Apply snow loading
Snow loads are applied via the snow wizard, the functionality of which varies according to the regional code being worked to:
- US regional code - snow model data is generated, snow loadcases are set up, loads are created in the balanced loadcase
- EC regional code - snow model data is generated, snow loadcases are set up, loads are created in the undrifted loadcase
- AS, BS or IS regional code - snow loadcases are set up
Irrespective of the regional code, a typical workflow for running the snow wizard is as follows:
- Prior to running the snow wizard ensure that roofed areas of the model are 'clad' with roof panels that have had their roof panel types set appropriately.
This results in a series of snow loadcases being set up.
- Manually apply loads to loadcases on completion of the snow wizard as necessary.
- Include the snow loadcases in combinations in the usual manner - either using the Combination Generator or manually.