Engineering library update - December 2022

Tekla Tedds
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Engineering library update - December 2022

Tekla Tedds engineering library update (December 2022 - version 24.09) is available in Tekla Downloads.

American Design

Steel joist design (SJI)

Updated calculation in accordance with the Steel Joist Institute Standard Specification Load Tables and Weight Tables for Steel Joists and Joist Girders, 45th Edition.

Cold-formed steel joist design (AISI), Cold-formed steel wall design (AISI)

Updated calculations in accordance with SSMA Product Technical Guide 2022.

Other Updates

RC column design (ACI318)

Correct undefined variable, s_{s}, error.

Seismic forces (ASCE7)

Corrected wrong seismic response coefficient equation references when alternative design spectral response parameter used.

Cold-formed steel joist design (AISI)
TEDDS-3453 Removed irrelevant calculation note.
Cold-formed steel wall design (AISI)
TEDDS-3453 Removed irrelevant calculation note.
TEDDS-7332 Minor revisions to Curtain Wall Limiting Heights - Single Span data table affecting bracing notes.

Australian Design

No updates.

British Design


Soakaway design (BRE digest 365/SUDS)
TEDDS-3848 Enhanced the calculation to include user defined Z2 values.

Canadian Design

No updates.

Eurocode Design

Product bulletin November 2022 (PBT-2211-1)

Timber racking loads (EN1991) - Fixed a potentially un-conservative error affecting the calculation of racking loads for flat roof buildings. For more detailed information please refer to Product bulletin November 2022 (PBT-2211-1).

Other Updates

Pile analysis (EN1997)
TEDDS-7050 Fixed undefined variable error when adding or inserting a new stratum.
RC raft foundation (EN1992)
TEDDS-7308 Fixed missing value for b1 when selecting National Annex other than UK.
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