Update MySQL version for Tekla EPM

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Update MySQL version for Tekla EPM

Tekla EPM/Tekla PowerFab officially supports MySQL up to version 8.0.35. In order to upgrade the MySQL version from 5.0.90, you must be running Tekla EPM/Tekla PowerFab 2020 SP2 or later.

Supported MySQL versions

Tekla PowerFab/EPM version MySQL 8.0.351 MySQL 5.7.41 MySQL 5.7.29 MySQL 5.6.36 MySQL 5.0.90
2023i 2
2023 2
2022i 2
2022 2
2021i -
2021 - -
2020i - -
2020 - - -

1The use of MySQL 8 is restricted to 64-bit computers. 32-bit builds of MySQL 8 are not available.

2Tekla PowerFab 2023i SP3, Tekla PowerFab 2023 SP8, Tekla EPM 2022i SP9, Tekla EPM 2022 SP10 or greater is required for MySQL 8 support.

We recommend that you update to the latest Tekla PowerFab version available before upgrading the MySQL version. We also recommend to repair program errors and compress the Tekla PowerFab database before backing up the database. For instructions, see:

Note: All steps must be performed from the server where MySQL is installed. When updating the MySQL version, all users must be signed out of Tekla PowerFab and MySQL.

Option 1: Clean MySQL update

This update comprises uninstalling the old version and installing a new version of MySQL.

Note: Before you start:

When updating the MySQL version, ensure that all users have logged out of Tekla PowerFab and MySQL before saving a backup copy of the Tekla PowerFab database until the Tekla PowerFab database has been restored on the new version.

See the following instructions:

  1. Locate the installer for the MySQL version you want to install.

    In the default install location of the Default Directories for backup (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Tekla\Backup), you should find mysql_setup_<version>.exe.

    If you do not have the installer version you want, contact support to provide it.

    For further information, see:

  2. On the server, open Tekla PowerFab as an administrator.
  3. (Optional, recommended) Repair program errors.
  4. (Optional, recommended) Compress the Tekla EPM database.
  5. Save a backup copy of the Tekla EPM database.

    Do not save this to the MySQL install location.

  6. Close Tekla PowerFab.
  7. Open the Windows Services application, locate the MySQL service for the Tekla PowerFab database and stop the service.

    Depending on what version you started with, the service name may be MySQL_TeklaPowerFab, MySQL_TeklaEPM, or MySQL_Fabsuite. The service name can be customized with the , so it can be anything.

  8. (Optional) To uninstall the current version of MySQL, run uninstall.exe from the MySQL install location.

    Typically, the location is C:\mysql\ but it could have been customized.

    Note: Before uninstalling the current version of MySQL, ensure that there are no other programs or services that also use it. If there are, you must install a second MySQL for the new version.
  9. To install MySQL, run mysql_setup_<version>.exe located in the default install location of the Default Directories for backup.

    See Step 2.

    If you are installing a second instance of the MySQL program, you must specify a new default directory, C:\MySQL8, for example. Running the mysql_setup_8.exe provided by Trimble creates a new MySQL_TeklaPowerFab service on port 3306.

  10. Open Tekla PowerFab as an administrator
  11. Restore the Tekla EPM database.

    Use the database backup created in Step 6.

  12. Recreate the Tekla EPM Remote Server service.
    1. Open the Tekla EPM Remote Monitor.

      This is normally located in the Tekla PowerFab install directory and the application name is Tekla.PowerFab.Remote.Monitor.exe.

    2. To remove the existing service, select it in the drop-down menu and click the minus (-) button.
    3. To create a new service, click the plus (+) button.

      The service dependency should be MySQL_TeklaPowerFab.

  13. Set up and start Tekla PowerFab Remote Server.

After completing all these steps, users can log back into the Tekla PowerFab desktop application and Tekla EPM Go.

Option 2: Upgrade with MySQL_Upgrade utility

Users who do not wish to uninstall the existing MySQL version and install the new version, can use the MySQL_Upgrade.exe utility.

Note: Before you start:

Ensure that all users have logged out of Tekla PowerFab and no users will login until the upgrade is complete.

See the following instructions:

  1. Download and extract the desired mysql-upgrade-<version>.exe from MySQL Upgrade for Tekla PowerFab on the Tekla Warehouse.
  2. On the server, open Tekla PowerFab as an administrator.
  3. (Optional, recommended) Repair program errors.
  4. (Optional, recommended) Compress the Tekla EPM database.
  5. Save a backup copy of the Tekla EPM database.

    Do not save this to the MySQL install location.

  6. Open Windows Explorer and browse into the Tekla PowerFab program installation directory.

    The default location is C:\Program Files\Tekla\Tekla PowerFab.

  7. Close all Tekla PowerFab instances including Tekla EPM Remote Monitor and MySQL Service Manager.
  8. Run MySQL_Upgrade.exe from the Tekla PowerFab program installation directory.

    The default location is C:\Program Files\Tekla\Tekla PowerFab.

    The Upgrade Settings dialog box opens.

  9. To open the file selection dialog box, click the ellipsis button on the right of the Upgrade Installer and select the mysql-upgrade-<version>.exe that was obtained in Step 1.
  10. In the MySQL section of the Upgrade Settings dialog box, enter the following information:

    Master IP Address: Leave this as localhost.

    Master Port: The default port for MySQL is 3306. Change this only if you have specifically set MySQL to run on a different port.

    Upgrade IP Address and Upgrade Port: These are rarely used and should be left blank unless instructed otherwise by technical support.

    Username and Password: Enter the credentials of a Tekla PowerFab user with administrator permissions.

    Service Name: This is the name of the Windows service that manages the MySQL process.

    The default service name when Tekla PowerFab installs MySQL is MySQL_TeklaPowerFab.

    Depending on what version you started with, the service name may be MySQL_TeklaPowerFab, MySQL_TeklaEPM, or MySQL_Fabsuite. The service name can be customized with the , so it can be anything.

    Some users install a second MySQL service on the same server, utilizing the same set of MySQL executables but working off different data directories and listening on a different port.

    If this is the case with your system, that additional service must be added to the Upgrade Settings so that both data directories will be upgraded. If another MySQL service is running using the same set of MySQL executables, and it is not specified in these settings, then either the upgrade fails or that second MySQL service no longer operates correctly.

  11. To install a second MySQL service, do the following:
    1. Click on the plus (+) button to add an additional set of MySQL Server entries.
    2. Enter the Master IP Address, Master Port, Username, Password, and Service Name.

      Repeat these steps for any additional MySQL services that operate from the same set of MySQL executables.

  12. To begin the upgrade, click Upgrade MySQL Server.

    The Upgrade Settings dialog box closes and status messages are displayed.

    Note: Do not attempt to terminate the upgrade program while it is in progress. It is likely that doing so results in a MySQL installation that will not operate.

The upgrade steps are completed without any further action required from the user.

The automatically completed steps are the following:

  • Check the settings that were entered on the previous screen.
  • Perform a database backup.
  • Stop the MySQL service.
  • Copy in the files for the new version of MySQL.
  • Adjust MySQL configuration settings.
  • Start the MySQL service.
  • Restore the database.
  • Complete the upgrade of the data files.

When the upgrade has completed, an Upgrade completed! message appears in the status dialog box. You can now safely close the upgrade program and open and log into Tekla PowerFab.

Failed upgrade

If the upgrade fails, a message dialog box appears with the text Update Failed.

  1. Click OK.

    Another message appears indicating that the upgrade is rolled back to its previous state.

  2. To proceed with the rollback, click OK.

    Every step that has been taken up to this point is reversed. This leaves MySQL in the same state as it was before the upgrade, and the Upgrade Settings dialog box re-appears.

    You can then adjust any settings and try the upgrade again or contact technical support for further assistance.

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