Simple Wind Loading dialog box

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Simple Wind Loading dialog box

The Simple Wind Loading dialog box is accessed by clicking Simple Wind on the Load ribbon. It is used apply wind load to diaphragms, or to wall/roof panels and open structure members; it doesn't require a wind model to be generated.

Note: you must select a manually defined wind loadcase in the Loading list to access Simple Wind
The dialog box is shown below as it appears when applied to diaphragms (top) and wall/roof panels & open structure members (bottom).

1. Apply to (droplist)

From the droplist choose whether you want the simple wind load to be applied to:
  • Diaphragms - The load from lowest to highest level will be decomposed as point loads on to those rigid diaphragms that exist between the lowest and highest levels defined.
    Note: If the Ignore diaphragms on lowest level option is checked the lowest level diaphragms are not considered in the decomposition process.
  • Wall/Roof Panels & Open Structure Members - The load is decomposed to wall and roof panels, plus any members, ancillaries and equipment which are set to take 'Open Structure Wind Loads'.

2. Load table

This table is used to define the area load acting between the lowest and highest level specified.

To create a stepped loading profile up the height of the building, use the Insert Above, Insert Below, Quick Above and Quick Below... buttons.
Tip: You are not restricted to specifying the highest level to align with the topmost diaphragm. The flexibility this provides can be useful for example when you have parapet walls that haven't been modeled - by setting the level to be the top of the parapets you can still get the wind pressure into the building.

3. Load profile

The information defined in the Load table is drawn as a load profile.

4. OK and Cancel

Button Description


Saves the simple wind load.


Closes the dialog box without saving changes.

5. Insert Above/Below

Button Description

Insert Above

Inserts a single level into the Load table above the selected level.

Insert Below

Inserts a single level into the Load table below the selected level.

6. Quick Above/Below

Button Description

Quick Above

Inserts multiple levels into the Load table above the selected level.
Note: Levels are input by defining spacings between levels separated by commas. If you have a number of spacings that are at the same centers, then you can specify these as number x spacing.

e.g. to specify one spacing of 4m, followed by 3 spacings of 6m, enter 4,3x6

Quick Below

Inserts multiple levels into the Load table above the selected level.

7. Delete

Deletes the selected row from the Load table.

8. Paste New

Pastes loading information directly into the Load table from the clipboard. Any existing data in the table is deleted.
To use this method, data should first be copied to the clipboard from a spreadsheet. Each row should contain two columns in the following format.
  1. Level
  2. Wind pressure

9. Ignore diaphragms on lowest level option

Click this option if you don't want any of the load to be decomposed on to the lowest diaphragm within the range of levels defined in the Loads table.

Note: If for some reason there are diaphragms at the ground level, then you may decide to check Ignore diaphragms on lowest level in order to ensure no load is lost directly to the foundations.

10. Pressure (droplist)

From the droplist choose whether you want the pressure to be applied:
  • At highest point of item - wall/roof panels & open structure members are loaded using the pressure at the top of the item.
  • Average between highest and lowest point - wall/roof panels & open structure members are loaded using the average pressure between the top and bottom of the item.

11. Extend wind to top of building option

This option is used to control the extent of wind vertically.

  • When selected - wall/roof panels & open structure members see the wind load, irrespective of whether they lie within, or outside the load height.
  • When unselected - only those wall/roof panels & open structure members that lie within the load height see the wind load.

12. Extend wind over full building width option

This option is used to control the extent of wind horizontally.

  • When selected - wall/roof panels & open structure members see the wind load, irrespective of whether they lie within, or outside the load width.
  • When unselected - only those wall/roof panels & open structure members that lie within the load width see the wind load.
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