Add a combining item

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Add a combining item

To add a new material item to a combining job:

  1. At the bottom of the Combining dialog box, click New.
  2. Define the item properties in the input fields.

    The fields available and their order depend on the settings that you have defined inMaintenance > Combining > Edit Input Fields.

    The properties marked with an asterisk (*) in the following table are mandatory information.

    Option Description

    The items that have begun the purchasing workflow.

    Category, Sub-Category

    A class used for sorting items within a job

    You can create the available categories and subcategories in Company Standards.

    You can also assign quantity multipliers to subcategories.

    Select an existing Category or Sub-Category on the drop-down menu or type in a new category.


    An optional comment that you can type for the item

    Dimensions *

    The material dimension, or material size, of each piece

    Depending on the shape, the dimension can also be mandatory information.

    Click the Dimensions field to select an available material dimension, and double-click the desired dimension in the list.

    You can also use a custom material dimension. Note that the dimension is not automatically added to the material database.

    To use a custom dimension:

      1. Click in the Dimensions field.
      2. Click Add Size.
      3. Define the dimension properties.
      4. Click Save.

        You can now select the dimension and use it.

    Grade *

    The material grade of each piece

    Depending on the shape, the grade can also be mandatory information.

    Either select the grade from the drop-down menu or type the grade indicator in the field.

    Item *

    The item number

    You can modify the item number manually or use the item number automatically determined by Tekla PowerFab.

    Default item increments are set in Company Standards, but you can modify them for each job. We recommend leaving spaces between items, so that you can later add items between existing items.

    You can reset the item number intervals in Job Maintenance.

    For more information, see Renumber combining page items.


    The length of each item

    Default length input settings are set in Company Standards, but you can modify them for each job.

    Main Pc

    When selected, indicates that the item is a main piece in an assembly

    Mark #

    The mark number of the item.

    Enter a maximum of 25 characters. The maximum number of characters also depends on the Mark Input Type setting that you have selected in the Combining Company Standards dialog box.


    The number of the page on which the item is added

    Quantity *

    The number of pieces to be added

    Use the numeric keypad to add, multiply, divide, or subtract number of items.

    Reference #

    A reference number that links items in inventory or purchasing to the production control job

    When you load materials from a combining job to Purchasing, this reference number is used. Later, when the purchased items are received and imported to Production Control, they will have the same reference number.

    Type in the number. The maximum number of characters is 255.

    Sequence The sequence number assigned to the item.

    Type in the number or select a number from the drop-down menu.

    Shape *

    The material shape of each piece

    Either select the shape from the drop-down menu or type the shape indicator in the field (for example, HSS).

  3. Click Add.
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