Apply erection labor
There are several ways of adding the total erection labor to the estimate.
You have the following options, for example:
Add a line item dedicated to
erection labor:
- Open an estimating job.
- To add a new item, click New.
Modify at least the
following properties in the input area:
In Shape, select CO.
In Dimensions, type Erection labor.
Either of the following:
- To add hours of labor, in Erect Hrs, type the erection labor hours.
- To add a lump sum, in Erect Cost, type the sum.
- Click Add.
The costs automatically include the Erecting labor rate set in Maintenance > Estimating > Labor Rates.
You can also apply erection labor hours or costs to an existing line item.
Apply an estimate extra to
estimate line item:
In Extra, select a value.
For instructions on adding estimate extras, see Create estimate extras.
- Click Save.
In Extra, select a value.