Apply erection labor

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Apply erection labor

There are several ways of adding the total erection labor to the estimate.

You have the following options, for example:

  • Add a line item dedicated to erection labor:
    1. Open an estimating job.
    2. To add a new item, click New.
    3. Modify at least the following properties in the input area:

      In Shape, select CO.

      In Dimensions, type Erection labor.

      Either of the following:

      • To add hours of labor, in Erect Hrs, type the erection labor hours.
      • To add a lump sum, in Erect Cost, type the sum.
    4. Click Add.

    The costs automatically include the Erecting labor rate set in Maintenance > Estimating > Labor Rates.

    You can also apply erection labor hours or costs to an existing line item.

  • Apply an estimate extra to estimate line item:
    1. In Extra, select a value.

      For instructions on adding estimate extras, see Create estimate extras.

    2. Click Save.
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