Distributed Wall Reactions

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer
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Distributed Wall Reactions

In line with customer requests, distributed line (force/ unit length) reactions are now automatically calculated and reported for all wall types; Meshed, Mid-pier, Bearing and General. A new filter button for these is added to the Reactions group of the Results Ribbon as shown below. The distributed reaction is generally more directly useful in additional calculations and checks for foundation design.

Key points of this feature are:

  • Distributed wall reactions are:

    • The continuous line reaction along the length of the analytical chord at the wall bottom

    • Available for all structural wall types and all Head Codes

    • Applicable to the vertical (Fz) component of the discrete analytical wall reactions of meshed walls

    • Available for all result types except Envelopes and Seismic RSA

    • Reported only for the horizontal bottom levels (analytically) of self-supported walls

    • Derived from elastic theory formulae used to calculate stress/unit length based on the total moment and vertical force acting at the centroid of the reaction line.

      • (this assumes that the wall and foundation material are sufficiently homogeneous and isotropic to allow for load distribution according to the Saint-Venant's Principle)

  • Graphical Results - Distributed wall reactions can be viewed in the Results View as follows:

    • The new Distributed wall reactions filter button is active only when Fz is selected in the reaction type drop-down list (Fz, Fxyz, Total).

    • When active, the discrete vertical reactions of the wall (1D and 2D) supports are hidden. Note also that the distributed reaction is not displayed for walls in a core when Core reactions are active.

    • The cursor tooltip gives the reaction length and the force/length values at each extreme.

    • The graphical representation of the distributed reaction is typically the same color as other reactions. An orange color indicates a high nodal force concentration - more information on this is then listed in the tooltip.

  • Drawings - Distributed wall reactions can be included in the Foundation Reactions drawing as follows:
    • A new Layer Settings option is added in Draw > Settings > Layer Configuration for the Foundation Reactions drawing - “Foundation Reaction values” in the set of controls for Walls (on by default).

    • A new summary table of Distributed wall reactions can also be included, the borders, text and notes for which are controlled by the existing “Notes” and “Tables” Layer Configuration options.

      • Note the text color and size of the reaction values in the drawing is controlled by the “Foundation Reaction Values” Layer Styles item for the Foundation Reactions drawing.

    • New options are also added to Draw > Settings > Options > Planar Drawings > Foundation Reactions > Walls to control their inclusion as shown below.

      • A summary table of reaction values can be included (see picture below).

      • Vertical reaction values can be shown on each wall, the options for these being:

        • Distributed (maximum): Maximum value UDL,

        • Distributed (Average): Average value UDL,

        • Distributed (Extremes): Calculated linear UDL/VDL extreme values,

        • Total - Integrated total

    • Note that the new Layer Configuration options will be active by default in new models - for existing files you can load these default settings by selecting the “Load…” button in the Drawing Settings dialog.

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