Generation of purlins (50)

Tekla Structures
Modificado: 25 Set 2023
Tekla Structures

Generation of purlins (50)

Generation of purlins (50) creates multiple profiles that can be used as wall or roof purlins, panels, or timber or concrete parts.

Objects created

  • Purlins

Use for




Wall panel

Selection order

  1. Pick the start point of the purlins.

  2. Select the parts that divide up the purlins.

  3. Click the middle mouse button to create the purlins.


    The placement of the purlins is defined by the input parts.

Part identification key




Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the number of purlins, distances between the purlins and purlin overhang lengths.

Purlin dimensions



Define the edge distance from the picked point to the first purlin.


Define the number of purlins.


Define the distance between the purlins.

The distances are calculated from center-to-center.


Define the edge distance from the last purlin to the part end point.

The distance depends on the option Purlin distance according to.


Define the type and length for purlin overhangs in the purlin start.


Define how the purlins are split and the size of the gap between the purlins.


Define the type and length for purlin overhangs in the purlin end.

Purlin distances

Define how the distances between purlins are calculated.



Exact number of purlins

Define the purlin start point with an edge distance .

The remaining length is divided according to the values in .

For example:

Fill to the end

Define the purlin start point with an edge distance in . The remaining length is divided according to the values in , considering the edge distance in .

Purlin profile

Intermediate distances

Define the distances between the purlins. This is suitable especially for concrete floors.

For example, define the distances on the Picture tab and the purlin profile properties on the Parts tab:

Divide equally

Purlin distances are equally divided by the length of profiles.

Purlin type

This option is recommended for vertical profiles, such as concrete walls or panels.

The height of the part that is set in the purlin profile properties on the Parts tab can be overridden by the levels defined in the Top level purlin panels option on the Parts tab.

For example:

The width of the panel that is set in the purlin profile properties on the Parts tab can be overridden by the Plate thickness option on the Parts tab. If the Plate thickness option is empty, then the plate thickness in the profile properties is used.

For example:


Define the purlin level compared to the main part.



Reference point of main part

Centerline of main part

Bottom face of main part

Top face of main part

Purlin direction

Define which direction is used for the new purlins.

Purlin overlap

Select whether purlins can overlap (Yes) or not (No). Setting purlins to overlap helps in root sheeting, for example.

Note that if you set the overlap to No and the distance between the purlins is smaller than the width of the purlins, only one of the purlins is created.

Length of purlins

Define how the purlins are split. You can select both a pattern for the purlins and define how many gaps a purlin will cover.

Option Description

Select a pattern for the purlins from the list. The patterns with red purlins control the first purlin in odd or even purlin rows.

Enter the number of gaps that a purlin covers in the length boxes.

For example:

Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the purlin properties and purlin positioning.

Purlin profile




Define the purlin thickness, width and height.

The default value is PL100*100.





Prefix and start number for the part position number.

Some components have a second row of fields where you can enter the assembly position number.

The default part start number is defined in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Material grade.

The default material is defined in the Part material box in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Part class number.


Add a comment about the part.

Purlin position




Define the number of purlins per type. Multiple purlin types can be defined. Separate the numbers with a space. For example 1*1 4*2 results in 1 purlin of type #1 and 4 purlins of type #2.


Invert the local direction of the purlin. This is useful especially for asymmetrical profiles.

You can define the inversion separately for each purlin type.

The options are:

0= direction is inverted

1= direction is not inverted

On plane

In the first box, define the purlin position in the horizontal plane.

You can define the position separately for each purlin type.

The options are:

0 = middle

1 = left

2 = right

In the second box, enter a value to define a horizontal offset.


In the first box, enter the rotation of the purlin.

You can define the rotation separately for each purlin type.

The options are:

0= back

1= below

2= front

3= top

In the second box, enter an angle for other rotation angles.

At depth

In the first box, define the purlin position in the vertical plane.

You can define the position separately for each purlin type.

The options are:

0 = middle

1 = front

2 = behind

In the second box, enter a value to define a vertical offset.

Purlin panel levels

Enter one or more values to define elevations. This is useful especially for panels.

Separate the numbers with a space. Use this option only if you have set the Purlin distance according to option to Purlin type on the Picture tab.


Define the reference for the purlin elevations, for example, for wall panels. The elevations are set in the Top level purlin panels option.



Elevation is in between the parts.

Elevation is on the top side of the bottom part.

Elevation is on the bottom side of the top part.

Panel thickness

Define the thickness of the panels. This works only with parametric profiles, such as AS_PNL. Use this option only if you have set the Purlin distance according to option to Purlin type on the Picture tab.

The defined panel thickness overrides the width set in the purlin profile properties.



Plate thickness

For example:

100 mm

Use extra purlin positioning

Set the Use extra purlin positioning option to Yes to change the position and rotation of each even or odd purlin.

Joints tab

Use the Joints tab to define the components used for connecting the beams and the purlins.

Option Description
Creation of joints

Select whether connections are created.

No: Only the purlins are created.

Yes: Components are added between the purlins and the beams.

Connection type

Select the connection type from the list. You can select a suitable custom component or a connection, or you can select one of the predefined connections.

You can define the connections for the start connection (1), middle connection with two parts (2), middle connection with one part (3), and the end connection (4).

Component name / number

If you have selected a custom component or a connection as the connection type, select the custom component or connection from theApplications & components catalog.

Configuration file

Select the configuration settings for the connection.

Direction, Class

The values you define are shown on the General tab of the selected connection.

UDA tab

Use the UDA tab to add information in the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of the parts.



UDA name

Enter the name of the user-defined attribute.

For example, to add a comment UDA, open the objects.inp file in a text editor and search for comment. The following attribute is shown:

attribute("comment", "j_comment", string, "%s", no, none, "0.0", "0.0")

The first text between the quotation marks is the UDA name, comment. The entered name is case sensitive.


Select the UDA type.

Use String for text, Integer for numbers, Float for numbers with decimals and Option for selecting an item in a list. You can find the UDA type in the objects.inp file.


Enter a value for the UDA. Use text and/or numbers, depending on the defined UDA type.

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