
Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word


Tekla Tedds supports sharing your work in several ways, whether you want to integrate your calculations within a Tekla Structures model, or a Tekla Structural Designer model, or share documents iusing the Trimble Connect cloud.

  • The Tekla Tedds Integrator allows Tedds documents to be linked to Tekla Structures models.
  • Integration with Tekla Structural Designer allows you to design specific structural elements in your Tekla Structural Designer models.
  • Trimble Connect is a cloud service that allows you to store and share all information related to the project and can be used with various software, including Tekla Tedds. The Trimble Connector in Tekla Tedds allows you to upload and download documents to/from the Trimble Connect cloud.
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