View and modify production tracking statuses

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

View and modify production tracking statuses

You can view the production statuses of items in production control jobs in Tekla EPM Go. You can also add new production tracking records for material items in the selected production control job, or delete incorrectly added items from existing records.

To view the production statuses, do the following:

  1. On the homepage, scroll to the job whose production statuses you want to view or modify.
  2. Tap Open Project.

    The job information view opens.

  3. Do any of the following:
    • At the top of the page, tap Production Tracking.
    • In the Production Tracking section, tap View.

The list of stations in the selected job is shown. You can view the total number and weight of items that are required to complete the station, that have already completed the station, and that are still remaining and have not yet completed the station.

If you want to view further details about a station, you can tap the button on the right side of the station.

Add a single production tracking record

  1. Tap the Add button on the right side of the station to which you want to add a record.
  2. Tap the Main Mark list and either select or type the main mark of the items that have completed the selected station.
  3. Type the quantity of pieces that have completed the selected station.

    The gray number in the Quantity field shows the maximum number of items that can be processed.

  4. If necessary, type the instance number in the available field.

    The gray number in the field shows the maximum number of items that can be processed.

  5. If necessary, add the labor time in hours and minutes and the batch ID.

    The labor time added for the production tracking record can be viewed in the production schedule or project schedule, if necessary.

    The batch ID can be any identification associated with the item, such as the shift or work order number.

  6. Tap the Completed By list and select the Tekla EPM user that has completed the item.
  7. Tap Add.
  8. To confirm adding the record, tap Confirm.

The quantity and weight of items that have completed the selected station is updated.

Add a batch of production tracking records

  1. Tap the Add Batch button on the right side of the station to which you want to add a batch of records.

    You can see a list of the items that have not yet completed the station below the Update All section at the top of the page.

  2. If necessary, set filters, so that only the items that you want to add to the record are shown.

    For example, you can filter the view so that only items with particular main marks are shown. For more information on filters, see Set and clear filters.

  3. Do either of the following:


    Do this

    Enter the same information for all items

    1. In the Update All section at the top of the page, tap the list and select the Tekla EPM user who has completed the item.

    2. To define the quantity of pieces that are added to the record, do any of the following:
      • To add the maximum quantities of all items in the record, tap the Max Qty button, and tap OK.

      • Type the desired quantity in the Qty field.

        If the quantity equals or is less than the quantity of pieces within an item, the item is highlighted with green.

        If the quantity exceeds the quantity of pieces within an item, the item is highlighted with red.

    3. If necessary, type the instance number in the available field.

      The gray number in the field shows the maximum number of items that can be processed.

    4. If necessary, type the labor time per piece in hours and minutes, and the batch ID in the available fields.

      The batch ID can be any identification associated with the item, such as the shift or work order number.

    Modify items individually

    1. In the list of the available items, tap the button on the right side of the item that you want to modify.

    2. Type the desired quantity in the Qty field.

      The gray number in the Qty field shows the maximum number of items that can be processed.

    3. Tap the Comp By list and select the Tekla EPM user that has completed the item.

    4. If necessary, change the instance number.

      The gray number in the field shows the maximum number of items that can be processed.

    5. If necessary, modify the labor time per piece and the batch ID.

      The batch ID can be any identification associated with the item, such as the shift or work order number.

  4. To save the record, tap Update.

Tekla EPM Go notifies you that the items have been successfully updated. After that, the updated items disappear from the view.

If necessary, clear the current filter and set a new one. For more information on filters, see Set and clear filters.

Delete items from a production tracking record

Deleting items from production tracking records is permanent and cannot be undone. The items that are deleted from the record are returned to the list of items that remain to be completed.

  1. Tap the button on the right side of the desired station.
  2. Scroll to the record from which you want to delete items.
  3. Tap the button on the right side of the record.
  4. Type the quantity of pieces that you want to delete from the record.
  5. To permanently delete the pieces from the record, tap Confirm.
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