Define results
To show the result of an expression, you must define the type of results that you want. To define the type of results, see the following instructions.
Note: The following only applies to Tedds for Word.
Tedds for Word includes two types of results. The types are:
Intermediate results
that display the values used within a calculation.
You can use an intermediate result with or without using a specific format.
Final results
that display the final value of an expression.
You can use a final result with or without using a specific format and with or without units.
Define intermediate results
- Type your expressions.
- After each expression, type = #
- If necessary, type a format string to define the result format and precision.
Define final results
- Type your expressions.
- After each expression, type = ?
- If necessary, type a format string to define the result format and precision.
- If necessary, type the unit that you want to display the results in.