Review sway check tabular results

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Review sway check tabular results

For those stacks to which the check has been applied, the elastic critical load factor is calculated in both directions.

Note: Sway results are not relevant to models that use the ACI/AISC head code.
To review tabular sway check results:
  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, click Tabular Data

    A Review Data tab is added to the ribbon and a Review Data View opens in a new window.

  3. On the Review Data ribbon, in the list in the View Type group, select Sway
  4. In the other groups of the Review Data ribbon, make the necessary selections to filter the results.

If there are a lot of columns in the building - in order to quickly determine the smallest elastic critical load factor in each direction, simply click the αDir1 header until the columns are arranged in increasing order, then repeat for αDir2 .

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