Manage breakdown items
Schedule breakdown items allow you to divide a project into subtasks to schedule and track the completion of tasks. You can add new breakdown items, modify existing ones, change the priorities of breakdown items, and delete any unnecessary breakdown items.
Large jobs can be split into sequences or phases, which can be broken down further into lots. Sequences and lots are often used as breakdown items, so that tasks can be performed for each sequence and lot separately. Tasks on the schedule can be linked to specific breakdown items.
You can manage breakdown items in the Schedule Breakdown Item dialog box.
Add a new breakdown item
The breakdown item and its link details are added to the project schedule. You can see the breakdown item in the navigation tree on the left side of the dialog box.
Modify a breakdown item
- On the Project Breakdown tab of the Project Schedule dialog, click the breakdown item that you want to modify.
- Click Properties.
- Modify the properties of the breakdown item.
- Click the Apply to Tasks tab to open it.
modify the schedule tasks to which the breakdown
item is applied, do one of the following:
- To apply the breakdown item to all schedule tasks, select the All checkbox.
- To only apply the breakdown item to specific schedule task, click Select, use the arrow buttons to move the desired tasks to the Included list, and click OK.
Do the
following to modify which links will be applied
between the subtasks:
- Click Save to update the breakdown item properties.
Change the priority of a breakdown item
Moving breakdown items up or down in the list changes their priority.
If you move a breakdown item up, its priority is swapped with the previous breakdown item, whereas if you move a breakdown item down, its priority is swapped with the following breakdown item. For example, moving an item with the priority 1.3 up would change its priority to 1.2.
Delete a breakdown item
Deleting a breakdown item is permanent and cannot be undone. All subitems of the selected breakdown item are deleted as well.
You cannot delete a breakdown item if you are currently viewing a snapshot. For more information, see Project schedule snapshots and savepoints.