Error messages

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Error messages

In general, all error and warning messages that Tedds displays should be clear in themselves. However, if you do have difficulties understanding an error message, you can see the likely causes and solutions of all Tedds error messages in the following tables.

General error and warning messages
Message Description Action
A problem has occurred in the Expression Evaluation filter The Expression Evaluation filter has failed to initialize correctly, but has not returned an error. The error may occur when you are running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

A problem has occurred while initializing the Expression Evaluator - expression evaluation has been aborted The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

A problem has occurred while initializing the filter to the Expression Evaluator - expression evaluation has been aborted The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

Memory full condition detected The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

Unable to launch the Library Access System. The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

Unable to launch the Sketch Viewer. The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

Unable to create temporary variable ( .VBL) file The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close some applications.

  2. Try again.

Tedds is already running only one instance is allowed You have attempted to load the Tedds system when it is already loaded. It is not possible to have two copies of the Tedds system open for one copy of Word. Not applicable
The clipboard format is invalid The error is very unlikely to occur in normal use of Tedds.
  • Report the error and the actions that lead to it to the Tekla Support Department.

The clipboard is locked by another application The error is very unlikely to occur in normal use of Tedds.
  1. Close all other applications.

  2. Try again.

  3. If steps 1 and 2 fail, report the error and the actions that lead to it to the Tekla Support department.

The data in the temporary library file is invalid The error usually occurs when your disk has become corrupted in some way.
  1. Verify the situation of the disk with a commercially available disk checking package.

  2. Try again.

Unable to create a temporary copy of the variable ( .VBL) file The error usually occurs when you are running low on disk space.
  1. Delete some old files or documents.

  2. Try again.

The Tedds document variable file ( .VBL) does not exist; - a complete document recalculation is required

A Tedds for Word document consists of two files: a Word document and a Tedds variable file with a .VBL file extension.

For some reason, the variable file cannot be found.

  • Recalculate the entire document in order to recreate it.

Unable to copy temporary variable file to the document variable ( .VBL) file The error usually occurs when you are running low on disk space.
  1. Delete some old files or documents.

  2. Try again.

The Tedds document and its associated variable file ( .VBL) are out of sync. An error occurred while trying to delete the variable file. You must delete this file and then perform a complete document re-calculation

A Tedds for Word document consists of two files: a Word document and a Tedds variable file with a .VBL file extension.

The integrity of the information is ensured through time stamps.

For some reason, the two files are no longer synchronized. That is why the stored variable file must be deleted. However, the automatic deletion of the Tedds variable file has failed. This may occur when the variable file is set to be read-only.

  1. Delete the .VBL file manually.

  2. Recalculate the entire document in order to recreate it.

The Tedds document and its associated variable file ( .VBL) are out of sync. The variable file has been deleted - a complete document re-calculation is required

A Tedds for Word document consists of two files: a Word document and a Tedds variable file with a .VBL file extension.

The integrity of the information is ensured through time stamps.

For some reason, the two files are no longer synchronized. That is why the stored variable file has been deleted.

  • Recalculate the entire document in order to recreate it.

Unable to tidy the temporary variable file. The variable file has been deleted - a complete document re-calculation is required

The temporary variable files are tidied periodically during your session. A problem has occurred during this process.

The error may occur when you are running low on disk space.

  • Remove any unwanted files from your disk.

Tedds error messages

Tedds error messages can be divided into the following three categories:
  • Fatal errors
  • Non-fatal errors
  • Variable errors
Fatal errors
Message Description Action
Unable to open unit database (in read-only mode) The unit database file cannot be found, does not exist, or is corrupt.
  1. Reinstate the unit database.

  2. Try again.

Memory error - out of memory The errors occur for a number of reasons. However, they are very unlikely to occur during normal use of Tedds.
  • Contact your dealer or the Tekla Support Department for assistance.
Reassigning floating point error handler
Unable to add to an internal list
Unable to create an internal function object
Unable to create an internal list
Unable to create an internal module object
Unable to create an internal object
Unable to delete an internal list
Unable to initialize the Expression Evaluator
Wrong output type
Non-fatal errors
Message Description Action
Argument has incorrect dimensions The units of an argument are incompatible with the expected units.
  1. Check the expression for any unit errors.
  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Dimensional analysis is switched off In Tedds options, the option to perform dimensional checks is switched off.
  1. In Tedds options, switch on dimensional checking.

  2. Try again.

Dimensional equality expected in expression The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for any errors in the units of any variables or constants.
  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.


  • Switch off dimensional checking.


If you switch off dimensional checking, be careful to ensure that the results are still valid.

You can confirm the dimensional analysis of the expression by looking up its functions. For more information, see Mathematics.

Dimensional equality required for addition/subtraction The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for errors, such as 1 m + 1 kg = ?.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Dimensional equality required for numeric comparison The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for errors, such as if(1 m < 1 kg, 1,0).

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Dimensionless value expected in expression You have specified a value with dimensions that the function cannot accept, for example sin(45 m).
  1. Confirm the dimensional analysis of the expression by looking up its functions.

    For more information, see Mathematics.

  2. Alter the expression.

  3. Try again.

Divide by zero Tedds has found an expression containing a division by zero.
  1. Check your document for errors.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Equal sign expected in expression An equal sign is missing from the expression.
  1. Check the expression for a missing equal sign.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Expression contains a variable which references itself The calculated expressions contain a circular calculation.
  1. Check the expression for errors.
  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Expression contains an unexpected delimiter The expression is incomplete.
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Expression is too complex to evaluate The most likely reason for the error to occur is that the expression is recursive, for example a = a + 1.
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Function argument must be dimensionless The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for errors, such as log(1 m) = ?.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Function argument number - - - is not within its permissible range An argument of a function is outside the allowable range.
  1. Check the allowable argument values by looking up the function.

    For more information, see Mathematics.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Function arguments have mismatched dimensions The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for errors, such as min(3m, 5 kg) = ?.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Illegal mathematical relationship The values that you have entered in an equation are of different types.
  1. Check your document for errors, such as a == 1.
  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Incorrect argument in function The function contains an incorrect type of argument.
  1. Check the types of argument which the function requires by looking up the function.

    For more information, see Mathematics.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Incorrect number of arguments in function The function contains an incorrect number of arguments.
  1. Check the number of arguments that the function requires by looking up the function.

    For more information, see Mathematics.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Interrupted by user You have chosen to interrupt a calculation. Not applicable
Invalid expression Tedds is unable to find a valid expression.
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Invalid expression to call a module The expression contains a call to an invalid module, possibly because the module has been overwritten.
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Alter the call.

    • Reinstate the call from the library.

  2. Try again.

Invalid result format defined Usually The error occurs when you have specified an incorrect format character in a results format string.
  1. Check the allowable result formats.

    For more information, see Result formats and precision.

  2. Try again.

Missing or misplaced parenthesis Tedds has found unmatched left and right parentheses.
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Missing semicolon (;) Tedds cannot find a set of complete expressions.
  1. Check the document for errors.

  2. Correct the expression.

  3. Try again.

Multiple final results defined on one line You have defined several final results fields within a single equation, for example a + b = ? = ? .
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Multiple intermediate results defined on one line You have defined several intermediate results fields within a single equation, for example a + b = # = # .
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Multiple variable assignments defined on one line You have defined several variables within a single equation, a=b=?.
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

No expression to evaluate! The area of the document which you have chosen to evaluate does not contain any complete expressions.
  1. Modify the chosen area.

  2. Try again.

Numeric domain error The value of the function is not appropriate, for example asin(5).
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Numeric power must be dimensionless The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for errors such as 105 kg.

  2. Try again.

Numeric range error Calculating the expression has resulted in a number which is too large (> 10306), or too small (< 10-306) to handle.
  1. Correct the expression.

  2. Try again.

Security violation - unable to obtain a licence for this function You are using a function that is secured. It is not possible to run more copies of this function than your licence allows.
  1. Wait until a licence becomes available.

  2. Try again.

Specified result units do not match dimensions of expression The dimensions within the expression are not correct.
  1. Check the expression for errors, such as 1 m + 5 m = ? kg.

  2. Correct the expression.

  3. Try again.

Square root of a negative number Tedds has found an expression containing the square root of a negative number.
  1. Check the document for errors.
  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Unable to add a unit to the unit database Either the unit database file does not exist or it is corrupt, or the unit you have specified already exists in the unit database.
  • Reinstate the unit database.


  1. Remove the old definition of the unit.

    For more information, see Delete system units.

  2. Add a new definition for the unit.

    For more information, see Add system units.

Unable to decompose units Tedds cannot split the units of your calculations into components that it recognizes.
  1. Check the document for errors.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. If necessary, add a new unit to the unit database.

    For more information, see Add system units.

  4. Try again.

Unable to delete a unit from the unit database Either the unit database file does not exist or it is corrupt, or it does not contain the unit you are trying to delete.
  1. Check the document for errors.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. If necessary, add a new unit to the unit database.

    For more information, see Add system units.

  4. Try again.

Unable to get a unit from the unit database Either the unit database file does not exist or it is corrupt, or it does not contain the unit you are trying to display or delete.
  1. Reinstate the unit database file.

  2. Try again.

For further information, see Units.

Unable to open variables file

A Tedds for Word document consists of two files: a Word document and a Tedds variable file with a .VBL file extension.

The variable file that you are using has been deleted or has become corrupt.
  1. Save and close the document.

  2. Delete the .VBL file.

  3. Open the document.

  4. Recalculate the document.

Unable to re-apply units to value There is an error in your units.
  1. Check the units for errors.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

Unknown keyword The expression uses an unknown keyboard.
  1. Modify the expression to remove the unknown keyboard.

  2. Try again.

Unknown module called The expression calls an unknown module.
  1. Modify the expression to remove the unknown module.

  2. Try again.

Unknown variable in expression A variable in an expression has not been defined, and you have not given it a value.
  1. Define the variable.

  2. Try again.

Unrecognized unit The unit does not exist in the unit database.
  1. Add the unit in the unit database.

    For more information, see Add system units.

  2. Try again.

Unable to add a section to the variables file

A Tedds for Word document consists of two files: a Word document and a Tedds variable file with a .VBL file extension.

When one of these errors occurs, the variable file either does not exist, or it is corrupt.

  1. Save and close the document.

  2. Delete the .VBL file.

  3. Open the document.

  4. Recalculate the document.

Unable to add a variable to the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to close the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to delete a section from the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to delete a variable from the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to get a section from the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to get a variable from the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to get sync code for the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to initiali ze the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to set sync code in the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to tidy the variables file ( .VBL)
Unable to close the unit database The unit database file does not exist, or is corrupt.
  1. Reinstate the unit database file.

  2. Try again.

Unable to enumerate units in the unit database (unit)
Unable to initialize the unit database (unit)
No system variables file found The errors occur for a number of reasons. They are very unlikely to arise during normal use of Tedds.
  • Contact your dealer or the Tekla Support Department for assistance.
No unit database specified
Unable to create a DLL instance
Unable to enumerate variables
Unable to execute program
Unable to open the system variables file (read-only mode)
Unable to open the unit database (read-write mode)
End of buffer reached while reading RTF The errors occur for a number of reasons. They are very unlikely to arise during normal use of Tedds.
  • Contact your dealer or the Tekla Support Department for assistance.
Internal ris assertion failure
Invalid font name
Invalid hex character found
RTF Stack overflow
RTF Stack underflow
RTF table (sym or prop) invalid
Unmatched brace
Bad field The errors occur for a number of reasons. They are very unlikely to arise during normal use of Tedds.
  • Contact your dealer or the Tekla Support Department for assistance.
Building output from results … …
Cannot add to list
Cannot create list structure
Cannot create object
Error can't enlarge buffer
Invalid CSC bookmark (nested!)
Mismatched bookmarks
Out of memory
Rare fatal errors

Message Description Action
floating point error - invalid The floating point errors occur for a number of reasons. They are not specifically located within Tedds because they are very unlikely to arise.
  • Contact the Tekla Support Department for assistance.
floating point error - denormal
floating point error - divide by zero
floating point error - overflow
floating point error - underflow
floating point error - inexact
floating point error - unemulated
floating point error - sqrt. neg number
floating point error - stack overflow
floating point error - stack underflow

Library Access System error messages

Library Access System error messages
Message Description Action
Failed to get Clipboard data! The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close calculation sets or other running applications.

  2. Try again.

Failed to open Clipboard! The error usually occurs when your computer is running low on memory.
  1. Close calculation sets or other running applications.

  2. Try again.

File does not exist: You have entered a set name which does not exist.
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Enter the correct set name.

    • Select the set in the list of available sets.

  2. Try again.

Incorrect set format The format of the set which you have selected is incorrect.
  1. You may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Invalid Library File name The name of the library file that you have given contains invalid characters.
  • Type a name that only contains valid characters.
Problem adding new item into calculation set

When a calculation set is modified, a temporary file is created to contain the changed information.

Either the file cannot be created, or cannot be extended to hold the required information.

The error is most likely to occur because the disk is full.

  1. Delete some old files or documents.

  2. Try again.

Problem retrieving valid library item data from clipboard You have attempted to add data into the library, but the data on the clipboard is invalid.
  1. Try to paste data that is appropriate for a library item.

Problem updating selected library item in calculation set

When a calculation set is modified, a temporary file is created to contain the changed information.

Either the file cannot be created, or cannot be extended to hold the required information.

The error is most likely to occur because the disk is full.

  1. Delete some old files or documents.

  2. Try again.

Sketch viewer error messages

Sketch Viewer error messages
Message Description Action
An unknown file format has been selected

The data in the file cannot be imported.

The file may have the wrong file extension or be in an old format.

  • Select a file containing correct information.
This Sketch cannot be enlarged any further

The error occurs when you have repeatedly zoomed into the picture.

The result of the zoom that you have tried to perform would be a picture which is too large to be displayed.

  • Try another zoom setting.
This Sketch cannot be reduced any further

The error occurs when you have repeatedly zoomed out of the picture.

The result of the zoom that you have tried to perform would be a picture which is too small to be displayed.

  • Try another zoom setting.

Data Tables error messages

Data Tables error messages
Message Description Action
File does not exist The Data Tables tool has tried to open a table that cannot be located.
  1. You may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Invalid Data Table file format The Data Tables tool has tried to open a data table that is corrupt.
  1. You may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Range values for "item name" cannot be extrapolated in table "table name"

Extrapolation of data tables is not permitted.

The values that you specify for interpolation must be greater than the smallest value and less than the largest value of the range item which is being interpolated.

  1. Check the table for errors.

  2. Correct the errors.

  3. Try again.

The zoom factor must be between 50 and 200% You have specified a zoom factor that is outside the allowable range of 50–200%.
  • Enter a zoom value that is within the allowable range.

This table has no value ranges and therefore cannot be interpolated

The opened data table does not contain any items that can be interpolated.

You can only interpolate tables that have ranges of information in them, for example various spans.

  • Open a table that has items that can be interpolated.

Data Graph error messages

Data Graph error messages
Message Description Action
Failed to connect to your user registry key. Your user defined options have not been loaded and any changes made to the user options will not be saved. The Data Graph tool has tried to save your settings to the Windows registry, but for some reason, the connection has failed.
  1. You may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Failed to create Data Graph registry key. The Data Graph tool has tried to create a basic set of settings in the Windows registry, but for some reason, the process has failed.
  1. You may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Failed to connect to Tedds. Changes to variables will not be updated in your document. The Data Graph tool has tried to connect to Tedds, so that the details of your selections could be returned to your document. For some reason, the connection has failed.
  1. Close and restart Tedds.

  2. If the problem continues, you may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Failed to open the 'Users' registry key. The Data Graph tool has tried to save your settings to the Windows registry. For some reason, the connection has failed.
  1. You may need to re-install Tedds.

For further assistance, contact the Tekla Support Department.

Value already exists (Interpolation dialog). You have tried to interpolate a graph, but the value you have specified is the same as for a curve that already exists.
  • Specify a value that does not correspond to an existing curve.

Section Designer error messages

Section Designer error messages
Message Description Action
The detail specified for the shape, places it off the canvas. The shape has been deleted.

In the Section Designer, all shapes must lie completely within the canvas.

The details that you defined for the last shape did not meet this requirement. The shape has been deleted.

  1. Save the shape to Tedds.

  2. Select a larger canvas size.

  3. Define the shapes for your section.

The length of the hole is greater than the length of the parent shape.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The hole that you have just defined does not meet these requirements. The hole has not been created.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Increase the size of the parent object.

    • Reduce the size of the hole.

The width of the hole is greater than the width of the parent shape.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The hole that you have just defined does not meet these requirements. The hole has not been created.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Increase the size of the parent object.

    • Reduce the size of the hole.

The diameter of the hole is greater than the width/length of the parent shape.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The hole that you have just defined does not meet these requirements. The hole has not been created.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Increase the size of the parent object.

    • Reduce the size of the hole.

The diameter of the hole is greater than the diameter of the parent shape.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The hole that you have just defined does not meet these requirements. The hole has not been created.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Increase the size of the parent object.

    • Reduce the size of the hole.

The detail for the hole places it outside its parent shape.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The hole that you have just defined does not meet these requirements. The hole has not been created.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Increase the size of the parent object.

    • Reduce the size of the hole.

The hole has been moved outside of its parent shape. The move has been cancelled.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The move that you tried to make would cause the hole to lie outside its parent shape. The move has been cancelled.

  • Do one of the following:

    • Move the parent shape and the hole together.

    • Increase the size of the parent shape, so that it can contain the hole in its new location.

The hole has been resized to make it too big to fit in its parent shape. The resize has been cancelled.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The resize that you applied would cause the hole to lie outside its parent shape. The resize has been cancelled.

  1. Increase the size of the parent shape so that it can contain the larger hole.

  2. Increase the size of the hole again.

This shape has been resized making it too small to contain its existing hole(s). The resize has been cancelled.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The resize that you applied would cause the hole to lie outside its parent shape. The resize has been cancelled.

  1. Decrease the size of the hole so that it will fit within the new size of the parent shape.

  2. If necessary, decrease the size of the parent shape.

This shape has been modified preventing it containing all its existing hole(s). The editing has been cancelled.

In the Section Designer, all holes must lie completely within their parent shape.

The modification that you applied to the parent shape would cause the hole to lie outside its parent shape. The modification has been cancelled.

  1. Modify the holes so that they fit within the new size of the parent shape.

  2. If needed, decrease the size of the parent shape.

The size of canvas you have chosen has changed. This could result in loss of shapes or shapes which are too small to be seen.

You have chosen a canvas size that is different to the one that you used when you last calculated the section properties for this section.

If there are any shapes that do not lie completely within the canvas, they are deleted. Conversely, if there are any small shapes on your canvas, you might not be able to see these even at the largest possible zoom factor.

If this is acceptable:
  • Click Next.

  • Select another canvas size.

This will lose all the work that you have done on this canvas. Are you sure that you want to proceed? You have made changes to the canvas, and have chosen to create a new canvas. The changes that you have made will be lost.
If this is acceptable:
  • Click OK.

  • Save the changes before attempting to open a new canvas.

The snap details specified for the shape, places it off the canvas. The snap shapes has been cancelled.

In the Section Designer, all shapes must lie completely within the canvas.

The modification that you applied by snapping the shapes to one another would cause one of the shapes to lie off the canvas. The modification has been cancelled.

  1. Move the shapes so that both shaped will lie on canvas when snapped together.

  2. Try snapping the options to one another again

Your input ini file does not exist. Please contact Tekla support. One of the files required by the Section Designer does not exist.
  • Contact the Tekla Support Department.

Your output ini file does not exist. Please contact Tekla support. One of the files required by the Section Designer does not exist.
  • Contact the Tekla Support Department.

Input ini file is corrupt or invalid. Please contact Tekla support. One of the files required by the Section Designer is damaged.
  • Contact the Tekla Support Department.

Output ini file is corrupt or invalid. Please contact Tekla support. One of the files required by the Section Designer is damaged.
  • Contact the Tekla Support Department.

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