Engineering library (British Design)

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Engineering library (British Design)

The following British design engineering library calculations have been significantly updated for Tedds 2022.

Hoarding design (BS5975)

A new calculation to the British Standards which checks the design of a timber hoarding using the recommendations and methods described in the Temporary Works forum (TWf) publication, ‘Hoardings - A guide to good practice’. The various hoarding elements designed include timber posts, timber rails, face material and connections as well as the hoarding foundation, which can be either a post-in-hole or a kentledge block foundation.

The design is in accordance with 'BS 5975:2019 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework' and 'PD 6547:2004'.

Video demonstration

Concrete specification (BS8500)

Updated in accordance with BS8500-1:2015+A2:2019. Improved user experience so that the majority of the input can be entered on the main page of the user interface.

Other updates

Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the preview window.

  • Concrete specification (BS8500)

  • Crane gantry girder design (BS5950)

  • Masonry bearing design (BS5628)

  • Steel beam torsion design (SCI-P-057)

  • Steel sheet piling design (BS8002)

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