Create, modify, and delete automated events

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Create, modify, and delete automated events

By creating automated events, you can have Tekla EPM perform operations either on demand or automatically according to a set schedule. For example, you can create automatic reports to stay up to date on the progress of a project.

  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Automated Events.

The Automated Events dialog box opens.

Note that the Tekla EPM Remote Server must be running in order for automated events to run as scheduled. For more information on starting the Tekla EPM Remote Server, see Set up the Tekla EPM Remote Server.

If the Tekla EPM Remote Server is running normally, the message at the top of the dialog box is black.

If the Tekla EPM Remote Server is not running, the message at the top of the dialog box is highlighted in red and warns you that automated events will not be run as scheduled.

Define the outgoing email settings

You need to define the outgoing email settings to receive automatic reports or failure notifications by email.

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click the Automated Events ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Outgoing Email Settings.
  3. On the Outgoing SMTP Server tab of the Automated Event Email Settings dialog box, select the Enable Outgoing Email check box.
  4. Define the host, port, username, password, and sender name and email address.
  5. To test the outgoing email server settings, click Test.
  6. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send failure notifications.
  7. Click Save to save the settings.

Create a report event

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select Report.
  4. If you have created a report event, define the event properties as follows:
    1. Click the Event Properties button.

      The Report Event Properties dialog box opens.

    2. In the Report Group list at the top of the Report Event Properties dialog box, select the group to which the reports that you want to save or send belong.
    3. Select the report list that contains the desired report.
    4. Click the Select Reports button.
    5. In the Select Reports dialog box, click the arrow buttons to move the reports that you want to include in the automated event to the Included list.
    6. Click OK.

      The selected reports are added to the list on the left.

    7. To filter the reports to only include particular items, click Set Filters.
    8. To add fields that are not included in the report, click Additional Report Parameters, and type the missing field names and their values.

      The format for adding fields is FieldName=Value. For example, to add a field for cost center and set the value to A123, type CostCode=A123.

      Note that you need to separate each parameter with a semicolon (;).

    9. To change the name of the report file, click Set Export Filename, type the desired name, and click OK.

      You can view the placeholders available for file names and folders on the Save to Directory of the Report Event Properties dialog box. You can use these placeholders in the file names of reports to ensure that other files are not overwritten and that the event does not fail because a report with the same file name is open.

    10. At the bottom of the dialog box, select if you want to show the company logo in the report files, and if you want to compress the reports into a .zip file.
    11. In the Export Format list, select if you want to send or save the reports as PDF files, Microsoft Excel worksheets, or text files.
    12. To send the report by email, on the Send Email tab, select firm type, company name, and contact person, and click Add Recipient.

      You can add more recipients by selecting a new firm type, company name, and contact person, and clicking Add Recipient again.

      Note that the company and contact person need to exist in the Address Book. The contact person also needs to have an email address in the Address Book.

    13. To save the report in a folder, on the Save to Directory tab, click the ... button, select the folder where you want to save the file, and click OK.
    14. To save the settings of the report event, click OK at the bottom of the Report Event Properties dialog box.
  5. Set the reporting frequency:


    Do this

    Create an automated event that repeats with a particular interval

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Interval.

      The Interval tab opens, allowing you to define the desired interval.

    2. In the Interval Units list, select if the interval is measured in hours, days, or weeks.

    3. In the Value field, type the number of hours, days, or weeks.

    Create an automated event that repeats on particular days of the week

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens on the bottom half of the dialog box, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Week.

      The Day of Week tab opens.

    4. Select check boxes next to the days when you want to run the automated event.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

    Create an automated event that repeats on a particular day of the month

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Month.

      The Day of Month tab opens.

    4. Define the day number.

      If you type 31, the automated event runs on the last date of each month, including the months with less than 31 days.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

  6. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  7. Click Save to create the automated event.

Create an automated Trimble Connect synchronization event

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select Publish to Trimble Connect.
  4. To send an email if publishing the information to Trimble Connect fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the automated database optimization fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. Click Event Properties.
  6. Select which actions happen when the automated event is run:
    • Publish to Organizer: Publish jobs to Trimble Connect Organizer.

    • Publish to Status Sharing: Publish jobs to Trimble Connect Status Share.

    • Push Projects: Publish project management jobs to the selected applications.

      You can select which jobs should be published by clicking Set Filter.

    • Push Estimates: Publish estimating jobs to the selected applications.

      You can select which jobs should be published by clicking Set Filter.

    • Push Production Control Jobs: Publish production control jobs to the selected applications.

      You can select which jobs should be published by clicking Set Filter.

  7. Click Save to save the actions to be published and the applied filters.
  8. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  9. Click Save to save the automated event.

Create an automated database optimization event

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select Optimize Database Tables.
  4. To send an email if the database optimization fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the automated database optimization fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. Set the reporting frequency:


    Do this

    Create an automated event that repeats with a particular interval

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Interval.

      The Interval tab opens, allowing you to define the desired interval.

    2. In the Interval Units list, select if the interval is measured in hours, days, or weeks.

    3. In the Value field, type the number of hours, days, or weeks.

    Create an automated event that repeats on particular days of the week

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens on the bottom half of the dialog box, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Week.

      The Day of Week tab opens.

    4. Select check boxes next to the days when you want to run the automated event.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

    Create an automated event that repeats on a particular day of the month

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Month.

      The Day of Month tab opens.

    4. Define the day number.

      If you type 31, the automated event runs on the last date of each month, including the months with less than 31 days.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

  6. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  7. Click Save to create the automated event.

Create an automated database backup

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select Database Backup.
  4. To send an email if the database backup fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the automated database backup fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. Set the reporting frequency:


    Do this

    Create an automated event that repeats with a particular interval

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Interval.

      The Interval tab opens, allowing you to define the desired interval.

    2. In the Interval Units list, select if the interval is measured in hours, days, or weeks.

    3. In the Value field, type the number of hours, days, or weeks.

    Create an automated event that repeats on particular days of the week

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens on the bottom half of the dialog box, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Week.

      The Day of Week tab opens.

    4. Select check boxes next to the days when you want to run the automated event.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

    Create an automated event that repeats on a particular day of the month

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Month.

      The Day of Month tab opens.

    4. Define the day number.

      If you type 31, the automated event runs on the last date of each month, including the months with less than 31 days.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

  6. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  7. Click Save to create the automated event.

Create an automated inventory sync event

Inventory can be synchronized to Tekla EPM from either ProNest or SigmaNest.

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select ProNest Inventory Sync or SigmaNest Inventory Sync .
  4. To send an email if the automated inventory sync fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the automated inventory sync fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. Set the reporting frequency:


    Do this

    Create an automated event that repeats with a particular interval

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Interval.

      The Interval tab opens, allowing you to define the desired interval.

    2. In the Interval Units list, select if the interval is measured in hours, days, or weeks.

    3. In the Value field, type the number of hours, days, or weeks.

    Create an automated event that repeats on particular days of the week

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens on the bottom half of the dialog box, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Week.

      The Day of Week tab opens.

    4. Select check boxes next to the days when you want to run the automated event.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

    Create an automated event that repeats on a particular day of the month

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Month.

      The Day of Month tab opens.

    4. Define the day number.

      If you type 31, the automated event runs on the last date of each month, including the months with less than 31 days.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

  6. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  7. Click Save to create the automated event.

Create an automated cut list import event

Inventory can be synchronized to Tekla EPM from ProNest, SigmaNest, or Peddinghaus Raptor.

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select of the following based on the software you use:
    • ProNest Cut List Import

    • SigmaNest Cut List Import

    • Peddinghaus iDSTV+ Cut List Import

  4. To send an email if the automated cut list import fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the automated cut list import fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. If you selected the Peddinghaus iDSTV+ Cut List Import option, click Event Properties, and browse to find and select the directory from which you want to import iDSTV+ files that contain cut information.
  6. Set the reporting frequency:


    Do this

    Create an automated event that repeats with a particular interval

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Interval.

      The Interval tab opens, allowing you to define the desired interval.

    2. In the Interval Units list, select if the interval is measured in hours, days, or weeks.

    3. In the Value field, type the number of hours, days, or weeks.

    Create an automated event that repeats on particular days of the week

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens on the bottom half of the dialog box, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Week.

      The Day of Week tab opens.

    4. Select check boxes next to the days when you want to run the automated event.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

    Create an automated event that repeats on a particular day of the month

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Month.

      The Day of Month tab opens.

    4. Define the day number.

      If you type 31, the automated event runs on the last date of each month, including the months with less than 31 days.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

  7. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  8. Click Save to create the automated event.

Create a production status export event

You can export the production statuses of particular projects from Tekla EPM to another Tekla product, SDS/2, or Advance Steel.

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select Production Status Export.
  4. To send an email if the automated production status export fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the production status export fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. To define the details of the automated event, click Event Properties.
  6. If you want to export the production statuses of only particular projects, set filters:
    1. Click Set Filter.
    2. In the Project Management Report Filters dialog box, select a filter type in the Type list, and click Select.
    3. In the Filter dialog box, click the arrow buttons to move the jobs or job groups whose statuses you want to export to the Included list.
    4. Click OK to save the filter.

      Repeat steps a to b to d to set all necessary filters.

    5. When you have set all necessary filters, click OK to apply the filters.
  7. In the Export Recipient list, select the software to which you want to export the production status information.
  8. Click ... on the right side of the Export Directory field, browse to and select the folder where you want to export the production status information, and click OK.
  9. If you want to include a time stamp in the file name, select Include Timestamp in Export Filename check box.
  10. Click Save to save the event details.
  11. Set the reporting frequency:


    Do this

    Create an automated event that repeats with a particular interval

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Interval.

      The Interval tab opens, allowing you to define the desired interval.

    2. In the Interval Units list, select if the interval is measured in hours, days, or weeks.

    3. In the Value field, type the number of hours, days, or weeks.

    Create an automated event that repeats on particular days of the week

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens on the bottom half of the dialog box, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Week.

      The Day of Week tab opens.

    4. Select check boxes next to the days when you want to run the automated event.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

    Create an automated event that repeats on a particular day of the month

    1. In the Repeat Type list, select Scheduled.

      The Scheduled tab opens, allowing you to define the schedule.

    2. Click Add.

    3. In the Schedule on list at the top of the Automated Event Schedule, select Day of Month.

      The Day of Month tab opens.

    4. Define the day number.

      If you type 31, the automated event runs on the last date of each month, including the months with less than 31 days.

    5. In the Run At lists, select the time when you want to run the report.

    6. Click Save to save the event schedule.

    The Automated Event Schedule dialog box closes.

  12. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  13. Click Save to create the automated event.

Create an API log check event

Several Tekla EPM integrations call for the API. The commands in these integrations are recorded in the API log. The API Log Check event searches the API log to find any failed commands since the last log check, and sends an email with the failed entries to the selected email addresses.

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, click New Event.
  2. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the event.
  3. In the Event Type list, select API Log Check.
  4. To send an email if the API log check fails:
    1. Click Failure Notifications.
    2. If you have not yet defined the outgoing email settings, do so on the Outgoing SMTP Server tab.

      You need to select the Enable Outgoing Email check box and define the host, port, user name, password, sender name, and sender email address. You can also test the outgoing email server settings by clicking Test.

    3. On the Failure Notifications tab, type the email addresses to which you want to send a message if the API log check fails.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    4. Click Save.
  5. To send a list of failed entries in the API log in an email:
    1. Click Event Properties.
    2. Type the email addresses to which you want to send the list of failed entries in the API log.

      Note that you need to type each email address on a separate line.

    3. Click Save.
  6. To allow Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, ensure that the Event Enabled check box is selected.
  7. Click Save to create the automated event.

Run an automated event manually

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, select the automated event that you want to run.
  2. Click Run Event Now.
  3. To confirm running the event, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

    The event is run. Note that the event ID is highlighted with yellow in the Automated Events dialog box.

    The Status dialog box opens, showing the progress of the event.

  4. When the event has been run, click OK to close the Status dialog box.

If the event has been run successfully, the Last Run column displays the latest run time on a green background.

You can view the details of the last run by clicking the Last Event Status button.

Copy an automated event

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, select the automated event that you want to copy.
  2. Click Copy Event.
  3. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, type a title and a description for the copied event.
  4. Modify any other event properties according to your needs.
  5. Click Save to save the properties of the copied event.

Modify an automated event

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, select the automated event that you want to modify.
  2. Click Event Properties.
  3. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, modify the title and the description for the event.
  4. In the Event Type list, change the type of event according to your needs.
  5. Modify the event properties and the reporting frequency as needed.

    For example, if you do not want Tekla EPM to perform the event automatically, clear the Event Enabled check box.

  6. Click Save to update the automated event.

View the run history of an automated event

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, select the automated event whose entire run history you want to view.
  2. Click Event Properties.
  3. In the Automated Event Details dialog box, click Result History.
  4. In the Results dialog box, review the result history of the automated event.

    If an error has occurred during a run, the Error Message column of the run is highlighted in red, and a brief description of the error is displayed.

  5. To view more details about a particular run and its errors, select the run and click Details.
  6. To close the Results dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.

Delete an automated event

Note that deleting an automated event is permanent and cannot be undone.

  1. In the Automated Events dialog box, select the automated event that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Event.
  3. To permanently delete the automated event, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
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