Check sum of reactions against load input

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Check sum of reactions against load input

Once you have performed an analysis in your model, you can use the Loading tree to quickly check that the total reaction from each analysis equates to the total load on structure. This way, you can quickly verify that none of the applied loads is missing.

  1. In the Project Workspace, go to the Loading tab.
  2. Review the status of each load case and combination.
    The status options are the following:
    • : total reaction equates to the total load on structure

    • : total reaction does not equate to the total load on structure

    • : total reaction is not available

Example cross-checks

The General section of the properties for each loadcase provides summations (in global X, Y & Z) of the different load types applied to the structure, from these the total applied load is determined. The total reaction from the 3D Analysis result is also reported in this section. Assuming a 3D analysis, FE chasedown analysis and grillage chasedown analysis have all been performed:

  • The Total User Applied Load should equate to the Total Load on Structure.
  • The Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for 3D analysis reported in the General section.
  • The Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for FE chasedown analysis reported in the FE ChaseDown section.
  • For each sub-model in the FE ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
  • The Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for Grillage chasedown analysis reported in the Grillage ChaseDown section.
  • For each sub-model in the Grillage ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
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