Define company standard settings for Production Control

Tekla PowerFab
Aangepast: 16 sep 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Define company standard settings for Production Control

For each module, you can define company-level settings that are the default for all new jobs.

  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab..
  2. On the menu, select Production Control > Company Standards.

    The Company Standards dialog opens.

  3. Modify the settings on the various tabs as needed.

You can find further company standard settings by clicking the buttons.

Define general settings

  1. On the General tab, modify the following properties:



    Job # Increment

    Allows you to select the default option for automatic job numbering. The options are:

    • Increment from Last Job #: When you create a new job, Tekla PowerFab uses the next available job number after the latest job number created.
    • Increment from Largest Job #: Tekla PowerFab uses the next available job number after the largest job number created.
    • Don't Increment: Automatic job numbering is not used.

    You can modify the job number when you create a new job.

    Keep Job Selection Screen Open

    When selected, the Select <Module> Job dialog stays open after a job has been opened.

    Open to Filter Selection

    When selected, the <Module> Filters dialog automatically opens when you open a job. In the dialog, you can set filters to only show the items that you want to see in the job.

    The job opens when you have set the filters.

    Job # Regular Expression

    Allows the use of regular expressions to enforce a desired format for the job numbers.

    For more details on regular expressions, click Regular Expression Help.

    When changes to PDC break links to combined INV material

    Allows you to select how Tekla PowerFab handles situations where a material link is broken between Production Control and Inventory while importing a revised or modified bill of materials.

    Tekla PowerFab automatically unlinks all changed material. This prevents cutting materials to incorrect lengths.

    The options are:

    • Prompt to Uncombine the Unlinked INV Material: Tekla PowerFab asks the user if the materials should be immediately uncombined or not, which is the first step of automatically correcting cut lists. This is the default option.
    • Always Uncombine the Unlinked INV Material: Tekla PowerFab automatically uncombines the unlinked materials.
    • Never Uncombine the Unlinked INV Material: Tekla PowerFab does not uncombine the unlinked material, but leaves the combining result as is. Instead, the user should perform the necessary corrections manually.

    Click the arrow on the right side of When changes to PDC break links to combined INV material field, and click a suitable option in the list to select it.

    TFS - Drop Job Reserve

    Allows you to select how Tekla PowerFab handles drop material when a take from stock operation has been performed. Note that you can select a different option for an individual job, if necessary.

    The options are:

    • Keep reserved for the TFS job: Tekla PowerFab keeps all drop material saved for the job until you unreserve it manually. This is the default option.
    • Prompt for the new job reserve: In the Cut Lists dialog box, Tekla PowerFab asks you if you want to reserve the drop material for a job.
    • Prompt to unreserve: Tekla PowerFab asks you if you want to unreserve the drop material or not.
    • Always unreserve: Tekla PowerFab automatically unreserves all drop material and moves it to open inventory, immediately available for use. Scrap length materials go to inventory history.
    Allow Cut List Grade Substitution

    When selected, Tekla PowerFab can use inventory stock materials with another material grade in cut lists.

    Note that Tekla PowerFab only allows grade substitutions that have previously been set up in the Shape/Grade/Size Maintenance dialog box. For more information, see Add grade substitutions.

    Warn when creating a cut list if parts are missing CNC files When selected, Tekla PowerFab alerts you when saving a cut list that contains parts without CNC files.
    Cut List Screens - Show Date/Time Changed When selected, the Cut Lists dialog box shows the date and time when the cut lists were last changed.
    Allow manual alteration of external nest remnants When selected, allows the user to manually override the remnant information that would otherwise come in from external nesting integrations.
    Automatically Create Document Index Directories When selected, the Document Index directories defined in Maintenance > Document Index > Standard Categories are created automatically under the base document index directory when a job is created. See Set the standard categories for attached documents.
  2. Click Save.

    Saving the settings closes the Company Standards dialog box.

Define input settings

On the Input Settings tab, select how Tekla PowerFab interprets and displays the information in the Production Control module, if the information is from an imported bill of materials, or directly entered in the Production Control dialog.

  1. On the Input Settings tab, modify the following properties.



    Main Mark Input Type

    Allows you to select the input format for main marks.

    Select a suitable option on the drop-down menu. We recommend selecting the Any Input - Logical Sort option.

    Piece Mark Input Type

    Allows you to select the input format for piece marks.

    Select a suitable option on the drop-down menu. We recommend selecting the Any Input - Logical Sort option.

    Drawing Number Input Type

    Allows you to select the input format for drawing numbers.

    Note that the input format of drawing numbers in a production control job needs to match the input format set in the linked project management job. Otherwise, the drawings will not be available in the Production Control module or in Tekla PowerFab Go.

    Select a suitable option on the drop-down menu. We recommend selecting the Any Input - Logical Sort option.

    Sequence Input Type

    Allows you to select the input format for sequences.

    Select a suitable option on the drop-down menu. We recommend selecting the Any Input - Logical Sort option.

    Use Lot Numbers

    When selected, you can divide a sequence or phase into subcategories within a production job by using lot numbers.

    It is highly recommended to select the Use Lot Numbers option.

    Note that selecting or clearing the Use Lot Numbers checkbox only applies to new production control jobs automatically. If necessary, the Use Lot Numbers checkbox can be manually selected or cleared for existing jobs as well.

    Main Piece Case

    Allows you to select uppercase or lowercase letters, or both, for main mark numbers. This makes recognizing the main pieces easier.

    Accessory Piece Case

    Allows you to select uppercase or lowercase letters, or both, for piece mark numbers. This makes recognizing the piece marks easier.

    Main Member Instance Tracking

    When selected, the history of each individual instance, or piece, within an item can be identified and tracked through all production steps.

    If you select the Main Member Instance Tracking checkbox, instance tracking will be activated for all new production control jobs. However, existing jobs will not be affected. You can still activate or deactivate the instance tracking of main piece marks for each production job individually.

    Accessory Part Instance Tracking

    When selected, the history of each individual instance, or piece, within an item can be identified and tracked through all production steps.

    If you select the Accessory Part Instance Tracking checkbox, instance tracking will be activated for all new production control jobs. However, existing jobs will not be affected. You can still activate or deactivate the instance tracking of piece mark items for each production job individually.

    Enable Piece Tracking When selected, piece tracking is enabled by default if the shape does not have the Exclude from Piece/Load Tracking option enabled in Shape Maintenance in Maintenance > Shapes/Grades/Sizes.
    Enable Load Tracking When selected, load tracking is enabled by default if the shape does not have the Exclude from Piece/Load Tracking option enabled in Shape Maintenance in Maintenance > Shapes/Grades/Sizes.
    Piece Mark Force Same Info

    When selected, the same information is forced to accessories with the same piece marks. Selecting the Piece Mark Force Same Info checkbox prevents adding or importing items with the same piece mark but different material information to the production control job.

    Note that the Piece Mark Force Same Info option is connected to the Edit Line Item - Update accessories with the same piece mark list. You cannot select an option in the Edit Line Item - Update accessories with the same piece mark unless the Piece Mark Force Same Info checkbox is selected.

    Edit Line Item - Update accessories with the same piece mark
    Allows you to select how Tekla PowerFab accessories with the same piece mark are updated when you make changes to a line item. The options are:
    • Prompt to update the other line items: Tekla PowerFab alerts the user that there are other accessories in the job that may need to be updated, and allows you to update the other accessories. This is the default option.

    • Always update the other line items: Tekla PowerFab automatically updates the other accessories to match the changes you made.

    • Never update the other line items: Tekla PowerFab never updates the other accessories to match the changes you made.

    AutoCalc Drawing Number

    When selected, Tekla PowerFab enters a drawing number into the drawing number field based on the main mark. This option works correctly if the first number of each shop detail drawing main piece is the drawing number.

    If the marking system that you use does not have the drawing number as the first number of the main mark, do not select the AutoCalc Drawing Number checkbox.

    Default Finish

    The default finish for items.

    The available finish options are set in the Finish Maintenance dialog. For more information, see Manage material finish options.

    You can change the finish for each main mark item in a production control job. The finish of the main mark item is also applied to all of the included accessories.

    Click the arrow on the right side of Default Finish field, and click a suitable default option in the list to select it.

    Trailer Capacity

    The maximum weight that can be added on a trailer.

    The trailer capacity can be changed for individual loads, if needed. You can also modify the capacities of specific trailers in the Load Tracking Settings dialog box. For more information on the load tracking settings, see Define load tracking settings.

    Piece Tracking by Time When selected, allows you to make piece tracking entries in that include the completion time, so that you can tell in which shift an item was completed.

    The completion time is also visible in piece tracking reports.

    Production Code - Default Aggregate Units Defines the default units of measure for labor items within the production codes.
  2. Click Save.

    Saving the settings closes the Company Standards dialog.

Define import settings

On the Import Settings tab, set the default settings used when importing a bill of materials into Production Control.

  1. On the Import Settings tab, modify the follolwing properties:



    When assembly has no part with a piece mark matching the main mark

    Allows you to select how Tekla PowerFab applies comment lines in rare cases where a bill of materials is imported to Production Control and Tekla PowerFab cannot identify a main mark. The options are:

    • Don't add a comment line as the main piece: Tekla PowerFab never adds the comment line as the main piece. This is the default option because most often, the main mark item in the bill of materials is the largest single piece, whereas the piece marks are the items that attach to the main piece.
    • Prompt to add a comment line as the main piece: Tekla PowerFab asks you if you want to add a comment line as the main piece. This allows you to use the name of the item for main marks instead of the material size.
    • Always add a comment line as the main piece: Tekla PowerFab always adds a comment line as the main piece. This allows you to use the name of the item for main marks instead of the material size.
    When there are validation errors

    Allows you to select how Tekla PowerFab handles validation errors regarding shop detail drawings when a bill of materials is imported to Production Control. The options are:

    • Continue the import without prompting the user: Tekla PowerFab continues the import process without notifying you about the validation errors. However, you can view the validation errors in the import log. This is the default option, and it is useful when the user performing the import process does not need to know or make decisions on validation errors.
    • Prompt the user to continue the import: Tekla PowerFab asks you how the validation errors should be handled while continuing the import.
    • Don't continue the import: Tekla PowerFab stops the import immediately when a validation error is found. The user can then review the drawings for issues by themselves.
    Use as Production Code

    Allows you to select if you want to use assembly main marks, piece marks, drawing descriptions, assembly descriptions, reference numbers, or a combination of drawing and piece mark or main mark and piece mark, or none of the above as product codes.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Use as Production Code field, and select a suitable option in the list.

    Prompt to confirm import fields

    When selected, Tekla PowerFab asks you to confirm the import fields while importing a bill of material into Production Control.

    By selecting the Prompt to confirm import fields checkbox, you can exclude any fields whose values you do not want to import.

    Show supplemental import file selection (KISS, CIS/2, BIF)

    When selected, Tekla PowerFab allows you to import multiple supplementary files, such as bolt lists, from a detailing software.

  2. Click Save.

    Saving the settings closes the Company Standards dialog.

Define report settings

On the Report Settings tab, modify the following properties:
Option Description
Prompt for weight type (net/gross) Select if you want to select whether to use net or gross weight of materials for each report.

The gross weight is the system weight as dimensioned in Tekla PowerFab, whereas the net weight is loaded from the CNC files added for items.

If CNC files have not been added for the items included in the report, net weight cannot be used in the report. Gross weight is used instead.

Cut List - Prompt to split cutting details to a quantity of one Select if you want to create cut list reports that show each quantity of inventory listed separately.

If the checkbox is cleared, multiple inventory pieces with the same exact cutting details are shown as a single inventory item in reports.

Default Select if you want to split cutting details to the quantity of one by default.

Define settings for drawings on hold

You can flag drawings that are put on hold for Production and Purchasing.

When flagged for Production, people working on assemblies can stop and wait to see if changes are coming.

When flagged for Purchasing, you can make sure that materials from drawings that have been put on hold in the requisition stage do not move forward in the process.

  1. Go to Maintenance > Production Control > Company Standards.
  2. Go to the Hold Settings tab.

    Allow: The system keeps acting as usual even if drawings are on hold.

    Prompt: Gives you options for further action to select from

    Prevent: Prevents the drawings on hold from moving forward

  3. Select the phase which you want to adjust and select the suitable hold setting.


    A combining run when Prompt is selected for Production:

  4. Click Save.
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