click A&D models.
- If needed, define the export folder.
- In the Analysis & Design Models dialog box, select the analysis model to export, and then click Properties....
- In the Analysis Model Properties dialog box, click Browse for export folder on the Analysis model tab.
- In the Browse For Folder dialog box, browse for the export folder, and then click OK.
- Click OK to save the export folder settings with the analysis model properties.
- In the Analysis & Design Models dialog box:
- Select the analysis model to export.
- Click Export.