Point clouds from 3D scanning

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
point clouds
3D scanning
You can now insert point clouds into Tekla Structures 2018.  In construction, the point clouds are mainly used in renovation projects to define the building or structure that is to be renovated. They can also be used to get the exact position of existing machinery, pipework or landscape that needs to be taken into consideration on the site. You can also use them for checking execution by importing them as build points into a model to be compared to the design.

Compatible file formats:
ASCII ( .asc , .xyz )
E57 ( .e57 )
LAS ( .las )
LAZ ( .laz )
PTS ( .pts )
PTX ( .ptx )
Potree ( .js )
Trimble scan format ( .tzf )

Picking/Snapping to Points
Clip planes
Base points
Color from point clouds

Project Detailed by Axis Steel Detailing, Inc.
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