Apply property sets to existing entities

Tekla Structural Designer
Tekla Structural Designer

Apply property sets to existing entities

You can apply a property set to existing entities in a Structural View, but if you want to make a lot of changes property sets can be applied more easily from a Review View.

Apply a property set to an individual entity in a Structural View

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the entity until it becomes highlighted.
  2. Right-click the entity.
  3. In the context menu, select Apply Property Set...

    The Select property set to apply dialog box opens.

  4. Select the desired property set.
  5. Click OK.

The property set is only applied to the individual entity that you right-click, even if multiple entities were selected. To apply a property set to multiple entities, see the following topic.

Apply a property set to multiple members in a Structural View

  1. Select the entities that you want to update.
  2. Ensure that the list on top of the Properties window shows the correct entity type.
  3. On the top right corner of the Properties window, click Apply...
  4. Select the desired property set.
  5. Click OK.
The property set is now applied to all of the selected entities, provided that they are of the same type.

Apply a property set in a Review View

  1. Open a Review View
  2. On the Review tab, click Property Sets.
  3. In the Properties window, do all of the following:
    1. Set Review/Update to Apply property set.
    2. Select the entity type.
      Note: Only those entity types that already have property sets saved will be listed.
    3. If the Member entity type was selected, you will also need to select the characteristic.
    4. Select the property set that you want to apply.
  4. In the Review View, click the entities to which you want to apply the property set.
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