Adjust quantity and weight labor factors
Quantity and weight labor factors are used in extrapolation factors, which affect the efficiency of labor for specific labor operations. For example, for longer items, the efficiency may be greater than normal, and for heavy items, the efficiency may decrease. In Quantity and Weight Labor Factor Maintenance, you can add, modify, and delete these labor factors by material group.
To see which labor operations use the quantity and weight labor factors, refer to the Operation Maintenance dialog box.
To open the Quantity and Weight Labor Factor Maintenance dialog box:
Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
On the menu, select .
The Quantity and Weight Labor Factor Maintenance dialog box opens.
The quantity labor factors are adjusted on the Quantity tab, whereas the weight labor factors are adjusted on the Weight tab.
Quantity and weight labor factors are created separately for each shop setup in Tekla EPM. To switch to another shop setup, see Change the active shop setup. Remember to add the labor factors to each shop where they are needed.
Add quantity or weight labor factors
Before you add labor factors, ensure that you are on the right tab. To add quantity labor factors, you need to have the Quantity tab open. To add weight labor factors, you need to have the Weight tab open.
The new labor factor is added to the selected shop setup.
Modify quantity or weight labor factors
- In either the Quantity or Weight list, select the labor factor that you want to modify.
- Modify the quantity or weight and percentage.
- Click Save to update the labor factor.
Delete quantity or weight labor factors
- On either the Quantity or Weight tab, select the labor factor that you want to delete.
- In the lower-right corner, click Delete.
- To permanently delete the labor factor, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.