Rigorous slab deflection analysis example (Eurocode)
There are many input parameters that will have an impact on the rigorous deflection estimates and would therefore need to be considered. For details see: Factors that affect rigorous slab deflection estimates
For this exercise, initially it will be assumed that the default settings have already been reviewed and set as required.
Download and open the tutorial model
Establish some slab reinforcement
Prior to running a Slab Deflection Analysis, a reasonable level of slab reinforcement should already be provided. This can be achieved by designing all slabs and patches as follows:
- From the Analyze toolbar, click Analyze All (Static)
- From the Design toolbar, click Design Slabs
- From the Design toolbar, click Design Patches
Review the Model Event Sequence
To review the model event sequence:
Perform Iterative Slab Deflection Analysis
To establish some initial results (with all parameters left as default values) you could just click Analyse All from the Slab Deflection toolbar, however, in a real model rather than analysing all levels at once, it can be more efficient to work on just the current level, or a selected level. Obviously considering just a single level reduces the time necessary to undertake the iterative slab deflection analysis.
Review Deflections for Events
Deflections can be reviewed for each event by making selections from the Event droplist in the ribbon.
You are able to review:
- Total deflection at the end of any event.
- Differential deflection between any two events (Start of Event and End of Event).
- Instantaneous deflection (not actually needed for TR 58).

As a comparison with the simple approach earlier (39.7mm), the Total deflection at the final load event for the chosen location is 35.2mm.
Total deflections to the end of each of the event periods in the Event Sequence are available and could also be displayed as required.
In the Event Sequence there is an event for “Sensitive Finishes added” - we shall now show differential deflection between this and the final event.
Review Other Results
In addition to the deflections you can display the extent of cracking at any load event.
You can also review the relative stiffness in a particular result direction for any specified event.
You can also review the area of effective reinforcement for a chosen result direction for each FE element.
Define Check Line Deflection Checks
Check lines have to initially be positioned using engineering judgment.
The deflection checks associated with each check line are selected from a predefined Deflection Check Catalogue. This is viewed by clicking Deflection Checks in the ribbon.
You can add new checks to the catalogue as required.
Place Check Lines
We will define several check lines in this example:
Generate Check Line Reports
A tabulated report is available for each check line which itemises each requested deflection check along the check line.
You can generate a check line report for an individual check line by right clicking the check line and selecting Member Report.
Review Check Line Status and Utilization
Every check line can have up to six different deflection checks assigned to it for different events. Every check line will therefore have a Pass/Fail status and a critical Utilization ratio.
Review Slab Status and Utilization
Every check line is associated with at least one slab item. If all checks lines associated with the slab item pass then the slab item passes.
Both the Status and the Utilization can be reviewed.
If you find that a slab either fails deflection checks (or passes with a low utilization) then changes will need to be made. There are many areas where adjustments can be made.
- Adjust slab/panel depths?
- Adjust reinforcement?
- Re-consider the Event timings and loadings?
- Adjust other settings?
Any or all changes are possible.
When changes are necessary we would recommend that it will be more efficient to work on one level at a time. The automatic re-checking of check lines will help considerably with this optimization.
The analysis is extremely quick and since everything is contained within one model file, it allows “What If” scenarios to be considered to find the optimum solution.
In this exercise we will start by looking at the impact of adjusting the reinforcement.
Generate Model report
A Slab Deflection Check Lines model report can be created for the selected Model Filter (entire structure, level, plane or sub structure). This lists all the check lines for the chosen model filter. To help identify the check lines in the report it is sensible to include a saved picture of the scene view displaying check lines and their associated reference within the report.