2024 SP4: Ważne ulepszenia i poprawki

Tekla Structures
Zmodyfikowany: 13 wrz 2024
Tekla Structures

2024 SP4: Ważne ulepszenia i poprawki

Najnowszy dodatek Tekla Structures Service Pack i zaktualizowane instalatory środowiska są dostępne w Tekla Downloads.

Tekla Structures 2024 SP4.1 zastępuje 2024 SP4

Wersja Tekla Structures 2024 SP4 została wycofana z powodu poważnego problemu, który powodował, że w niektórych sytuacjach w narzędziu Układ ścian otwory okienne nie działały poprawnie. Poprawka TSAC-8661, która spowodowała ten problem, została usunięta w Tekla Structures 2024 SP4.1.

Wcześniej ponownie wydane dodatki Service Pack miały taką samą numerację jak dodatki Service Pack, które zastępowały. Doprecyzowaliśmy numerację ponownie wydanych dodatków Service Pack, aby lepiej wyróżniały się na tle poprzedniego instalatora. W tym przypadku dodatek Service Pack 4.1 zastępuje wcześniej wydany dodatek Service Pack 4. Dodatek Service Pack 4.1 zawiera pełny instalator, więc nie ma potrzeby instalowania poprzedniego dodatku Service Pack przed zainstalowaniem dodatku Service Pack 4.1.

Pobierz Tekla Structures

Konwerter DSTV na DXF - nowe ustawienia do sterowania otworami gwintowanymi

Począwszy od wersji Tekla Structures 2023 można tworzyć otwory gwintowane. W obecnej wersji wprowadzono możliwość poprawnego zapisu otworów gwintowanych w formacie DXF oraz możliwość sterowania danymi wyjściowymi za pomocą nowych ustawień w oknie dialogowym Konwerter DSTV na DXF.

  • Na karcie Środowisko dodano nowe ustawienie o nazwie Rysuj otwory gwintowane, które ma następujące opcje:

    • Rozmiar otworu głównego: Mapuje i rysuje otwory gwintowane przy użyciu konwersji rozmiaru otworu głównego i warstw.
    • Rozmiar nominalny: Rysuje gwintowane otwory przy użyciu rozmiaru nominalnego (wartość DSTV). Otwory gwintowane są przyporządkowywane do warstw i kolorów zdefiniowanych na nowej karcie Otwory gwintowane.
    • Nie: Otwory gwintowane są ignorowane w plikach wyjściowych DSTV, tzn. program ich tam nie rysuje.
  • Dodano nową kartę " Otwory gwintowane" z następującymi ustawieniami:

    • NAZWA WARSTWY: Definiuje nazwę warstwy otworów gwintowanych.
    • ŚREDNICA: Ustawia średnicę dla otworów gwintowanych na zdefiniowanej warstwie. Jest to taki sam rozmiar, jak w pliku NC DSTV.
    • ROZMIAR OTWORU GŁÓWNEGO: Umożliwia ustawienie rozmiaru otworu głównego dla otworów gwintowanych na zdefiniowanej warstwie. Jest to rozmiar używany w pliku wyjściowym DXF, jeżeli w ustawieniu Rysuj otwory gwintowane zaznaczono opcję Rozmiar otworu głównego.
    • KOLOR: Ustawia nowy kolor dla otworów gwintowanych na zdefiniowanej warstwie.


Używanie jednostki miary grad w wymiarach kątowych

Teraz zamiast stopni w wymiarach kątowych można używać jednostek grad.

Na przykład na rysunkach zestawczych, na których pokazane jest wyrównanie mostu z drogą poniżej, powszechną praktyką jest pokazywanie kąta w gradach zamiast stopni.

Dostępne są nowe opcje dla jednostek grad w panelu właściwości wymiaru kątowego, kontekstowym pasku narzędzi, we właściwościach wymiarów rysunku zestawczego oraz starych oknach dialogowych właściwości wymiaru:

Grady z boku

Grady na wierzchołku kąta

Trójkąt z gradami

Możesz użyć nowej opcji zaawansowanej, XS_ANGLE_GRADIAN_SIGN, aby ustawić pożądany znak jednostek grad. Wartością domyślną jest "g". Ta opcja zaawansowana znajduje się w kategorii Właściwości rysunku w oknie dialogowym Opcje zaawansowane.


Eksport do Tekla PowerFab - nowa opcja umożliwiająca dodanie separatora pliku rysunku

W ustawieniach eksportu do programu Tekla PowerFab dodano nową opcję Dodaj separator pliku rysunku, która pozwala oddzielać znaki elementów głównego i podrzędnego we wprowadzanych ciągach znaków. Ma to na celu zachowanie spójności nazw rysunków eksportowanych z programu Tekla Structures do programu Tekla PowerFab w przypadku używania separatora numeru pozycji. W programie Tekla Structures w oknie dialogowym Opcje w sekcji ustawień Numeracja wprowadź znak w polu Separator numeru pozycji (Plik > Ustawienia > Opcje).

Wcześniej separator był zastępowany w eksporcie. Na przykład jeśli eksportowano rysunki zespołów PHB-41.pdf i PHB4-1.pdf, separatory „-” zostały usunięte i eksportowany pakiet zawierał tylko jeden plik PDF o nazwie PHB41.pdf.


Nowa opcja zaawansowana do definiowania stylu końca linii w plikach PDF

Na rysunkach PDF naroża w liniach nie zawsze spełniały standardy rysunkowe.

Teraz można użyć nowej opcji zaawansowanej XS_DRAWINGS_LINE_CAP_STYLE, aby dostosować kształt końców linii na wydrukach PDF, definiując styl zakończenia linii. Wprowadź jedną z następujących wartości:

0 = linie przerwane w narożach. Jest to wartość domyślna i stary sposób drukowania końca linii.

1 = naroża zaokrąglone (zalecane)

2 = naroża prostokątne

XS_DRAWINGS_LINE_CAP_STYLE znajduje się w Drukowanie kategorii Opcje zaawansowane okna dialogowego.

Wartość 0:

Wartość 1:

Wartość 2:


Najważniejsza poprawka: Prawidłowe działanie przycisków w oknach dialogowych właściwości rysunku

Przyciski powodujące wykonywanie operacji w wierszach tabelarycznych okien dialogowych właściwości, takie jak przycisk Właściwości widoku w panelu Tworzenie widoku właściwości na rysunkach pojedynczych elementów, zespołów betonowych i zespołów, czy przycisk Edytuj regułę w panelu Wymiarowanie właściwości widoku rysunku, teraz działają już przy pierwszym kliknięciu, bez względu na sposób wybrania wiersza w tabeli. Wcześniej często trzeba było kliknąć przycisk dwa razy, aby działał.

Poprawiono również działanie operacji otwierania wszystkich klasycznych okien dialogowych właściwości na rysunkach.


Najważniejsza poprawka: Polecenie Numeruj serie wybranych obiektów działa teraz poprawnie

Począwszy od wersji Tekla Structures 2022 zespoły zawierające stalowe podzespoły dostawały błędne numery pozycji, jeśli używano polecenia Numeruj serie wybranych obiektów. Nieprawidłowe numery pozycji pojawiały się na przykład wtedy, gdy skopiowano istniejący zespół z kilkoma stalowymi podzespołami, zaznaczono nową kopię i użyto polecenia Numeruj serie wybranych obiektów. Ten problem został naprawiony.

Wszystkie istniejące modele z nieprawidłowymi numerami pozycji spowodowanymi tym problemem muszą zostać ponownie ponumerowane w celu poprawienia numerów pozycji.

TTSD-64944, TTSD-63705, TTSD-56172

Najważniejsza poprawka: Okna widoku 3D są otwierane jako maksymalizowane.

Teraz, podczas otwierania modelu, okna widoku 3D są otwierane jako maksymalizowane, zgodnie z ich stanem ustalonym przy zamknięciu modelu.


Najważniejsza poprawka: Atrybuty użytkownika są prawidłowo oczyszczone podczas wczytywania plików standard dla nowych części

Pliki standard.*.more zostały usunięte z niektórych środowisk w Tekla Structures 2023, ale teraz są ponownie dostępne w środowisku common. Pozwala to rozwiązać następujące problemy:

  • Standard wczytywanie plików czyściło pola UDA, ale okno dialogowe UDA nie było odświeżane, gdy było już otwarte, więc pokazywane były poprzednie wartości UDA, które nie były już używane.

  • Jeśli istniejący element został wybrany podczas wczytywania pliku standard i tworzenia nowej części, atrybuty UDA nie były czyszczone, a nowa część pobierała atrybuty UDA z istniejącej części.



Numer defektu Obszar rozwoju Opis
TSAC-8501 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): The corbel type and class are now concrete when the corbel material is concrete. In addition, the corbel inherits the position prefix of the main part when a prefix has not been defined for the corbel.

TSAC-8676 Concrete components

Tapered I beam (81): Previously, the dimensions of tapered beams were not created correctly in some cases. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-5922 Steel components

Cap plate detail: Previously, if there were different cap plate types in a model (both circular and rectangular), opening the properties of any cap plate component did not display the properties correctly, and you had to click Get to display the correct properties. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-6282 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, when the rail ended near the bent part of the rail, the rail was created with incorrect geometry. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7099 Steel components

Kingspan Horizontal cladding sleeve (120): Previously, when there was a single-sided stay, the bolt from the opposite side was removed. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7413 Steel components

Stiffened base plate (1014): Previously, modifying stiffener dimensions also affected the class of shim plates. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7509 Steel components

Box bolt (13): Previously, the bolt cut length was incorrectly calculated for some profiles. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8530 Steel components

Joist to beam, type 1 (160): Previously, a full depth stabilizer plate was not created correctly in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8562 Steel components

Stanchions (S76): Previously, stanchions were created with incorrect geometry when the input parts had fittings applied on them. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8565 Steel components

Haunch (40): It is now possible to specify on the Haunch tab if dimensions H1 or H2 are to the upper or lower edge of the haunch flange.

TSAC-8570 Steel components

Cage ladder (S60): Previously, the part properties - name, material, class, and finish - were incorrectly applied for one of the rail bars. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8611 Steel components

Generation of profiles (9): Previously, the prefix and start number for the part and assembly position numbers were not applied for the profiles specified on the Prof.//X_m and Prof.//Y_m tabs. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8618 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, bolts were created in an incorrect position. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8624 Steel components

Stairs (S71): Previously, the steps were clashing with the stringers in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8639 Steel components

JP Floor beam gusset (11): Previously, bolt cut length was incorrectly calculated in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8693 Steel components

Cold rolled overlap (1): Previously, the component did not work correctly for PEB members with multiple depths. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64055 Organizer

Previously, there was an error when trying to open Organizer in a model that had multiple UDAs with an identical presentation name. Now the duplicate UDAs are renamed, and Organizer opens normally.

TTSD-42629 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: While importing from Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Structures, some specific beam bottom rebar sets (such as hooks or bobs with crank) were not importing correctly. This issue has been addressed now.

TTSD-62388 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: Previously, a few standard UB and CHS sections were not getting imported from Tekla Structural Designer into Tekla Structures automatically. The workaround was to create and use manually written conversion files. A direct mapping for those sections has been established now.

TTSD-64599 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Objects with multiple fittings were sometimes exported incorrectly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65098 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: While importing a model from Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Structures, there was an issue with the Z grid labels in Tekla Structures with respect to the levels in Tekla Structural Designer. This issue has now been addressed and fixed.

TTSD-54558 Templates and reports

Drawing and report templates: Previously, the output in the resulting report and drawing tables was not consistent when you had used the same fvf formula in the report template and drawing template. This issue has now been fixed, and the output is the same in reports and drawing tables.

TTSD-64253 Templates and reports

Drawing and report templates: For the fvf function, the 5th argument is now available also in drawing templates and custom components. If it is set to TRUE, empty entries from the read line of the file will be considered when the function gets resolved. If it is missing or set to FALSE, empty entries are removed.

TSAC-8458 Drawings

2D Library

The 2D library has been improved in the following ways:

  • Issues with the text frame in marks that have black background haven been fixed.
  • The scaling of marks, dimensions, text, and symbols is now working.
  • Images are now supported.
  • Rich text is now supported.
  • Issues with the text leader line have been fixed.
  • The text scale inside rich text boxes is now working.
TSAC-8506 Drawings

A critical error occurred when you used the Undo command after the Combine lines command. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8590 Drawings

Dimensioning holes and recesses: The performance of the dimensioning type Hole dimensions has been improved significantly when the dimensioning option Use filter is used. With the other option, All holes, the performance is the same as before.

TSAC-8602 Drawings

Previously, curved dimensions in 2D Library details did not work correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8603 Drawings

Drawing 2D Library: You can use the new Scale option in the Options menu to lock or scale the font height when changing the scale of a detail in a drawing.

TTSD-45303 Drawings

Earlier, when creating unfolded single-part drawings for lofted plates that had oblique cylindrical geometry, bending lines were missing. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-56650 Drawings

Revision marks: Adding revision marks using the drawing property pane now works more reliably.

TTSD-63843 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: The Applied settings list in the Creation review dialog box might sometimes show the same drawing settings file more than once. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64011, TTSD-64859 Drawings

Properties dialog performance in drawings

  • The drawing view properties dialog opening remains fast, after the first time you open it, for the whole session. Previously, the cached dialog was cleared each time you moved between the model and drawing editors.
  • The drawing view properties dialog opens fast again after you have closed it using the Close button. Previously, the cached dialog was cleared when you used the Close button, and opening the dialog the next time was slow.
TTSD-64026 Drawings

You can now use the Adjust reinforcing bars command from the Quick Launch in the Tekla Structures Graphite configuration and the Rebar Detailing configuration. You can also add the command button to the ribbon.

TTSD-64226 Drawings

Cloning of section views has been improved by better recognition and handling of polygon cuts.

TTSD-64280 Drawings

Drawing content manager: Drawing content manager did not show some dimensions correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64386 Drawings

In the property panes for Section mark, Section mark with a view, Detail mark, and Detail mark with a view, the Line size setting is now disabled when the Symbol type option None is selected.

TTSD-64531 Drawings

Previously, when printing drawings, arrows with a negative length were not printed. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64537 Drawings

The detection of which section views should be removed in drawing updates or cloning has been improved.

TTSD-64622 Drawings

Previously, Drawing content manager did not properly count marks that had only symbols without a frame in them. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64626 Drawings

Earlier, when using the Select part marks command for selected parts, the property pane was still showing the properties of the selected parts. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64690 Drawings

The drawing property pane is now able to handle updates related to symbols better, for example, when a new symbol is selected, or a symbol is replaced with another one.

TTSD-65058 Drawings

The property pane file path fields, such as the path to an image, now open the folder of the selected image by default rather than the last used folder.

TTSD-65120 Drawings

Detail and section mark label updates: Detail and section mark label property changes are now updated in the views that are moved to another drawing.

TTSD-65354 Drawings

Previously, merged rebar marks showed the content of only one rebar mark. This issue has now been fixed and the content of every different rebar mark is shown in the merged mark.

TTSD-65403 Drawings

Previously, part marks that contained templates did not work properly when using the Copy to new sheet command to clone drawings. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65642 Drawings

Sometimes, the postfix tag in a dimension was lost in an update or when opening a drawing. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65774 Drawings

Earlier, there was a rare situation when creating a polyline caused Tekla Structures to exit unexpectedly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65338 System and options

Previously, when a .dat file located in a sub-folder of the XS_PROJECT, XS_FIRM, or XS_PROFDB folder was used as the first argument of the fvf() function, the .dat file was not found. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-63334 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing: Users, who have restricted licenses which do not allow model editing, may experience connection plugin crashes in some circumstances when the model changes are read in. To prevent this happening, do not run the connection plugins during read in. 

TTSD-63337 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing: Previously, when you excluded a model from Tekla Model Sharing, the deletion of a backup folder could potentially stop the application from working if the folder entry was corrupted. Now the folder deletion has been improved to prevent this.

TTSD-64271 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing: When UDAs with incorrect type were removed by using the Repair model command, the deleted UDAs were not shown in the Changes list. This has now been fixed. 

TTSD-60322 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Previously, bars in some rebar groups were rounded to the same length even if the rounding option used for straight bars was None. This happened because the bars were recognized as identical and were rounded based on the first bar of the group. Now, when the rounding option for straight bars is None, bars that are recognized as identical retain their original lengths without rounding.

TTSD-64646 Reinforcement

Rebar meshes: Tekla Structures might close unexpectedly if you inquired rebar meshes and no report template was found. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64964 Reinforcement

Rebar groups: The end cover thickness was incorrectly applied when the start cover thickness was negative for a straight radial tapered curved rebar group. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8613 Modeling

The Fit objects component now works correctly when creating a gap between the main and secondary part in situations when fit or cut planes are applied.

TTSD-62594 Modeling

BCF Topics: Now, the arrowheads for BCF topic markups and annotations resize according to the zoom level in a Tekla Structures model.

TTSD-63077 Modeling

Now, the Swap handles macro changes the On plane offset to its opposite value instead of changing the On plane from right to left and vice versa. This ensures the intended use of the swap handles flipping the geometry on a beam when the handles are created in the wrong order. Previously, when the handles of a U beam were swapped, the handles were placed to the other side, resulting to the need of fixing the swap.

TTSD-63136 Modeling

BCF Topics: The BCF topics workflow has been improved for IFC files that have been added as overlay models in Tekla Structures. Now, a BCF topic view created in Trimble Connect and loaded in Tekla Structures highlights also those parts that were selected when a topic view was saved. Saving a view in Tekla Structures will remember the selected parts and highlight them the next time this view is loaded in Tekla Structures. Note that highlighting selected parts is not yet supported in Trimble Connect when you are working with BCF topics created in Tekla Structures.

TTSD-63137 Modeling

BCF Topics: The BCF topics workflow has been improved for IFC files that have been added as overlay models in Tekla Structures. Now, a BCF topic view created in Trimble Connect and loaded in Tekla Structures hides also those parts that were hidden when a topic view was saved. To reset the visibility of hidden parts, reload the overlay models in Tekla Structures.

TTSD-64409 Modeling

BCF Topics: Now, highlighting linked objects works also with overlay models in Tekla Structures. IFC model objects that were linked to a BFC topic in Trimble Connect can be visualized in Tekla Structures overlay models. Also, overlay model objects that were linked to a BCF topic in Tekla Structures can be visualized both in Tekla Structures and in Trimble Connect. Note that visualizing linked assemblies is not supported in Tekla Structures for overlay models.

TTSD-64428 Modeling

Earlier, in some specific situations when the Compare assemblies command was used, Tekla Structures was unexpectedly closed. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64490 Modeling

BCF Topics: Now, when you click Delete all measurements or Delete all markups, a confirmation message appears in the same way as in Trimble Connect.

TTSD-64826 Modeling

Now, when you copy properties in the property pane using the Copy to clipboard command, you can copy individual properties of an object to the clipboard. You can copy  one or more properties to the clipboard and paste the properties to objects of the same type. After you have copied properties to the clipboard, and place your mouse on the Paste button, Tekla Structures shows a preview of the properties that are about to be pasted.

TTSD-64866 Modeling

Previously, the dynamic preview of the Move or Copy command caused Tekla Structures to stop working when using the command for reinforcement containing a very large number of vertices, for example, a braced girder. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64908 Modeling

BCF Topics: More object states are supported, and now BCF topic views that originate from 3rd party applications and that are loaded in Tekla Structures are displaying selected and hidden objects correctly.

TTSD-65189 Modeling

Previously, when you opened models created in versions prior to Tekla Structures 2017 in newer versions and the models had corrupted bolts, an exception was generated. This has now been fixed, and you can now open such models. In addition, using the command Diagnose model lists such bolts and Repair model removes them.

TTSD-65421 Modeling

The Create view on work plane command is now available in Carbon and Viewer configurations. If you are using your own ribbon setups, you need to configure the environment or local settings to see the command.

TTSD-65574 Modeling

Now, the property pane correctly displays underscores in group titles.

TSAC-4796 Tools and components

Previously, the Custom component dialog editor remained open if Tekla Structures was closed. This has now been fixed, and the Custom component dialog editor is closed together with Tekla Structures.

TTSD-64877 Numbering

If the Synchronize with master model (save-numbering-save) setting is selected in the Numbering Setup dialog, and you run a numbering command, Tekla Structures displays the Numbering list that shows the numbering progress and results, and you will have the option to check and save the numbering results, or to cancel the numbering. Previously, if you used the Compare parts or Compare assemblies command while the list was open, the list was closed and the model was reopened. This issue has now been fixed, and opening the Compare dialog no longer reopens the model.

EPM-8460 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

Export to Tekla PowerFab: The Tekla PowerFab export now uses the CNC settings for scribing and pop-marks when creating CNC files during the export.

TSAC-8572 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

DSTV to DXF converter: You can now select multiple rows also on the Hole layers and Tapped holes tabs.

TSAC-8498 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, some reinforcement was exported to an incorrect position when you had selected Fabrication of welded rebars as the Reinforcement export type on the Reinforcement tab. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8742 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, round-shaped edge contour corners were exported as bounding boxes. This has now been fixed and round-shaped edge contour corners are correctly exported as lines.

TSAC-8771 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): When exporting meshes into individual files using the Split meshes to individual files setting on the Main tab, a running number is now automatically added to the file name.

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