Interactive Wall Design dialog box

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Interactive Wall Design dialog box

The Interactive Wall Design dialog box shows the current reinforcement and check results for each panel in the selected wall. When any of the editable fields are changed, the checks are re-run and the results are updated; enabling you to quickly see the effect of each change you make to the reinforcement.

To display the dialog box:

  1. Right click on an existing concrete wall.
  2. In the context menu, select Interactive Design....

The dialog box content is described below.

1. Wall/panel summary pane

The top row in this pane shows the Wall summary, consisting of the overall utilization ratio and design status.
  • With this row selected you can edit the thickness and grade for all stacks simultaneously.
Subsequent rows show the design status of each panel and associated utilization ratio.
  • To design a particular panel, click on the corresponding row for the panel in the summary pane.


2. Longitudinal tab (no end-zones)

Use end-zones : With this box unchecked end-zones are not used.

  1. Panel: Used for adding either one or two layers of bars in the panel.
    • Number of layers - (1, or 2)
    • If Reinforcement type = loose bars
      • Number of rows - the number of bars in each layer
      • Centre spacing - the spacing between adjacent bars in a layer (measured centre to centre)
      • Vertical bar size - specifies the size to be checked
      • Additional end row bars - specifies the number of additional bars in the end row
      • Centre spacing (end rows) - the spacing between layers (measured centre to centre)
    • If Reinforcement type = mesh
      • Mesh size - specifies the mesh size to be checked
      • End row vertical bar size - specifies the vertical bar size at the ends of the mesh
    • Additional end row bars - specifies the number of additional bars in the end row
    • Centre spacing (end rows) - the spacing between layers (measured centre to centre)
  2. Design Summary Table: Displays the most critical result from all combinations:
    • Design and Resistance Moments and Moment Ratios
    • Axial Force, Axial Resistance and Axial Ratios
    • Smallest clear bar spacing
    • Minimum area of steel
    • Area of steel provided
  3. Thickness: Used for changing the thickness of the current panel.

  4. Concrete Droplist: Used for changing the concrete grade for the current panel.

  5. Cross-section : The drawing displays:
    • Exact bar positions (drawn to scale)
    • Link/Tie locations
    • Section dimensions

2. Longitudinal tab (with end-zones)

Use end-zones : With this box checked end-zones are used.

  1. End-zones: Used for adding bars in the end-zones.
    • Length - length of each end-zone
    • Number of rows - the number of loose bars in each end-zone
    • Centre spacing - the spacing between adjacent bars in a layer (measured centre to centre)
    • Vertical bar size - specifies the size to be checked
    • Additional end row bars - specifies the number of additional bars in the end row
    • Centre spacing (end rows) - the spacing between layers in the end-zone (measured centre to centre)
  2. Mid-zone: Used for adding either one or two layers of bars in the panel between the end-zones.
    • Number of layers - (1, or 2)
    • If Reinforcement type = loose bars
      • Number of rows - the number of bars in each layer
      • Centre spacing - the spacing between adjacent bars in a layer (measured centre to centre)
      • Vertical bar size - specifies the size to be checked
    • If Reinforcement type = mesh
      • Mesh size - specifies the mesh size to be checked
      • End row vertical bar size - specifies the vertical bar size at the ends of the mesh
  3. Design Summary Table: Displays the most critical result from all combinations:
    • Design and Resistance Moments and Moment Ratios
    • Axial Force, Axial Resistance and Axial Ratios
    • Smallest clear bar spacing
    • Minimum area of steel
    • Area of steel provided
  4. Thickness: Used for changing the thickness of the current panel.

  5. Concrete Droplist: Used for changing the concrete grade for the current panel.

  6. Cross-section : The drawing displays:
    • Exact bar positions (drawn to scale)
    • Link/Tie locations
    • Section dimensions

3. Lateral tab

  1. Panel:
    • Use links/ties : Select to specify links/ties.

      • Link/Tie size: Used to change the size of link/ties (all must have the same size).

    • Horizontal bar size: Used to specify the size of horizontal bars.

    • Horizontal bar spacing: Used to specify the vertical spacing of horizontal bars.

  2. Use support region links/ties: Select to design support regions for the links/ties.

    Note: Only displayed provided Use links/ties box is also checked.
    • Link/Tie spacing : Specifies the link/tie spacing (if support regions are applied two different spacings can be specified)

  3. Link/Tie Design Summary Table: Displays the most critical result from all combinations:
    • Link/Tie area over spacing required, major
    • Link/Tie area over spacing provided, major
    • Link/Tie utilization ratio, majo
    • Link/Tie area over spacing required, mino
    • Link/Tie area over spacing required, mino
    • Link/Tie utilization ratio, minor
  4. Horizontal Reinforcement Summary Table: The table displays the horizontal bar spacing and reinforcement ratios.

  5. Thickness: Used for changing the thickness of the current panel.

  6. Cross-section : The drawing displays:
    • Exact bar positions (drawn to scale)
    • Link/Tie locations
    • Section dimensions

4. Interaction Diagrams tab

  1. N-M Interaction diagram : Top, mid fifth and bottom moment results for each analysis type are plotted on the diagram for each combination
    • The curves for bending about the major axis are shown in red
    • The curves for bending about the minor axis are shown in blue
  2. M-M Interaction diagram : The diagram is different for each value of axial force. Initially the diagram at the axial force of the critical combination is drawn - this is the combination with the highest MEd / Mres ratio.

  3. Parameters: Select the analysis method, combination, and position for which the diagrams are displayed.

    • Set Critical button: If you have changed the parameters for which the diagrams are displayed, you can click this button in order to revert back to the critical parameters.
  4. Design Forces: The design forces applicable for the selected parameters.

5. Additional Design Cases tab

This tab can be used for example to design for results from Post Tensioning analysis programs.

  1. Design cases...button: Click to open a dialog in which to add any additional design cases.

    The design case names defined here are available to all columns and walls in the model.

    The Active box in this dialog is used to control which design cases are considered (for the entire model).

    After clicking OK you are then able to specify the design case design forces in the Design cases table.

  2. Design cases table: Each design case added via the Design cases... button appears in the table, but only those that were marked as active (for the entire model) are then available to have design forces applied.

    In order to apply the design case design forces to a given panel you must:
    • Select the required panel in the panel summary
    • Click the Active box for the design case
    • Enter the design forces
  3. Design Moment Factors... button: Offers three potential “Design Moment” adjustments for each direction:
    • Set an imperfection eccentricity allowance (Eurocode only). This is added to the analysis moment.
    • Apply an amplification factor to allow for Second Order Effects (could also be considered as a way to introduce an extra factor of safety).
    • Apply a minimum moment check in one or both directions (the calculation of this is specific to the Head Code set and is a function of the section dimension “h” in the direction considered).

    When applied, the resulting adjusted design moment is automatically calculated and displayed in the dialog.

    The adjustment values and options can be applied to individual Cases and also quickly in a single operation to all Active Cases (those with “Active” option checked on) as shown below:

6. Buttons

Button/option Description


Saves the current reinforcement and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without saving changes.


Opens the Results dialog box that displays the detailed results for the current design.

Autodesign Panel

Performs an autodesign reselecting bars for the current panel

Detail Drawing

Creates a detail drawing for the selected member

Drawing Options

Opens the DXF Export Preferences dialog


Opens a new dialog enabling the selective coping of wall thickness/concrete grade/reinforcement from the selected panel to other panels in the same wall.

7. Suspend Checking option

By default this option is unselected and checks are made after every edit. For large structures with many combinations interactive checking takes time which can be frustrating if you want to make several changes.

When this option is selected, checking is suspended. (The option also changes to red to highlight that this is the case).

Checks are only carried out and results updated when the option is unselected once more.

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