Delete a document reference

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Delete a document reference

Deleting a document reference from Document Index is permanent and cannot be undone. If you delete a document reference, you or any other Tekla PowerFab users will not be able to access the document reference or any documents, emails, or attachments that it contains from Document Index.

  1. To access Document Index, do one of the following:
    • In Combining, Estimating, Project Management, Production Control, and Purchasing, open the module and click Document Index/Doc Ind or press F8.
    • In Inventory, go to the Inventory ribbon tab and select Document Index.
    • In Order Entry, go to the Order Entry ribbon tab and select Document Index.

    For Combining, Project Management, and Production Control, you are asked to select if you want to open the Document Index dialog box related to linked jobs.

    The Document Index - By Category dialog box opens, displaying the documents referenced from the selected category. If a filename is highlighted in red, it indicates that the file cannot be found.

  2. In the Document Index - By Category dialog box, select the document reference that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Document Reference.
  4. To permanently delete the document reference, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
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