Wind wizard BS6399-2

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Wind wizard BS6399-2

To access this configuration of the wind wizard the Wind Loading Code has to be set to BS 6399-2.

Once the wall and roof panels are in place, you use the wind wizard to define sufficient site information to calculate the effective wind speeds and dynamic pressures for the required wind directions and heights around the building, (that is the Reference Height (Hr) for each wall panel or roof panel).

The wind speed calculations are automated, the data source for the calculations is either:

  • taken directly from the BREVe database, which is based upon the Ordnance Survey data of Great Britain,

  • input directly.

It should be noted that BS6399-2:1997 recommends that the Standard Method requires assessment of orthogonal loadcases for wind directions normal to the faces of the building. The wizard permits you to create wind load for any wind direction and thus it is up to you to create those loads for the directions most appropriate to your structure.

Unless explicitly stated all calculations in the wind wizard are in accordance with the relevant sections BS 6399-2:1997 incorporating Amendment 1 and corrigendum No. 1. Ref. 1 It is essential that you have a copy of this code with you while assessing wind on any structure.

Your attention is particularly drawn to BS6399-2:1997 - Clause 1.1. For building shapes which are not covered by the Standard you will need to seek specialist advice.

We would recommend having the following books to hand when using the software:

  • Wind Loading - a practical guide to BS 6399-2 Wind Loads on buildings. Ref. 2

  • Wind and Loads on buildings: Guide to Evaluating Design Wind Loads to BS6399-2:1997. Ref. 3

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