Create, modify, and delete accessories

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Create, modify, and delete accessories

Accessories are frequently used items that can be added to any estimate. For example, stiffeners, gussets, base and cap plates, and embeds are good examples of accessories. We recommend that you create all necessary accessories at once before starting to create estimates, so that working in the Estimating module is as quick and efficient as possible.

We recommend that you create, modify, and delete accessories in Accessory Maintenance. You can also create accessories in an estimating job, but these job-specific accessories cannot be saved to the accessory library, so they cannot be reused in other estimating jobs.

To access the Accessory Maintenance dialog box, do the following:
  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Estimating > Accessory Maintenance.

The Accessory Maintenance dialog box opens.

Create an accessory

The information that you enter for the accessory identifies the accessory together with the material cost and the required labor time.

  1. Click New.
  2. If necessary, type a part number for the accessory.

    Assigning part number allows you to add an accessory to an estimating item simply by selecting it in the item properties. Part numbers also make identifying accessories easier. However, note that if you add an item to the estimate by selecting the part number, you cannot modify the properties of the accessory in the estimating job.

  3. Type a description for the accessory.
  4. Determine the remaining properties of the accessory:




    The number of accessories per item to which they are added.


    The material shape of the accessory.


    The material size of the accessory.


    The length of the accessory.


    The material grade of the accessory.


    The labor code of the accessory.

    For more information, see Adjust labor codes.


    The estimate extras applied to the accessory.

    To add estimate extras, double-click the Extra field.

    For more information, see Create estimate extras.


    The number of holes in the accessory.

    Web Holes

    The number of web holes in the accessory.


    The number of stiffeners in the accessory.


    The number of copes in the accessory.


    The number of man hours spent on the accessory.

    Manual Cost

    The cost for the accessory that you can enter manually.

    The manual cost is optional, and it overrides the pricing information in the pricing database.


    When selected, the item to which the accessory is added is considered a main piece.


    An optional and additional comment on the accessory.

    Erect Hrs

    The number of man hours spent on erecting the accessory.

    Erect Cost

    The cost of erecting the accessory.

    Prod. Code

    The production code applied to the accessory.


    The camber size used with the accessory.

    Holes w/o Bo

    The number of holes per piece in the accessory. No bolts will be added.

    Top Flg Holes, Bot Flg Holes

    The number of top flange holes or bottom flange holes per accessory.

    Welded Studs

    The number of welded studs per accessory.

    Detailing Hrs

    The number of hours spent on erecting the accessory.

    Detailing Cost

    The amount of money used for erecting the accessory.


    A cost per piece that is added to the material cost of the accessory.


    The visible input fields and their order partially depend on the settings that you have defined in Estimating Maintenance. You can modify the input fields and their order via Maintenance > Estimating > Edit Input Fields.

  5. If necessary, select the linked material shapes and sizes to which the accessory can be added by clicking Edit.

    Selecting linked material shapes and sizes is optional. However, limiting the use of the accessory to the selected material shapes and sizes makes working easier, as you do not need to scroll through all existing accessory options whenever you want to add an accessory. If you do not select linked material shapes, the accessory can be added to all material items.

  6. In the Filter dialog box, click the arrow buttons to move the desired material shapes and sizes to the Included list.

    Note that there are also lists at the bottom of the Filter dialog box that allow you to select the material shapes.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Add to save the accessory.

Example: Create a stiffener for W12 beams

Note that the following example uses imperial units.

  1. Click New.
  2. Set the properties as follows:
    1. Part #: W12m
    2. Description: W12 Stiffener
    3. Quantity: 1
    4. Shape: PL
    5. Dimensions: 5/16 x 4
    6. Length: 0'-11
    7. Grade: A36
    8. Type: W (Baffle)
  3. Click Edit and link the accessory to the range W 12 x 14 - W 12 x 152.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Add to save the accessory.

Copy accessories

  1. In the accessory list, select the accessories that you want to copy.

    To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl.

    To select a range of subsequent items, hold down Shift.

  2. Click Copy.

    Copies of the selected accessories are added to the list in the Accessory Maintenance dialog box.

  3. If necessary, define part numbers for the copied accessories.
  4. Modify the properties of the copied accessories according to your needs.
  5. Click Save to update the accessories.

Modify an accessory

  1. In the accessory list, select the accessory that you want to modify.
  2. Modify the properties according to your needs.
  3. Click Save to update the accessory.

Modify multiple accessories at once

  1. In the accessory list, select the accessories that you want to modify.

    To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl.

    To select a range of subsequent items, hold down Shift.

  2. Click Global Edit - Selected.
  3. In the Global Edit dialog box, select check boxes next to the properties that you want to update.

    You can also use the Un-check All and Check Changed Fields buttons to quickly clear or select check boxes.

  4. Modify the selected properties in the Global Edit dialog box according to your needs.
  5. Click Update.

Delete an accessory

  1. In the accessory list, select the accessories that you want to delete.

    To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl.

    To select a range of subsequent items, hold down Shift.

  2. Click Delete.
  3. To permanently delete the accessories, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
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