Slab deflection example (Eurocode)

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Slab deflection example (Eurocode)

In the following exercise slab deflections will be checked for the tutorial model shown below.

It is a simple multi-bay flat slab structure on an 8m square grid of columns. The slabs have been sized based on deemed-to-satisfy rules taken from “Economic Concrete Frame Elements to Eurocode 2 - The Concrete Society”.


  • 8m grid
  • 285 thick C30/37 slab
  • 400 square columns


  • Finishes - 1.5kN/m2
  • Imposed - 5.0kN/m2
  • Perimeter Cladding - 10.0kN/m

Deemed to satisfy checks provide one method of checking, however the main focus of the exercise will be to investigate rigorous slab deflection checks.

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