Tekla PowerFab eXchange Release Notes
Version 6.5.2
- EPM-7281: Option added to upload or embed a .trb file.
- EPM-6999: Added option to include the .trb model file to the .pfxt or .zip package.
- EPM-7512: If a model has unsaved changes user will be prompted to save before exporting.
- EPM-7973: Properties for parts and assemblies have been added to the .trb file that is generated by the PowerFab plugin in Tekla Structures.
- EPM-7198: When there is a part drawing and no assembly drawing we now link the part drawing in the export.
Version 6.5.1
- EPM-7881/EPM-7238: Improved detection of repeated drawing names. Two drawings with the same name are no longer considered as conflicting if they are different types.
Version 6.5
- EPM-7973: Properties for parts and assemblies have been added to the .trb file that is generated by the PowerFab plugin in Tekla Structures.
- EPM-7618/EPM-7453: Duplicate drawing entries were being created; this has been fixed.
- EPM-7491: Multi-drawing data was omitted from the export; this has been fixed.
Version 6.3
- EPM-6996: When assembly marks in Tekla Structures are split by phase, the drawings can get mismatched. This has been corrected.
Version 6.2
- EPM-6627: Produces DSTV files in UTF-8 encoding; previous releases produced UTF-8-BOM which wasn't readable by some machines.
- This version is available starting with Tekla Structures 2022SP4
Version 6.1
- EPM-6408: Translated three additional strings on wpf form
- EPM-6363: Added support for drawing filenames that would be repeated after the removal of the delimiter to retain the delimiter between marks.
- EPM-6251: Detect the existence of standard settings in Tekla Structures 2022.
- Final version released to the Tekla Warehouse
Version 6.0
Name change to Tekla PowerFab Export
Fixed a bug where a model selection that didn't include a material type that was included in the CNC settings resulted in an error
Version 5.11
Fixed a bug with "Assembly Length" export
Added "Assembly Length" in export (requires Tekla PowerFab 2020SP5, 2020iSP4, 2021SP6, 2021iSP4, 2022 or later)
Version 5.10
Added PowerFab Exchange (.pfxt) format export
Version 5.9 (unreleased)
Fixed an issue with jobs with a null project title
Version 5.8
Added support for TPL:Project.Number in Advanced Settings for printed drawing names
Corrected functionality for saving and loading attributes files
Corrected the directory buttons
Error message relating to missing files has improved format
Created reasonable defaults for a new project
Supports exporting from the model with an Assembly selection
Version 5.7
- fixes compatibility with Tekla Structures 2019 and 2019i
Version 5.6 (unreleased)
- provides more descriptive message when CNC files are missing, and the option is selected to copy CNC files from the directory
Version 5.5
- fixed issue where saved settings didn't load after closing/opening the plugin
Version 5.4
- no longer converting metric to imperial based only on dimensions
Version 5.3
- fixed a bug where the <Shape> was exported incorrectly. *CRITICAL UPGRADE FROM 5.2*
Version 5.2
- added a vertical slider so that column space can be adjusted
- added ability to save and restore attributes files
- updated part report to include Tekla PowerFab Shape
Version 5.1 (unreleased)
- corrected encoding of CNC Settings file read (special characters were behaving poorly)
- fixed export of washers and nuts based on count
Version 5.0 (unreleased)
- updated compatibility of plugin for including in menu of Tekla Structures 2021
Version 4.4
- prevented the plugin from crashing when the Project Name contains characters that are illegal in XML - Multidrawings with a revision are now found -The "Set" button on import now colors the model based on the selected representation in the drop-down- The Drawing Files setting is now properly saved and restored in the plugin
Version 4.3
- added default units (metric or imperial) that match the job when units cannot be determined from the dimensions alone. (EPM-4849)
- added support for additional options in Advanced Settings for file output
Version 4.2
- updated zipping library
- added support for user-specified shape for bolts and studs
- added reports to TSEP file so that a second plugin is no longer needed
- use project description for filename if project name is shorter than two characters.
- changed structure of exported xml to have new drawing types within a tag.
- set a minimum width on screen panels so that they don't disappear with very long filenames on the right.
- added support for metric gage plates
- added prompt to user to continue exporting if there's a CNC error
Version 4.1
- added support for including drawings that have repeated names but are of differing types
- added additional grades for TC bolts
- added ability to export parts with piecemarks that contain special characters (like dashes)