Tekla Tedds Integrator

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Tekla Tedds Integrator


The Tekla Tedds Integrator which can be downloaded from the Tekla Warehouse allows Tedds documents to be linked to Tekla Structures models. You can link existing documents or create new documents which you or other Tekla Structures users can then easily modify or review during your BIM workflow.

The Tekla Tedds Integrator can transfer geometry data from the Tekla Structures model directly into the appropriate Tedds calculation and back to the model when the design is finished, saving you time and reducing errors. Refer to the Tekla Tedds Integrator User Guide for more information.

You can also create your own integrations to existing Tedds library calculations or to your own custom calculations, refer to the Tekla Tedds Integrator Reference Documentation for more details.

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