Add a production control item

Tekla PowerFab
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Add a production control item

You can add an item to a production control job in the Production Control dialog box.

  1. At the bottom of the Production Control dialog box, click New.
  2. Define the item properties.

    The visible input fields and their order depend on the settings that you have defined in the Input Fields dialog box. To access the dialog box, go to Maintenance > Production Control > Edit Input Fields.

    The properties marked with an asterisk (*) in the following table are mandatory information.

    Option Description

    Main Mark *

    The main mark of the item.

    The main mark is the number of the main member to which accessory items can be attached.

    If an item has an identical main mark and piece marks, Tekla PowerFab considers the item a main member.

    Either click the arrow on the right side of the Main Mark field and select an existing main mark in the list, or type the name of the new main mark in the field. You can enter a maximum of 25 characters, depending on the Mark Input Type option that you have selected in the Company Standards dialog box.

    Piece Mark *

    The piece mark of the item.

    Piece marks are used for the accessory items that are attached to a main member.

    Type the name of the piece mark in the Piece Mark field. You can enter a maximum of 25 characters, depending on the Mark Input Type option that you have selected in the Company Standards dialog box.

    Approval Status

    The approval status of the item.

    The available approval statuses are set in the Approval Status dialog box that you can access via Maintenance > Production Control > Approval Status Maintenance-

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Approval Status field, and select an approval status in the list.

    Drawing Number

    A property that is used as the drawing number and the drawing name. You can use the main mark as the drawing number.

    Either click the arrow on the right side of the Drawing Number field and select an existing drawing number in the list, or type a new drawing number in the field.

    Quantity *

    The number of pieces to be added.

    Type the number of pieces in the Quantity field.

    Shape *

    The material shape of each piece.

    Dimensions *

    The material dimension, or material size, of each piece.

    Click the Dimensions field to select an available material dimension, and double-click the desired dimension in the list.

    You can also use a custom material dimension. Note that the dimension is not automatically added to the material database.

    To use a custom dimension:

    1. Click in the Dimensions field.

    2. Click Add Size.

    3. Define the dimension properties.

    4. Click Save.

      You can now select the dimension and use it.

    Grade *

    The material grade of each piece.

    The default grade of the selected shape is set in the Shape/Grade/Size Maintenance dialog box.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Grade field and select a material grade in the list.


    The length of each piece.

    Type the length in the Length fields.


    The finish type of the item. The default options are Painted, Unpainted, and Galvanized.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Finish field and select a material finish in the list.


    The item route defines the stations that the item goes through in the fabrication process.

    The available route options are set in the Routes dialog box.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Route field and select a route in the list.


    Any comments that you want to add about the item.

    Type any comments in the Remark field.

    Category, Sub-Category

    A class used for sorting items in a production control job. You can filter the information in the Production Control dialog box by category or sub-category. For example, you can create categories based on the shop where the item is created.

    The available categories and sub-categories are set in the Company Categories and Company Sub-Categories dialog boxes. For more information, see Define categories and sub-categories for Production Control.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Category or Sub-Category field and select an existing category, or type a new category in the field.

    Pay Category

    The pay category assigned to the item. Pay categories can be used to assign unit costs to fabricated items per pound.

    The available pay categories are set in the Pay Categories dialog box that you can access via the Company Standards dialog box.

    Piece Tracking

    When selected, an accessory piece within an item can be tracked by piece mark. Main marks, or assemblies, are tracked by default.

    For more information on piece tracking, see Track production by piece mark.

    Shipping Route

    The shipping route assigned to the item.

    Shipping routes can be used to send items within a job to multiple shipping destinations, including intermediate destinations, such as sending material to an external galvanizer. The available shipping routes are set in Shipping Route Maintenance. For more information, see Create, modify, and delete global shipping routes.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Shipping Route field and select a shipping route in the list.

    Load Tracking

    When selected, an accessory item can be tracked by load and are viewed in shipping reports. Main marks, or assemblies, are tracked by default.

    For more information on load tracking, see Create, modify, and delete loads.

    Prod. Code

    The production code applied to the item.

    Production codes group items so that you can apply man hour per ton and per labor group percentages to items in the linked production control job.

    The production code can be used to color-code or filter items in Trimble Connect. For more information, see Use Trimble Connect with an estimating job.

    Production codes group similar items together within jobs.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Prod. Code field and select a production code in the list.

    Instance Tr

    When selected, instance tracking can be used for the item. This allows you to see more details about the item.

    Selecting the Instance Tr checkbox may be useful in, for example, nuclear jobs.

    Reference Number

    A reference number that links items in inventory or purchasing to the production control job.

    The reference number can be different depending on the case:

    • If an item is sent from Production Control to Purchasing or Inventory, Tekla PowerFab creates a copy of the record, and the item is linked to include the reference number.

    • If an item is sent to purchasing from an advanced bill of material, the system mark number or a combination of the page number and the item number in the combining job (for example, 1-30) becomes the reference number.

    • If the item is sent to purchasing later in the process, the reference number is the mark or piece mark number.

      However, if the reference number has been assigned in the production control job, that reference number is maintained in the inventory as well.

    Type the reference number in the Reference Number field. You can enter a maximum of 255 characters.

  3. Click Add.

The new item is added to the list in the Production Control dialog box.

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