Convert DSTV to DXF (old conversion tool)
You can create NC/DSTV files in DXF format by converting DSTV files to DXF files. Before running a DXF conversion, you must first create the NC files in DSTV format. The old conversion tool is available in Tekla Warehouse.
Install the DSTV to DXF converter
- Download the DSTV to DXF converter installer package from Tekla Warehouse.
- Install the TSEP package.
Convert DSTV files to DXF
You can convert the created DSTV files in DXF format by using the Convert DSTV files to DXF macro.
Limitation: The macro has been designed for simple plates. Therefore it may not give correct conversion results for beams, columns, and bent polybeams.
Convert DSTV files to DXF using tekla_dstv2dxf.exe
You can use a separate Tekla Structures program tekla_dstv2dxf.exe to convert the DSTV files to DXF format. Only one side of a part (front, top, back or bottom) is written to the file, and therefore this export format is most suited to plates.
The program is located in the ..\Tekla Structures\<version>\bin\applications\Tekla\Tools\dstv2dxf folder. The conversion settings are loaded from the settings in the appropriate tekla_dstv2dxf_<env>.def file.