2023 SP12: Ważne ulepszenia i poprawki

Tekla Structures
Zmodyfikowany: 24 paź 2024
Tekla Structures

2023 SP12: Ważne ulepszenia i poprawki

Najnowszy dodatek Tekla Structures Service Pack i zaktualizowane instalatory środowiska są dostępne w Tekla Downloads.

Pobierz Tekla Structures

Eksport do Tekla PowerFab - nowa opcja umożliwiająca dodanie separatora pliku rysunku

W ustawieniach eksportu do programu Tekla PowerFab dodano nową opcję Dodaj separator pliku rysunku, która pozwala oddzielać znaki elementów głównego i podrzędnego we wprowadzanych ciągach znaków. Ma to na celu zachowanie spójności nazw rysunków eksportowanych z programu Tekla Structures do programu Tekla PowerFab w przypadku używania separatora numeru pozycji. W programie Tekla Structures w oknie dialogowym Opcje w sekcji ustawień Numeracja wprowadź znak w polu Separator numeru pozycji (Plik > Ustawienia > Opcje).

Wcześniej separator był zastępowany w eksporcie. Na przykład jeśli eksportowano rysunki zespołów PHB-41.pdf i PHB4-1.pdf, separatory „-” zostały usunięte i eksportowany pakiet zawierał tylko jeden plik PDF o nazwie PHB41.pdf.


Usztywniona blacha końcowa (27) - możliwość użycia spoin wielobocznych

Na karcie Elementy można teraz w ustawieniu Użyj spoiny wielobocznej określić, czy spoina wieloboczna ma być używana, gdy odległość między górą lub dołem blachy końcowej a półką belki jest mniejsza niż 2 mm.


Śruba automatyczna tworzy otwory nieprzelotowe i gwintowane

Komponent Śruba automatyczna może być teraz użyty do utworzenia otworów nieprzelotowych i gwintowanych.

Lista Typ otworu zwykłego została dodana do okna dialogowego Śruba automatyczna , a po wybraniu Nieprzelotowy można wprowadzić wartość w polu Głębokość otworu .

Gdy zaznaczysz pola wyboru obok Elementy z otworami specjalnymi, opcja Gwintowany będzie dostępna na liście Typ otworu. Po wybraniu opcji Gwintowany dostępne będzie również pole Rozmiar otw. głównego.


Najważniejsza poprawka: Naprawa numeracji nie powoduje już pomijania niektórych serii zespołów

W Tekla Structures występował problem, wskutek którego użycie funkcji Diagnozuj i napraw numerację nie powodowało prawidłowego przetwarzania wielu serii zespołów z tym samym przedrostkiem elementu. Poprzednio, jeśli dwie serie zespołów, takie jak A i B, używały przedrostka elementu P, alfabetycznie późniejsza seria (na przykład B) była pomijana podczas procesu naprawy. Ten problem został rozwiązany, zapewniając spójne wyniki naprawy numeracji we wszystkich seriach, niezależnie od ich kolejności i nazewnictwa.

Problem ten dotyczył bezpośrednio poleceń Diagnozuj i napraw numerację lub jeśli opcję XS_USE_REPAIR_NUMBERING_INSTEAD_OF_NUMBERING ustawiono na TRUE mógł wystąpić podczas naprawy całego modelu lub tylko wybranej serii, jeśli w zaznaczeniu znajdowały się pewne kombinacje serii zespołów.

Problem utrzymywał się nawet po ustawieniu XS_USE_ASSEMBLY_NUMBER_FOR na wartość MAIN_PART lub LOOSE_PART, co potencjalnie utrudniało jego zidentyfikowanie.


Najważniejsza poprawka: Poprawne skalowanie starych detali w bibliotece 2D

W menu Biblioteka rysunków 2D skala tekstu jest teraz poprawna również w starych detalach.



Numer defektu Obszar rozwoju Opis
TSAC-6064 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, when the horizontal length of the closure was specified as 0.0, the vertical rails (pickets) were not created correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7409 Steel components

Spiral stair (S68): Previously, steps were created with an incorrect geometry when a small outer radius was specified for the steps. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7549 Steel components

Stanchions - Railings - Kick plates (S86): Previously, exploding the component was not working correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7589 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): Previously, weld 2 was not created correctly. This issue has now been fixed. In addition, weld 9 has been added as a weld between the connection plates and the middle end plate.

TSAC-7663 Steel components

Railings (S77): Previously, when using the Other rail to stanchion fitting options, the part cut was created in an incorrect position for some stanchions. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-7921 Steel components

Tube crossing (22): Previously, weld 2 was not created correctly. This issue has now been fixed. In addition, weld 3 has been added as weld between the connection plates and the middle end plate.

TSAC-8143 Steel components

Gusset+ T: Previously, the connection did not work in the Japanese environment when the brace connection type was set to Built up. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8340 Steel components

Shear plate simple (146): Previously, when the beam flange cut was set to square and a notch was also created, the depth of the square flange cut was not the same as the notch cut depth. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8346 Steel components

Shear plate simple (146): Previously, when the secondary part was skewed and the web was cut square, the bolt edge distance was not correct. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8530 Steel components

Joist to beam, type 1 (160): Previously, a full depth stabilizer plate was not created correctly in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8557 Steel components

JP Full depth special (185): Previously, the shear tab was created in an incorrect position in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8619 Steel components

Welded gusset (10): Previously, the cut in the bracing around the gusset was created with incorrect dimensions in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8624 Steel components

Stairs (S71): Previously, the steps were clashing with the stringers in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8639 Steel components

JP Floor beam gusset (11): Previously, bolt cut length was incorrectly calculated in some situations. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8693 Steel components

Cold rolled overlap (1): Previously, the component did not work correctly for PEB members with multiple depths. This issue has now been fixed.

TSAC-8733 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): The default values of stiffener chamfer sizes are now taken from the main part profile radius.

TSAC-8750 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, when the horizontal offset of bolts was specified, the end plate was moved incorrectly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-64599 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Objects with multiple fittings were sometimes exported incorrectly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65098 Import, export, interoperability

Import from Tekla Structural Designer: While importing a model from Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Structures, there was an issue with the Z grid labels in Tekla Structures with respect to the levels in Tekla Structural Designer. This issue has now been addressed and fixed.

TTSD-66433 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Now, double nuts for bolts with cup heads are exported with a 30-degree rotation relative to each other, improving visualization.

TSAC-8602 Drawings

Previously, curved dimensions in 2D Library details did not work correctly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-45303 Drawings

Earlier, when creating unfolded single-part drawings for lofted plates that had oblique cylindrical geometry, bending lines were missing. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65385 Drawings

Document manager: The Select and show only drawings containing parts currently selected in the model button is now enabled also when a drawing is open. Earlier, this button was disabled when a drawing was open.

TTSD-65418 Drawings

Reference models: Sometimes, some parts of reference models were using fill when they should not have been. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65774 Drawings

Earlier, there was a rare situation when creating a polyline caused Tekla Structures to exit unexpectedly. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-66061 Drawings

Fabrication drawings: There were some problems in the user interface functionality when you tried to use Smart create for creating rebar assembly drawings. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-66790 Drawings

Printing to PDF: Earlier, due to Windows 11 24H2 update, the JPG images were shown incorrectly when printed to PDF. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65366 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing: When you read in, Tekla Structures updates custom components which are outdated compared to their definitions. There may be incorrectly defined custom components which result in their instances being always updated, leading to unexpected change notifications. This has now been prevented, and the components which have incorrect definitions are not updated.

TTSD-64866 Modeling

Previously, the dynamic preview of the Move or Copy command caused Tekla Structures to stop working when using the command for reinforcement containing a very large number of vertices, for example, a braced girder. This issue has now been fixed.

SOLD-2516 Licensing

Previously, the Switch user button did not work. Now when a user clicks Switch user, the user is signed out of Tekla Structures. After restarting Tekla Structures, a different user can sign in.

TTSD-63758 Installation

Offline mode error: The offline mode window kept popping up while working online and, in most cases, clicking Try reconnecting now did not work. This issue has now been fixed.

TTSD-65159 Numbering

The stability of the Compare commands has been improved in situations where part solids could not be created.

TTSS-115 User interface

Previously, an internal error in the Support tool sometimes prevented support cases from being created. The tool showed the following error message: "Error: Support case creation failed"

This issue has now been fixed. You do not need to install the Tekla Structures service pack to get this fix.

EPM-8825 Import, export, interoperability (steel)

Export to Tekla PowerFab: The model weight is now exported with the bill of materials.

TSAC-8742 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, round-shaped edge contour corners were exported as bounding boxes. This has now been fixed and round-shaped edge contour corners are correctly exported as lines.

TSAC-8771 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): When exporting meshes into individual files using the Split meshes to individual files setting on the Main tab, a running number is now automatically added to the file name.

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