References (AS 4100)

Tekla Structural Designer
수정됨: 3 10월 2019
Tekla Structural Designer

References (AS 4100)

  1. Standards Australia International. AS 4100-1998/Amdt 1-2012: Steel structures. SAI 2012.
  2. Standards Australia International. AS 2327.1-2003: Composite structures. Part 1: Simply supported beams. SAI 2003.
  3. Standards Australia International. AS 4100 Supp1-1999: Steel structures – Commentary. (Supplement to AS 4100-1998). SAI 1999.
  4. Standards Australia International/Standards New Zealand. AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 (Including Amendments Nos.1,2,4 and 5). Structural design actions. Part 0: General principles. SAI/NZS 2011.
  5. Standards Australia International/Standards New Zealand. AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 (Including Amendments Nos.1 and 2). Structural design actions. Part 1: Permanent, imposed and other actions. SAI/NZS 2009.
  6. Standards Australia International/Standards New Zealand. AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 (Including Amendments Nos.1 and 2). Structural design actions. Part 2: Wind actions. SAI/NZS 2012.
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