This example shows how to link a
parametric variable to an Excel spreadsheet. For example, you can use Excel spreadsheets to
check connections.
Create an Excel spreadsheet.
The name of the spreadsheet file must be
component_"component_name".xls. For example,
component_stiffener.xls for a custom component
whose name is stiffener.
Save the Excel spreadsheet in the model folder:
Alternatively, you can save the spreadsheet in the folder defined with the
advanced option.
the Custom component editor toolbar, click the Display variables
The Variables dialog box opens.
Add to create a new parametric variable.
Modify the variable as follows:
In the Value type list, select Yes/No.
In the Name box, enter use_externaldesign.
In the Label in dialog box box, enter Use external design.
Save the custom component.
Close the custom component editor.
The custom component dialog box now contains the
Use external design option.