Compression buckling resistance (Member capacity under axial compression) (Columns: AS 4100)
For most structures, all the members resisting axial compression need checking to ensure adequate resistance to buckling about both the major and minor axis. Since the axial force can vary throughout the member and the strut buckling lengths in the two planes do not necessarily coincide, both axes are checked. Because of the general nature of a beam-column, it may not always be safe to assume that the combined actions check will always govern. Hence the compression resistance check is performed independently from the other strength and buckling checks.
The compression buckling resistance (member capacity under axial compression) check is performed according to AS 4100 clause 6.3
The default value of effective length factor is 1.0 Different values can apply in the major and minor axis. Beams are less affected by sway than columns but the effectiveness of the incoming members to restrain the beam in both position and direction is generally less than for columns. Hence, it is less likely that effective length factors greater than 1.0 will be required but equally factors less than 1.0 may not easily be justified. Nevertheless, it is your responsibility to adjust the value from 1.0 and to justify such a change.