Review slab and mat design

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Review slab and mat design

Review slab and mat design status

  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, in the Slab/Mat Design group, click Status.

    Color codes display the design status of each slab and mat.

    Tekla Structural Designer uses the following classifications:




    The slab item has passed all design checks.


    The slab item has failed one or more design checks.


    Although the slab item has passed the design checks, one or more warnings have been issued. Review the warnings before deciding if you need to take further action.


    The slab item currently cannot be designed because an error has occurred.

    Beyond Scope

    The slab item cannot be designed because its design is beyond the scope of Tekla Structural Designer.


    The slab item has not been designed.

Review slab and mat design ratios

  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, in the Slab/Mat Design group, click Ratio.

    Color codes display the design ratio of each slab item. N/A is assigned to members that have no ratio or whose ration is smaller than the lowest band. N/A also indicates slab items that are either beyond scope or have yet to be designed.

Filter slab and mat design information

  1. Open a view and change the view regime to Review View.
  2. On the Review ribbon, click the list in the Slab/Mat Design group.
  3. In the list that appears, select one of the following filtering options according to your needs:
    Filter Description


    The governing Top X, Top Y, Bottom X, Bottom Y, or span depth result is displayed.


    The governing Top X, Top Y, Bottom X, or Bottom Y result is displayed.

    Top X

    The result is only displayed for top reinforcement in the X direction.

    Top Y

    The result is only displayed for top reinforcement in the Y direction.

    Bottom X

    The result is only displayed for bottom reinforcement in the X direction.

    Bottom Y

    The result is only displayed for bottom reinforcement in the Y direction.

    Span Depth

    The span to depth result is displayed.

    Bearing Pressure

    The bearing pressure result is displayed.

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