Combination generator (Eurocode)

Tekla Structural Designer
수정됨: 17 11월 2023
Tekla Structural Designer

Combination generator (Eurocode)

Note: The following are not considered in Combination Generator:
  • Construction Stage combinations - these must be created manually.
  • Temperature and settlement loadcase types - these must be added manually.

Open the Combination Generator

  1. On the Load tab, click Combination.

    The Loading dialog box opens on the Combinations page. On this page, you can see all currently existing load combinations.

  2. Click Generate...

    The Combination Generator dialog box opens.

Initial Parameters page

At the start of the generator, you need to define certain parameters so that the correct combinations are created. When these have been specified, click Next to continue.

Combination for design of structural members (STR)

You can chose between:

  • Table A1.2(B) - Eq 6.10, or
  • Table A1.2(B) - Eq 6.10,a&b

Eq 6.10 is always equal to or more conservative than either 6.10a or 6.10b. The most economic combination of 6.10a or b will depend on if permanent actions are greater than 4.5 times the variable actions (except for storage loads).

Include EQU combinations - Table A1.2(A) - Eq 6.10

You should select this option if you require to create an EQU (loss of equilibrium of the structure) combination. This combination is not used for any design and is purely for you to verify equilibrium. By default the EQU combination is not included.

Include GEO combinations - Table A1.2(C) - Eq 6.10

You should select this option in order to create the GEO combinations required for foundation design.

Include Accidental combinations - Table A2.5 Eq 6.11a&b

If you have defined an accidental load type such as Snow drift you should select this option for the correct load combinations to be generated.

Note: The Combinations Generator refers to the relevant National Annex when determining the g factors to apply in the above combinations, as they may vary from the Base Eurocode values.

Include Seismic combinations - Table A2.5 Eq 6.12a&b

If you have defined seismic loads you should select this option for the correct load combinations to be generated.

Delete/Replace combinations

You can choose to delete all the existing combinations or to replace only those combinations with the same names as those generated by this run.


The Combination Generator automatically names each combination according to its content. You can add a 'Scenario' prefix in front of the generated names or leave 'Scenario' blank if no prefix is required. By entering a 'Scenario' and selecting ‘Replace only combinations generated by this run’ you can re-run the Combination Generator to rapidly generate additional combinations for alternative scenarios, (such as erection, or operating). On the Initial Parameters page, specify the initial parameters according to your needs.

Combinations page

This page of the generator lists the combinations applicable (with appropriate factors) for the selections made on the first page. Any factors in bold will be multiplied by the relevant psi factors for that loadcase.

The type of structure chosen on the previous page affects which combinations default to being generated.

The combination names are automatically generated as per the table below:

No. BS EN 1990 State and eqn Type Load combination
1 Str – 6.10 Gravity Str1 - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQRI
2 Str2 - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS
3 Lateral (EHF) Str3.nGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQRI + EHF
4 Str4.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQΨ0S + EHF
5 Str5.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS + EHF
6 Lateral (Wind) Str6.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQΨ0S + ƔQΨ0W + EHF
7 Str7.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS + ƔQΨ0W + EHF
8 Str8.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0S + ƔQW + EHF
9 Uplift Str9.n - ƔGJ,infD + ƔQW + EHF
1 Str – 6.10a&b Gravity Str1 - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0RI
2 Str2 - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0S
3 Str3 - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQRI
4 Str4 - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS
5 Lateral (EHF) Str5.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0RI + EHF
6 Str6.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0S + EHF
7 Str7.n - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQRI + EHF
8 Str8.n - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQΨ0S + EHF
9 Str9.n - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS + EHF
10 Lateral (Wind) Str10.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0S + ƔQΨ0W + EHF
11 Str11.n - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQΨ0S + ƔQΨ0W + EHF
12 Str12.n - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS + ƔQΨ0W + EHF
13 Str13.n - ξƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0S + ƔQW + EHF
14 Uplift Str14.n - ƔGJ,infD + ƔQW + EHF
1 EQU - 6.10 Gravity Equ1 - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQRI
1 Geo - 6.10 Lateral (EHF) Geo1.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQRI + EHF
2 Geo2.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQΨ0S + EHF
3 Geo3.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS + EHF
4 Lateral (Wind) Geo4.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQI + ƔQΨ0W + ƔQΨ0S + EHF
5 Geo5.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQS + ƔQΨ0W + EHF
6 Geo6.n - ƔGJ,supD + ƔQΨ0I + ƔQΨ0S + ƔQW + EHF
7 Uplift Geo7.n - ƔGJ,infD + ƔQ,1W + EHF
1 Acc 6.11 Lateral (EHF) Acc1.n - G + Ad + Ψ1I + EHF
2 Lateral (Wind) Acc2.n - G + Ad + Ψ2I + Ψ1W + EHF
1 Seis 6.12 Seismic Seis.n - G + AEd + Ψ2RI + Ψ2S + EHF
2 " Seis.n - G + AEd + EHF
Note: If working to the Swedish NA (EK11), although shown in the above table, variable actions are no longer considered in Tekla Structural Designer combinations of actions based on equation 6.10a
Note: If minimum lateral loadcases have been specified in Model Settings extra combinations will be created in addition to the above.
  1. Use the ‘Generate’ box to control which combinations are to be generated.
  2. Should you require, you can also adjust the default strength factors applied in each generated combination.
    Note: The combination names are generated automatically according to their content and cannot be edited at this stage.
  3. Click Next.

Service page

This page indicates which combinations are to be checked for serviceability and the factors applied.

  1. Should you require, you can adjust the default factors applied in each generated combination.
  2. Click Next.

Wind/EHF directions page

This page allows you to reduce the number of combinations generated automatically when EHF forces are applied to load combinations with wind. You are able to set any combination of EHF to act with a particular wind load case.

By default (on first entry), none are set for any wind load case. You are required to set the directions and factors here as appropriate to be used when generating the combinations.

  1. Use the ‘Dir’ boxes to specify the directions as appropriate.
  2. Should you require, you can also adjust the default factors applied in each direction.
  3. Click Next.

EHF (global imperfections) page

This page allows you to apply the EHFs specified in Home > Model Settings > EHF (Global Imperfections) for specific combinations.

You can specify EHFs and factors in each of four directions. For each direction selected, a separate NHF combination will be generated.

Any combination with wind in is automatically greyed as all the required information has already been set via the previous page.

  1. Use the ‘Dir’ boxes to specify the directions in which the global imperfections are to be applied.
  2. Should you require, you can also adjust the default factors applied in each direction.
  3. Click Next.

Minimum Lateral Loads page

If minimum lateral loads have been specified via Home > Model Settings > Minimum Lateral Loads, this page allows you to apply them. (If set to ‘None’ this page is not displayed.)
  1. Use the ‘Dir’ boxes to specify the directions in which the minimum lateral loads are to be applied.
  2. Use the droplist at the top of the page to select the gravity combination from which the minimum lateral load values are to be calculated.
    Note: The combination used for calculating the MLLs can be different to the one to which the MLLs are applied.
  3. Should you require, you can also adjust the default factors applied in each direction.
  4. Click Finish.
The Combination Generator closes and you are returned to the Combinations page of the Loading dialog box. The combinations selected in this run of the generator either add to or replace any existing combinations (according to your selection on the Initial Parameters page).
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