Trimble Connect

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Trimble Connect

Trimble Connect is a project collaboration tool allowing project stakeholders access to reliable, up-to-date project information. It is available as a cloud-based platform (Trimble Connect Web) and a Windows application (Trimble Connect for Windows). Projects are synchronized between the Windows app and the cloud.

Note: To learn more about Trimble Connect, see:
Note: You need to have a Trimble Identity before you can start using Trimble Connect

Trimble Connect Project Explorer is used within Tekla Tedds to control the flow of information between the open Tedds project and a Trimble Connect project.

With Trimble Connect Project Explorer you can:

  • link a Tedds project to a Trimble Connect project
  • create and rename folders in a Trimble Connect project
  • view a file list and rename files in a Trimble Connect project
  • upload the Tedds project documents to a Trimble Connect project
Note: A Tedds project can only be linked to a Trimble Connect project from the Trimble Connect Project Explorer and not from the web or Windows apps. The Tedds project must be linked before any information can move between Tekla Tedds and Trimble Connect.

Launch Trimble Connect Project Explorer from the Tedds Application

  1. Open a project in the Tedds Application.
  2. Log in using your Trimble Identity, (if not already signed in).
  3. On the View tab, click the Trimble Connect droplist.
  4. Select Trimble Connect

    Trimble Connect Project Explorer opens, either as a docked window, or as a tab on the right of the interface.

  5. Confirm that the Server Location shown at the top of the window is appropriate to your location.
    Available projects are listed with link icons as below.
Tip: If the project in which you want to collaborate is not shown, try clicking the refresh button to synchronise with the cloud. If it still not shown you would need somebody with the appropriate permissions to create it, or grant you access, using Trimble Connect Web, or Trimble Connect for Windows.
Tip: If a 'Cannot find linked project' message is displayed, this indicates either that you do not have permission to view the project; or, that the project to which the model was previously linked has been deleted - in this situation you would need to click 'Unlink' before you are able to link the model with another project.

Link or unlink a project

To link to a project:

  1. Click next to the project you want to link to.
    When the model is linked, the project name appears at the top of the window and the icon changes as shown below.

    Any folders or files in the Trimble Connect project that you have read access to are also displayed.

To unlink from a project:

  1. Click to unlink the project.
    The full list of available projects is displayed once more.

Create folders, rename folders, rename files

When you link to a Trimble Connect project the existing project folder structure is displayed. You can add to this, if required.
Note: You can only create but not delete folders in Trimble Connect Project Explorer. Folders can only be deleted in Trimble Connect Web, or Trimble Connect for Windows.

You can only rename folders and files to which you have write access.

To create a folder:

  1. Right click in the Trimble Connect Project Explorer window.
  2. Select Create folder and enter the folder name.

To create a subfolder:

  1. Right click on an existing folder.
  2. Click Create folder and enter the folder name.

To rename a file or folder:

  1. Right click on the file/folder.
  2. Select Rename

Upload the documents from your Tedds project as pdfs

  1. Right-click on the folder that you want to upload the documents to.
  2. Select Upload Tedds project
    A progress bar is displayed while the documents are being uploaded.
  3. When the upload is complete, open the folder to confirm the documents have been uploaded.

    The Tedds project documents will appear in the selected folder as pdf files. After an 'assimilation' process it will be possible for collaborators to view these in Trimble Connect.

Note: If the Tedds project is subsequently updated, you can upload a new revisions of the ifc file. To do this, right-click on the ifc file name and select Upload new version.

View the uploaded pdfs in Trimble Connect

To open Trimble Connect from the ribbon:

  1. If not already signed in, click log in (at the top right of the interface).
  2. On the View tab, click the Trimble Connect droplist.
  3. Select Trimble Connect Web, or Trimble Connect for Windows as required.
    • Trimble Connect Web: This launches the in-browser web app. If the open Tedds project is associated with a Trimble Connect project, the project itself is opened, otherwise a default Trimble Connect page is opened.

    • Trimble Connect for Window: This launches the Windows application. Again, if the open Tedds project is associated with a Trimble Connect project then that project is opened.

To open Trimble Connect from Trimble Connect Project Explorer:

  1. Right-click on a folder in the Trimble Connect Project Explorer window.
  2. Select Open in Trimble Connect Web, or Open in Trimble Connect for Windows as required.

    The in-browser web or Windows app is launched and opened at the selected folder.

To view the uploaded pdfs:

  1. Navigate to the folder to which the pdfs were uploaded.
  2. Double click on an individual pdf to view.
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