Create, modify, and delete schedule templates

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Create, modify, and delete schedule templates

In the Schedule Templates dialog box, you can create, modify, and delete templates that are used as the basis of project schedules with pre-determined tasks and settings. Creating schedule templates saves time when creating project schedules, because you can easily apply the template to any project schedule. When the template is applied to the project schedule, you can modify the tasks according to your needs.

To access the Schedule Templates dialog box, do the following:
  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.

  2. On the menu, select Project Management > Schedule Templates.

Create a schedule template

  1. Click New Template.
  2. In the Template Description field, type a name for the new template.
  3. Click Add Template.

    The template is added to the list on the left side of the dialog box.

  4. To add tasks to the template, do the following:
    1. Click New Task.

    2. In the Schedule Template Task dialog box, type a description for the task.
    3. Modify the task properties according to your needs:



      Parent Task

      If the task you are creating is a sub-task, for an existing task, you need to select the main task.

      Click the arrow on the right side of Parent Task field, and select a task in the list. If you are creating a top-level task, select None.

      Note that you cannot modify the task type, duration, or original estimate time of a main task if you add a sub-task.

      Task Type

      Specifies the behavior of the task on the Gantt Chart tab. The available task types are:
      • Start/End: an action to be performed over a period of time. Properties include the start date, end date, and duration.

        Start/end tasks can be directly re-sized an moved on the Gantt Chart tab.

      • Summary: takes the aggregate values from its sub-tasks. The start date of a summary task is automatically set to the earliest date of the sub-tasks. The end date is set to the latest sub-task end date, and the percent completed is aggregated based on the status summary method.

        Summary tasks cannot be re-sized on the Gantt Chart tab directly. However, the sub-tasks can be re-sized and moved, and the summary main task will re-sized and moved accordingly.

      • Milestone: an event in the schedule. For example, a project kickoff meeting can be a milestone task. The end date and the start date are always the same, and the duration is set to one day.

      Apply Breakdown Links

      When selected, the links set in the project schedule are added between sub-tasks. For example, any links set between sequences 1, 2, and 3 would be added.


      The expected number of working days to complete a task.

      The duration can only be adjusted if the task type is set to Start/End.

      Type the number of days in the Duration field.

      Original Estimate

      The time originally estimated for the entire main task or a sub-task. The hours will automatically be distributed among the sub-tasks on the Gantt chart.

      Type the time in man hours in the Original Estimate field.

      Status Link

      The information that affects the status of the task when the project schedule is updated. The available options are:
      • Drawings Approved: the number of drawings with the Approved status.
      • Material Purchased: the production material that is linked to material that is either in stock or on order.

      • Material Received: the production material that is linked to material that is in stock.

      • TFS: the production material that has been cut.

      • Production Completed: the production material that has been assigned a route and has completed all stations in that route.

      • Production Progress: the production material that has been assigned a route and has completed some stations in that route.

      • Station Progress: the production material that has been assigned a route that includes the selected station and has completed that station.

      • Shipping Destination Progress: the production material that has been assigned a shipping route that includes the selected destination and has completed that destination.

      • Shipping Completed: the production material that has completed all assigned shipping destinations.

      Status Summary Method

      The method that determines how the percentage completed of a main task will be calculated from the sub-tasks. Each option specifies the weight that is given to each sub-task in the calculation. The available options are:
      • No Factor: no weight is given to the individual sub-tasks. The percentage completed of the main task is an average of the sub-tasks.

      • By Quantity: the percentage completed is weighed by the quantity of each sub-task.

      • By Weight: the percentage completed is weighed by the weight of each sub-task.

      • By Duration: the percentage completed is weighed by the duration of each sub-task.


      An object with a time-based capacity to be added on a production schedule, and the resource by which station work will be executed.

      Linking a task from the project schedule to a resource connects the project and production schedules.

      Click the arrow on the right side of Resource list, and select a resource in the list.

    4. Click Add.
    5. Select the new task in the navigation tree.
    6. In the Link Tasks section of the dialog box, define dependencies between two tasks.

      By creating links, you can make the schedule cascade from one task to another.

      Note that:
      • A task cannot link to itself.

      • A link cannot be created between a task and one of its sub-tasks.

      • Duplicate links are not allowed. There can be only one link between a pair of tasks.

      • Link cycles are not allowed. For example, if a link is created from task 1 to task 2, a link cannot be created from task 2 to task 1.

      • When you use links, and the duration of an item changes, the positions of all linked items also changes. Do not link items that need to remain static, or are independent from other items in the schedule.

      Do any of the following:


      Do this

      Add a link that ends with the current given task

      Note that if a previous snapshot is displayed instead of the current project schedule information, you cannot add a predecessor link.

      1. Click New Predecessor Link.

      2. Click the arrow on the right side of Link From list, and in the list, select the starting task of the link.

      3. Click the arrow on the right side of upper Position field, and in the list, select if the link originates from the start or end of the starting task.

      4. Click the arrow on the right side of lower Position field, and in the list, select if the link ends at the start or finish of the second task.

      5. In the Minimum Interval field, type the minimum number of working days between the two tasks.

        The minimum interval is enforced in the Gantt chart. The later task cannot be moved earlier in the Gantt chart than the value in the Minimum Interval field determines.

      6. Click Add.

      7. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

      For example, to define that shipping must start when the fabrication is finished, select Shipping and set the link a follows:
      • Link From: Fabrication

      • Upper Position: Finish

      • Lower Position: Start

      • Minimum Interval: 0 days

      Add a link that begins with the current task

      Note that if a previous snapshot is displayed instead of the current project schedule information, you cannot add a successor link.

      1. Click New Successor Link.

      2. Click the arrow on the right side of the upper Position field, and in the list, select if the link originates from the start or end of the starting task.

      3. Click the arrow on the right side of the Link To field, and in the list, select the task that is the ending point of the link.

      4. Click the arrow on the right side of the lower Position field, and in the list, select if the link ends at the start or finish of the second task.

      5. In the Minimum Interval field, type the minimum number of working days between the two tasks.

        The minimum interval is enforced in the Gantt chart. The later task cannot be moved earlier in the Gantt chart than the value in the Minimum Interval field determines.

      6. Click Add.

      7. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

      For example, to define that shipping must start when the fabrication is finished, select Fabrication and set the link a follows:
      • Upper Position: Finish

      • Link To: Shipping

      • Lower Position: Start

      • Minimum Interval: 0 days

      View and modify link properties
      1. Click Link Properties.

      2. Modify the starting task, ending task, the task positions, and interval according to your needs.

      3. Click Save to update the link properties.

      Delete a link
      1. Click a link in the list to select it.

      2. Click Delete Link.

      3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to permanently delete the links.

    7. To save the links, click Save.
    8. To close the Schedule Template Task dialog box, click the Close button (X) in the upper-right corner.

    Repeat steps a to i for all tasks that you want to add to the template.

  5. In the Schedule Templates dialog box, click Save Template.

Modify a schedule template

  1. In the list on the left of the Schedule Templates dialog box, select the template that you want to modify.
  2. Do any of the following:


    Do this

    Add a task to the schedule template

    See Create a schedule template.

    Modify an existing task

    1. In the Template Tasks list, select the task that you want to modify.

    2. Click Properties.

    3. In the Schedule Template Task, modify the task description, properties, and links according to your needs.

      For more information on task properties and links, see Create a schedule template.

    4. Click Save to save the changes.

    Move a task earlier or later in the schedule template

    1. In the Template Tasks list, select the task that you want to move earlier or later in the schedule template.

    2. Click the Move Up and Move Down to change the location of the task.

    Delete a task from the schedule template

    Note that deleting a task from the schedule template is permanent and cannot be undone.

    1. In the Template Tasks list, select the task that you want to delete.

    2. Click Delete Task.

    3. To permanently delete the task, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

  3. Click Save Template to save the changes.

Delete a schedule template

Note that deleting a schedule template is permanent and cannot be undone.

  1. In the list on the left of the Schedule Templates dialog box, select the template that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Template.
  3. To permanently delete the schedule template, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
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