Result strip properties

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Result strip properties

Name The automatically generated name for the strip.
User Name Can be used to override the automatically generated name if required.

Start Width The total strip width at the first point picked when creating the strip.
End Width The total strip width at the second point picked when creating the strip.
Result Type

Determines how the strip result is calculated:

  • Average - average of the station point values.
  • Maximum - maximum of:
    1. All station point values
    2. Any FE solver node found within the station area
  • Centreline - the station point value on the strip centreline.

For more details, see result strips Overview

Number of Stations The number of stations per metre along the strip.
Number of Points The number of points per metre across the strip at each station.
total Strip Area Automatically calculated from the start and end widths and strip length.
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