2021 SP3: Nieuwe functies en verbeteringen

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

2021 SP3: Nieuwe functies en verbeteringen

Verbeteringen in betoncomponenten

Sandwichpaneel en holle wand

Op het tabblad UDA kunt u nu de schil selecteren voor elk gebruikersattribuut (UDA) dat u definieert. Hierdoor kunt u meer gebruikersattributen voor een bepaalde schil instellen.



  • Op het tabblad Algemeen kunt u nu in de lijst Hoofdonderdeellaag selecteren welk laagdeel als hoofdonderdeel van het betonelement wordt ingesteld. De optie Standaard stelt het structurele onderdeel met het grootste volume in als het hoofdonderdeel.


  • Er zijn nu nieuwe opties om de inhoud van het tabblad UDA aan te passen. In het WallLayout.Udas.dat-bestand kunt u nu de tab, label en endlabel-gegevenstypen toevoegen om de inhoud van het tabblad UDA te organiseren volgens specifieke werkstromen.

    Merk op dat het gebruik van deze functie in eerdere servicepacks van Tekla Structures 2021 kan leiden tot het onjuist laden van instellingsbestanden.


Instortvoorzieningen (8)

  • Op het tabblad Plaatsing kunt u nu in Wapening vermijden selecteren dat alle wapeningstypes worden gedetecteerd in het hoofddeel, en de plaatsingsoffset definiëren om botsingen met ankers te vermijden.


  • Op het tabblad Plaatsing zijn er wijzigingen in de methoden voor de berekening van het zwaartepunt (COG):

    • Alle verbonden onderdelen en alle verbonden onderdelen zonder staal bevatten onderdelen die zijn verbonden door bouten en lassen.

    • Merk en Merk zonder stalen onderdelen omvatten uitsluitend de onderdelen in het huidige merk.


Gatwapeningen voor platen en muren (84)

U kunt nu aangeven welk punt van de plaat zal worden genomen als de oorsprong waar het creatievlak begint. Dit betekent dat de gemaakte wapening wordt uitgelijnd op de plaatrand vanaf dat punt.


Wapeningsmatten (89)/Wapeningsnetarray (91)

De volgende verbeteringen zijn op het tabblad Overlapping beschikbaar:

  • Er is nu een nieuwe optie voor de offset van het net voor het verschuiven van alle netten:

  • Wanneer u zowel het bovenste als het onderste net maakt, kunt u nu de beginnetlayer van beide netten afzonderlijk inkorten. Hiermee kunt u de hele netlayer verplaatsen terwijl de netopmaak gedefinieerd in Net-offset behouden blijft.


Betonnen console (110), Betonnen console (111)

Op het tabblad Onderdelen is het nu mogelijk om de console polygoonpunten te roteren.

U kunt de richting van de console polygoon definiëren.



Nummer defect Ontwikkelingsgebied Beschrijving
TSAC-5685 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)


Export Unitechnik (79): The placement logic of the geometry detailing strip parts has been improved, and the parts are now added to the correct shell of the double walls. 

TTSD-44224 Core


Support tool: If a crash in Tekla Structures is encountered, the Windows logs of the type Error from the last 72 hours are attached to the Support tool automatically. They can be skipped by clearing the Crash information file check box.

TTSD-45154 Modeling


In some cases, solids could be broken in cut bent plates, for example. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-46416 Modeling

Batch editor: Batch editor now works better with rebar sets created by components.

TSAC-5174 Tools and components

Formwork placing tools - Slabs and Formwork placing tools - Walls: You can now setup any formwork accessory item to be created either as a custom part (as before), as an item, or as a beam.

For items or beams it is also possible to setup any of the item or beam properties or the UDAs either in the configuration file by adding new columns, or with the "Save as" property files.

TTSD-45184 Templates and reports

Template editor

  • You can now specify a character for data separation: fVF(data file, lookup value, column#[, separator character])
  • You can now use a preferred column separator of choice. Previously, it was possible to use only spaces as separators.
    This enables the support for spaces in names, profiles, shapes, and so on, as well as the use of distance lists as input.
  • You can also use blank or empty strings as input.
  • Leading and trailing white space is dropped.
  • Template Editor supports several separators, so " ,;\t" would make all the space, comma, semi-colon, and tab characters separators. 
TTSD-33374 Modeling

Panning and zooming performance has now been improved in models with many complex items when DirectX rendering is used.

TTSD-44790 Modeling

Previously, clicking the UDA button in component property pane caused a crash. Now, it is not possible anymore to add the UDA button to the property pane template for components in the Property Pane Editor.

TTSD-42477 Modeling

Previously, connection component coordinate system sometimes flipped randomly in certain symmetrical cases, such as when connecting two parallel parts of the same length. Now, small numerical noise is ignored so that in symmetrical cases the component will be inserted to the same side consistently.

TSAC-5548 Concrete components

Anchor (10): When creating a connection profile as a custom part, it is now correctly added a sub-assembly to a panel or column.

TTSD-45649 Tools and components

Applications & components catalog: Previously, the Recent group and other data in the <user>_ComponentCatalogUserSettings.xml file in the model folder were not saved when Tekla Structures was closed. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44753 Modeling

Batch editor now has improved support for the Wall layout component.

TTSD-44335 Modeling

Batch editor: The validation message has been enhanced. The message now informs if the the target assembly is too different from the source for the copying to work reliably.

TSAC-5503 Steel components

Brace corner simple (49): Previously, bolts were rotated when the secondary parts were twin profiles. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5252 Steel components

BW Side rail supports (51): Diagonal wires are now offset from the struts by 100 mm. 

TSAC-5278 Steel components

BW Side rail supports (51): The eaves stiffener cleat has been updated to the new 5-hole cleat.

TTSD-45310 Tools and components

Clash check manager: Previously, Clash check manager and Clash Information did not show Object Material for native Tekla Structures objects. That has now been fixed.

TSAC-5271 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): Previously, the cut around T-beams was incorrectly created. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5257 Concrete components

Concrete console (110): Previously, the position of holes in the neoprene and the position of the socket connection were incorrect. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5379 Concrete components

Concrete foundation (1030): The positioning of the second group of injection tubes and bars is now working properly.

TSAC-5380 Concrete components

Corbel reinforcement (81): The rebar group type of stirrups is now correctly set to Normal when the horizontal Follow shape option is selected on the Main bars tab. Previously, the rebar group type was set to Tapered even if the stirrups were correctly created horizontally.

TSAC-5702 Concrete components

Corbel reinforcement (81):

  • The double U-bar stirrup shape for transverse stirrups is now created correctly according to the option selected in Follow shape.
  • The spacing values defined for stirrup group 2 on the Stirrups tab now work correctly.
TSAC-4803 Tools and components

Custom Component Dialog Editor settings are now saved in the current model folder. The options set are applied only to the current model instead of the Tekla Structures version as before.

TTSD-40531 Modeling

DirectX rendering: Artefacts are not displayed anymore on the selected planes when picking in 3D views.

TTSD-45299 Modeling

DirectX rendering: Taking screenshot that exceeds the Windows clipboard capacity 4MB does not cause a crash anymore. Nothing is placed on the clipboard and there is no crash.

TTSD-37118 Drawings

Document manager: Issuing general arrangement drawings in Document manager while the  drawing was open could cause offset lines to become skewed. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-41766 Drawings

Document Manager: Document Manager previously closed during a shared model read-in, because there were occasional conflicts between file watchers in Document Manager and the file updating process. Now, these conflicts are prevented, and Document Manager remains open during the read-in process.

TTSD-45483 Drawings

Drawing content manager: Drawing content manager shows assemblies more reliably now.

TSAC-5661 Concrete components

Embedded anchors (8): Anchors are now placed correctly when you create them in the gap between the layers of the wall assembly.

TTSD-46028 Import, export, interoperability

Export drawings to DWG/DXF: Drawing hatches using invisible colors behave now better in the DWG export.

TSAC-5566 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Exported files are now written with UTF-8 encoding.

TSAC-6610 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export ELiPLAN file (68): Previously, weep holes could be exported inside recesses and other elements inside cast unit. This issue has now been fixed, and the export of such weep holes is now prevented.

TSAC-5568 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): You can now use circle and arc shapes in the special assembly export file. Circle is defined by the special symbol K followed by the circle radius. Arc is defined by the special symbol B followed by the arc radius, start angle and end angle.

TSAC-5697 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Meshes collected from rebar groups that are set to be exported as embeds now have a rectangular bounding box geometry. Also reinforcement with a cage UDA specified to be exported as embed by name on the Embeds tab is now exported with a cage bounding box.

TSAC-5680 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): On the MOUNPART block data tab, you can now specify the installation type of the embed by defining a UDA, class, name or user-defined text. Additionally, you can now specify a different mountpart name source for the insulation or cutpart mountparts.

TSAC-5590 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, when protruding cutouts were excluded from the export, they extended the contour incorrectly. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5580 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, when using a special assemblies definition file, the optional setting for having a custom logic for embed height coordinate was not working. This has been fixed, and now a selection of mountparts can be set to export at bottom of the pallet, at the embed bottom level, or at the embed center-of-gravity level.

TSAC-5567 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Two new options have been added to the option Export assemblies on the Embeds tab. The first option exports all sub-assembly parts as one object with continuous geometry, and the second one exports all sub-assembly parts as one object with distinct geometry of each part.

Export continuous geometry
Export distinct geometry
TSAC-5617 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): Using the product types Thermo wall (1st stage) and Thermo wall (2nd stage) in the object UDAs will now produce an export file with a separate HEADER block for each of the two stages of the thermal wall, similarly as with double walls.

TSAC-5378 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): You can now automatically recognize certain cut types as mountparts using the new option, Cuts as mountparts, on the TS configuration tab. Select the cut type: Designated only, All, Recesses, Within contour, or Recesses within.

TSAC-5579 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): You can now export thermal anchors for thermal walls by specifying names or classes for the Thermal anchors setting on the Embeds tab. 
Additionally, a new option, As embed (mounpart) with thermal anchor, has been added to Export insulation. If you select this option, thermal anchors will be exported as a part of the insulation. You need to select this option to activate the thermal anchors function and the Thermal anchors setting.

TSAC-5582 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): You can now specify more precisely how the mountpart name is exported by using the new options in the Mountpart name field on the MOUNTPART block data tab: UDA, Text[Template]#Counter, Template, and User-defined text.

TSAC-5344 Import, export, interoperability (concrete)

Export Unitechnik (79): You can now use the new surface object UDA Align pallet direction on the Unitechnik tab of the Tekla Structures Surface user-defined dialog box for controlling rotation of individual elements in the export. This setting defines the rotation of the element in XY plane so that the selected face is towards the pallet X axis, and aligns towards the X direction. This setting overrides all other rotation settings.

TTSD-44978 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: If the name of the folder that was selected as the export folder  contained umlauts, the export failed. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45047 Import, export, interoperability

IFC2x3 export: Now the dialog box remembers the previous Location by setting when the dialog box is closed and reopened.

TTSD-46055 Import, export, interoperability

IFC4 export: The OBJECT_TYPE attribute is now supported properly by the IFC4 export.

TTSD-45551 Drawings

Layout editor: Moving keyplans in drawing layouts now works more reliably.

TSAC-5565 Tools and components

Layout manager
When creating new names for layout points and layout lines with no names, the Layout manager does not add the default prefix to the name anymore. Previously, layout point and layout line names consisted of the default prefix followed by a number. Now the new name consists of numbers only.
Auto Naming a group now allows empty prefixes when creating new names for the layout points and layout lines in a group.

TSAC-5510 Concrete components

Mesh bars: Previously, minimum rebar lengths resulted in incorrect spacing of rebars. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5142 Steel components

Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): A reverse tapered short column can now be used when the upper column is bigger than the lower column.

TSAC-5139 Steel components

Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): On the Fabrication dimensions tab, you can now define a vertical clearance for the penetrating diaphragm plates.

TSAC-5148 Steel components

Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): Previously, some cuts to the beam web plate were not correct and the inner diaphragm plates were not created in some cases. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5149 Steel components

Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): The following profiles are now available for the short tapered column: BBOXTC, BBOXTF, BBOXTL, B_VAR_A, B_VAR_B, and B_VAR_C.

TSAC-5141 Steel components

Pipe column and beam panel zone (21): You can now use the Web Component option on the Cantilevers tab even if selecting the web cut option on the Fabrication dimensions tab. Previously, the Web Component option could not be used in that case.

TSAC-5314 Concrete components

Precast found block (1028): The Union 3 parts option that connects the created found blocks is now working properly. The result in the model corresponds with the selected connection type option.

TTSD-45583 Drawings

Printing: Printing drawings with invalid data could cause Tekla Structures to crash. This has now been fixed so that if a drawing contains invalid data, the printing will stop at that point, and the drawing is labeled as incomplete.

TTSD-46042 Drawings

Printing: The Print Drawings dialog box did not respond correctly if you had not selected any drawings in Document Manager. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5513 Drawings

Rebar group marking: A new setting, Center position number to line, has been added to the Mark 3 tab to center the rebar position number to the end line. This will automatically place the position number as the first element in the list and align this element with the leader line.

TTSD-39834 Import, export, interoperability

Reference models: Snapping in large reference models is faster now.

TSAC-5388 Concrete components

Reinforced concrete stair (95): In rebar H, both parts in the secondary rebar shape now take the rebar attributes properly for each part.

TSAC-5542 Steel components

Stairs (S71): Previously, steps chamfers were not created correctly, when you defined some of the step size values as zero. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5474 Steel components

Stiffened end plate (27): Previously, the front plate was incorrectly placed when connecting a beam to a column. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-37885 Import, export, interoperability

Trimble Connector: Measurement markups sometimes showed 1.0 millimeter short of the actual distance between the measurement points. Now the displayed measurement values are rounded correctly to the nearest integer.

TSAC-5563 Steel components

Tube gusset (20): Previously, brace connection stiffeners were not created on both sides of secondary parts number 2-10. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5605 Tools and components

Ultrazed file transfer (93) now identifies side rail support struts and heavy duty side rail struts that have been defined without cleats. These manually created situations will now be flagged as requiring a drawing for Hadley Industries to produce.

TSAC-1990 Concrete components

Wall layout: Previously, the Fixed drawing main view UDA on the UDA tab overwrote the value every time Wall layout was run no matter what was selected in the dialog box. Now the UDA is overwritten only if an option other than the empty default is selected in the dialog box.

TSAC-4758 Concrete components

Wall layout: Splitting a wall layout has been changed so that all additional detailing done and UDAs set directly to the wall parts will be retained. This includes any cuts and fittings, components, connections, details, seams, and reinforcement. Earlier only generic components were retained.

TSAC-2327 Concrete components

Wall layout: The translations set in the walllayout.udas.dat file are now all taken into account. Previously, some translations were only loaded from the Objects.inp files or they were hardcoded. Now no translation string is needed in the walllayout.udas.dat file unless another translation needs to be forced in the UDA tab.

TTSD-45794 Import, export, interoperability

Base points with duplicate names no longer prevent the IFC export dialog box from opening. Additionally, you can now use the model diagnose to detect duplicate base point name issues.

TTSD-44786 Import, export, interoperability

Bolt export in model export to Trimble Connect no longer exports unwanted parts.

TTSD-44822 Modeling

Clash checking could previously crash Tekla Structures in some situations. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-41887 Modeling

Clip plane edge line visualization has been improved so that the edge line is visible on all different backgrounds.

TTSD-42765 Drawings

Creating and opening general arrangement drawings, and opening the layout editor is now remarkably faster, in some scenarios even 50% faster.

TTSD-44591 Import, export, interoperability

Curved and circular rebar sets are now visible in IFC2x3 CV2 overlay models.

TTSD-45306 User interface

Cyrillic characters are now shown correctly on the grid when the Windows system locale is set to Russian.

TTSD-42215 Drawings

Dimension associativity in drawings could fail to work when you had modified the drawing views with the direct modification handles. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44650 Drawings

Embedded steel part bolts were drawn to incorrect layers in drawings. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43842 Modeling

In certain cases, bent plates created in the Tekla Structures 2018 version were broken in newer Tekla Structures versions. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44322 User interface

In DirectX rendered 3D model views, when the Dashed line for hidden line option is set on, rounded parts do not get additional triangles anymore.

TTSD-43327 Modeling

In DX rendered views, when the Dashed line for hidden lines option is set to Off, the rendering of parts works now correctly when viewed from an angle.

TTSD-43958 Import, export, interoperability

In overlay models, you can now snap to objects inside another object.

TTSD-45936 Import, export, interoperability

In Tekla Structure 2021, locking a rebar set prevented the correct update of some data, which caused a crash when re-opening the model. The data is now correctly updated and any models with this issue can be opened and the data will automatically be fixed.

TTSD-45189 Tools and components

It is again possible to open the AutoDefaults Setup dialog box from the Applications & components catalog.

TTSD-44773 Drawings

Linking drawing views in a multidrawing failed when the source drawing already contained some linked views. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45757, TTSD-45548 Import, export, interoperability

Model upload performance to Trimble Connect has been improved, especially in situations where pours are included.

TTSD-23878 Core

Now a new error message is shown if Tekla Structures cannot properly open and read the LoadRole.ini file. This error is typically caused by using incompatible Tekla Structures environment and Windows locale settings, for example, a Japan environment and Finnish locale.

TTSD-40544 Modeling

Now objects remain visible on the plane view when a clip plane is used.

TTSD-45068 Modeling

Now, complex shapes are shown with their real colors instead of being dark.

TTSD-32101 Modeling

Now, if a mesh name is found in the mesh standard file but with custom values, the name will be changed to Custom mesh whenever any mesh value is modified in the Property pane.

TTSD-43948 Templates and reports

PDF reports could appear blank if report dimensions were not whole numbers, and Locale was set to decimal commas. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-46404 Reinforcement

Previously in Tekla Structures 2021, the GUIDs of rebar sets created with a custom component changed when you saved the custom component without making any changes. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-46272 Concrete components

Previously in Tekla Structures 2021, all rebar sets created by an OpenAPI plugin received a new GUID when modified. This led to problems for example with rebar marks. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-39384 Reinforcement

Previously, From plane offsets for tapered curved rebar groups were not always working correctly. This has now been fixed.

TPLED-205, TPLED-258 Templates and reports

Previously, a CopyField function could give a wrong result when it was used in a value field with a conditional expression (if-then-else) in its formula. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-41934 Modeling

Previously, additional dashed lines could appear on surface treatment. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45812 Templates and reports

Previously, after duplicate rows were combined, the GetFieldFormula() function did not give the correct result if the referenced value field was in the combined row (and had sum-action defined during combine). This has now been fixed.

REVISION rows cannot be defined on their own anymore. They need to be defined together with DRAWING row.

TTSD-45383 Import, export, interoperability

Previously, any custom profile mapping file was ignored when exporting to Tekla Structural Designer. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45470 Modeling

Previously, huge fittings could be created when work planes were used. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45521 Reinforcement

Previously, if the rebar numbering prefix contained a number with decimals, for example, 10.3, it did not work correctly in filtering. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-27680 Modeling

Previously, in certain situations, bent plates similar in Tekla Structures 2018 were getting different numbers in later Tekla Structures versions. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43996 Modeling

Previously, in certain situations, bent plates that were similar in Tekla Structures 2018, were getting different numbers in later Tekla Structures versions. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-43364 Modeling

Previously, in some rare situations, modifying custom components could create empty assemblies to the model, causing problems in numbering, for example. This has now been fixed. You can remove the existing empty assemblies from the model with the Repair model command.

TTSD-43973 Tools and components

Previously, saving custom components resulted in duplicate thumbnails appearing in the Applications & components catalog. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45286 Modeling

Previously, Tekla Structures could sometimes crash when converting a single user model to a multi-user model. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45657 Modeling

Previously, Tekla Structures would crash if the shape definition XML file had empty values, for example, in the BrepGUID field. Crashing is now prevented and errors are logged in these situations.
Diagnose model now detects these situations and reports them.

TTSD-43596 Modeling

Previously, the applied or saved prefix for the steel item part numbering series was not used, but instead the prefix defaulted to the value P. This has now been fixed and the applied and saved values work correctly.

TTSD-44572 User interface

Previously, the property pane was not updated according to what you selected in the model when docked to another side pane and when you selected a different tool from the side pane. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45680 Modeling

Previously, there could be extreme slowness when calculating parametric profiles with deeply recursive parameter dependency. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45319 Modeling

Previously, there was an issue that prevented a model from opening when the spatial relations between rebar sets were incorrect. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45662 Modeling

Rebar catalog and shape catalog: When recording macros, edited rebar and shape properties are now properly recorded and shown when running the macro.

TTSD-45167 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Earlier, it was not possible to drag any direct modification handles of a rebar set (splitter, guideline, for example) if you had defined that they follow the edges of leg faces by selecting Yes in the Follow edges list. Now this has been fixed.

TTSD-44509 Reinforcement

Rebar sets: Step-tapered rebar set bars with more than 2 legs are now aligned to an internal bar vertex rather than to one of the ends.

TTSD-43836 User interface

Snapping to part internal edges in rendered representation mode now works when clip planes are used.

TTSD-44868 User interface

Status bar messages are now shown in the selected Tekla Structures user interface language.

TTSD-46033 Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Model Sharing icons in the Quick Access Toolbar have been improved to better show the read in and write out arrows.

TTSD-45728 Drawings

The Save command button in the drawing-specific layout editor ribbon now has a tooltip.

TTSD-45517 Modeling

The Split command is now shown in the Undo history dialog box as Split. Previously, it was shown as Other.

TTSD-40085 Modeling

The accuracy in computing bent plate parameters has been improved to avoid failures of some complex bent plate solids.

TTSD-43428 Templates and reports

The default color mode for the PDF reports was originally black and white, but had changed to color. This has now been fixed, and the default color mode is again black and white.

TTSD-45473 Modeling

The renewed shape catalog only supported 80 characters in the shape name. This limit has now been increased to 256 characters.

TTSD-46201 Import, export, interoperability

The uploading of model to Trimble Connect has been improved when the model contains macros.

TTSD-41042, TTSD-44353, TTSD-44354 Import, export, interoperability

When circular reinforced concrete columns are imported from Tekla Structural Designer, rebar sets can now be created for these columns in Tekla Structures. Longitudinal rebar sets are created for main reinforcement and crossing rebar sets for circular ties. All main bars in one stack need to have the same diameter.

TTSD-46479 Import, export, interoperability

When exporting a model from Trimble Connector, sometimes the folder path could not be retrieved from the server. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-34421 Drawings

When specifying plot file names for the XS_​DRAWING_​PLOT_​FILE_​NAME advanced options, conditional text using "?" did not work for UDA and TPL fields. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-44681 Modeling

When splitting a part with Rollover highlight switched off, the part you selected to be split was not highlighted at all. This has now been fixed and the part is highlighted when it is selected to be split.

TTSD-45223 Modeling

When the Fast representation was used for parts, some pour object faces were not shown in pour views. This has now been fixed.

TTSD-45281, TTSD-45320 Templates and reports

When the NextValue() and IsLast() functions were used together in a row rule, rows could sometimes be left out from the final output. This has now been fixed.

TSAC-5156 Drawings

When using the Filter dimensioning method for rebars with a 3D shape, the dimension point is now placed at the longest leg of the bar. Earlier, the dimension point was placed at the start or end point of the bar.

TTSD-34416 User interface

When you set the Dashed line for hidden line option to on in the DirectX 3D model view, obsolete dashed hidden lines are not shown anymore, only the relevant lines are shown.

TTSD-45451 User interface

With the Educational online license, the ribbons in the Tekla Structures user interface now follow the settings in the role .ini files, the same way as with the Diamond configuration.

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