Compare the materials in a production control job and a combining job

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Compare the materials in a production control job and a combining job

Use the Compare to Combining Job command to view if there are differences between the production control job materials and a pre-purchased material list in the Combining module.

  1. In the Production Control dialog box, click the Production Control ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Review > Compare to Combining Job.
  3. In the Select Combining Job dialog box, double-click the combining job that you want to use in the comparison.

    The Compare to Combining Job dialog box opens, displaying the similarities and differences between the production control job and the combining job.

    Matching items in the production control job and the combining job are highlighted with green.

    Items that do not match in the combining job and the production control job are highlighted with red.

  4. To adjust which comparison results are shown, do any of the following:
    • In the CMB Material Smaller than PDC Material section, define how much smaller the combining job items can be compared to the production control items without being considered critically different.

    • In the CMB Material Larger than PDC Material section, define how much larger the combining job items can be compared to the production control items without being considered critically different.

    • To only show items that differ in the production control job and the combining job, select the Only Show Differences check box.

    • To only show items that are greater than the maximum acceptable length and width differences set at the top of the Compare to Combining Job dialog box, select the Only Show Critical Differences check box.

    To update the comparison results, click Refresh.

  5. To view the comparison results as a report, click View Report.

    The comparison report opens in Tekla EPM Report Viewer.

    You can use the Email Excel and Email PDF buttons at the top of the Tekla EPM Report Viewer window to email the report via Microsoft Outlook.

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