Create portal frames

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Create portal frames

Tekla Structural Designer allows you to create both single-span and multi-span portal frames. After creating the portal frame, you can modify the properties of either the entire portal frame, or a portal frame member. For more information, see the following paragraphs.

Create a single or multi-span portal frame

  1. On the Model tab, click Portal Frame.
  2. In the Properties window use Span Count to specify the number of spans.
  3. Click the start point of the first span of the portal frame.

    The start point sets the local X and Y coordinate origin for the portal frame.

  4. Click the end point of the last span of the portal frame.

    The start point defines the positive local X axis direction for the portal frame.

    Note: The end point must lie in the same construction level as the start point.

    The Portal Frame dialog box opens.

  5. On the Spans page, select the first span and click Edit...
  6. Define the eaves level, select the frame type, and complete the frame geometry for the span.
  7. Click OK.
  8. According to your needs, do one or all of the following:
    • On the Rafters page, review the rafter section sizes.
    • On the Columns page, review the column section sizes.
    • On the Haunches page, specify eaves and apex haunches. See:Portal frame haunch geometry
    • On the Bases page, specify the base fixity, and adjust the base levels according to your needs.
      Note: You can also specify bases as nominally pinned or nominally fixed if required, as follows:
      1. close the Portal Frame dialog box,
      2. open the appropriate Support in the Portal Frame Properties window,
      3. set the Rotational stiffness x Type as nominally pinned or nominally fixed,
      4. enter the stiffness %
      For more details, see: Partial fixity of column bases.
    • Use the Valleys, Ties, Tie Members, Parapets, and Parapet Members pages to specify any additional elements.
  9. To create the portal frame, click OK.

Modify the properties of an existing portal frame

According to your needs, do one of the following:
ToDo this
Modify the overall frame properties
  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the desired portal frame, so that it becomes highlighted.

  2. Right-click the portal frame.

  3. In the context menu, select Edit [element name].

    The Portal Frame dialog box opens.

  4. Modify the properties according to your needs.

  5. Click OK.

Modify the properties of an individual portal frame member
  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the desired portal frame member, so that it becomes highlighted.

  2. In the Select Entity tooltip, scroll until the desired member is highlighted.

  3. In the model, right-click the member.

  4. In the context menu, select Edit [element name].

    The Properties dialog box opens.

  5. Modify the properties according to your needs.

  6. Click OK.

Add copy or mirror spans in an existing portal frame

  1. Open the Portal Frame dialog box (as described in the above topic).
  2. Go to the Spans page of the Portal Frame dialog box.
  3. Use the available buttons to introduce additional spans:
    • To introduce a new span at the end of the frame, click Add.

    • To insert a new span below the currently highlighted span, click Insert.

    • To copy the currently highlighted span to a pre-existing target span, click Copy...

    • To mirror the currently highlighted span to a pre-existing target span, click Mirror...

  4. Click OK.
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